Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 715 Contribution to the Decision

Chapter 715 Contribution to the Decision

When he appeared at the entrance to the part of the camp where the meeting was taking place, everyone was still very busy outside.

Bloody Lily turned to look behind her as she said:

"What's going on out there? What's all the noise about?"

There was concealment magic around the open area of the meeting, but even that wasn't enough to contain the noises of the euphoric crowd.

And the moment she turned back, her red eyes met Kaizen's eyes. Immediately, her eyes widened in surprise, but also something deeper, a connection that made her feel instantly relieved and safe.

"Kaizen," said Bloody Lily, her voice soft but firm and trying to contain her excitement and happiness. "It's good to see you back."

With his calm expression and Bloody Lily's permission, Kaizen entered the space where the meeting was taking place, with the players standing guard moving aside to give him space. He could feel everyone's eyes on him, a mixture of expectation and hope. The atmosphere was fraught with tension and uncertainty, but Kaizen seemed to be the beacon of light that everyone was eager to see what he had to say.

Bloody Lily was standing next to the large table, and she held a sword with a blood-red hilt and blade, a symbol of her status as leader of the Crimson Soldiers. Her red hair fluttered in the wind, adding a touch of bravery to her figure.

The large open-air table was centered in the meeting area, illuminated by the light of the torches that surrounded it. Detailed maps of the Kingdom of Mibothen were spread out on the table, marked with symbols and annotations representing critical information about the current situation.

The other players sitting at the table were Eraskan, Taznaar, Korgrak, Cephal, Eraskan, Jayaa and Draken.

Eraskan, with his slender face and piercing eyes, seemed to be examining a map in minute detail seconds before Kaizen entered.

Taznaar, the impulsive and impetuous player, was sitting next to Blood Lily, his expression still charged with impatience, even more so now that Kaizen was present. This was the first time they had met since their last confrontation a long time ago. He drummed his fingers on the table, gazing at the horizon with restless eyes.

For his part, Cephal was standing to the left of the Bloody Lily, watching Kaizen with curiosity and a smile at the corner of his mouth. He seemed calmer now, his explosive presence controlled by his respect for Kaizen.

As Kaizen approached the table, everyone's attention turned to him. He knew that everyone was eager to hear what he had to say. However, he didn't need to rush.

Kaizen walked over to the table, his gaze sweeping the group gathered around it. His eyes met Korgrak's and for a brief moment, something passed between them, a silent exchange of understanding and support. He then stopped next to the Bloody Lily and asked:

"How many do we have?" Referring to the number of allied soldiers.

"Thirty-two thousand." Korgrak quickly replied. "At least up to the last count, but they keep coming. The information you and your group have obtained has made it easier for many to choose whether or not to help."

Kaizen nodded in thanks. "Very well... I've entered the Royal Capital of Tretidian and seen what's going on inside. It's all empty, really."

"What do you mean 'empty'? What about the demons?" asked Taznaar.

The Psyker took a deep breath, seeing that he would need to explain almost everything, but mask some information about important things, such as the Mana Crystal, since it was too dangerous to expose what this item was capable of.

"What devastated Mibothen was a wave of shock and destruction caused by the link between Midgard and Muspelheim. It's not a portal that anyone can go through, it's a crack between these two worlds that allows things from our world to leak into Muspelheim, and things from Muspelheim to leak here." Kaizen began to explain.

With a hand on his chin, Eraskan said:

"That explains why this Corruption made of miasma is spreading throughout the kingdom and also why there were lesser demons roaming the kingdom."

"I see..." Taznaar muttered. "But what about other monsters? Aren't there any in the city?"

"Ask Bloody Lily and the others." Kaizen said. "They were in the city too."

"We thought the monsters would be in the center, near the capitol. There's nothing there?" Bloody Lily said, sitting down.

"No, that's the only place that isn't empty in the whole kingdom." Kaizen said.

At that moment, Cephal got up from his chair, put his hands on the table and asked:

"Why don't you just tell us what Fryft wanted with you instead of going on and on about it?"

Kaizen approached the table and pointed to the map, indicating a specific area in the center. "At first, they really wanted to summon Chaos, that was their main goal. However, since Fryft said that their leader, a player called Zylok, wanted me as an ally, I made it clear to him what would happen if he did indeed destroy Midgard."

"Kaizen, are you telling us that you threatened their leader?" Blood Lily asked, worried.

"It was risky, but I think that's more or less what it was. Zylok knew he was messing with a hive of bees and wasn't afraid of the consequences, but when you tell a bear that the other bears will be angry if the hive is destroyed, he tends to hesitate." Kaizen clarified.

"In other words, you told him about the other Evolved." Cephal said, sitting down again.

Kaizen nodded affirmatively.

The players' eyes were fixed on Kaizen, hanging on every word he uttered. He continued to explain the information he had gathered, mentioning the possibility of a negotiation, explaining the reason for the alliance between Zylok and Fryft, explaining the contract with the demons, etc.

Blood Lily listened attentively, her expression grave, as she processed Kaizen's words. She was aware of the weight of leadership she carried and the lives of the players under her command. Finally, she looked at Kaizen and said:

"Kaizen, your words give us hope and being able to finish this without a battle is hopeful, but this situation with the demons... How can we really resolve it? Fulfilling the contract will cause the rift between the worlds to close, preventing more demons and other things from Muspelheim from leaking into Midgard, but fulfilling the contract also means giving up the lives of all the players and NPCs in Mibothen, turning all of this around us into a dead and empty realm."

Taznaar, who had been impatient before, nodded in agreement. "Kaizen, how strong are these nine demons?"

"Strong enough to stop the thirty-two thousand players we have here. Each of them has the strength equivalent to an above-average Evolved, according to Zylok."

Eraskan, in his soft, calculated voice, added: "Kaizen, if you've come all this way to tell us all this instead of deciding it with the other two Evolved, it means that you believe we can find a better solution or that you already have an idea in mind and want to know what we think about it. Am I right?"

Kaizen nodded to Eraskan, recognizing the precision of his words. He knew that the decision that was about to be made would affect not only the players, but everyone who had disappeared. With a serious look on his face, he began to explain his idea.

"Yes, Eraskan, you're right. I came here because I believe that our collective intelligence can guide us to the best solution. My idea is to explore all possible options before making a final decision. We need to find a way to protect Midgard and its inhabitants, while avoiding sacrificing lives in a battle that could be catastrophic."

Taznaar couldn't sit still any longer. He stood up from the table, his eyes sparking with determination. "So, what's your proposal, Kaizen? How do you plan to deal with these demons and the rift between the worlds?"

Kaizen looked at the map on the table, his fingers tracing the lines that marked the location of the crack in Mibothen, literally on top of the capitol. "My suggestion is to place groups at different points in the city to attract the demons, all nine of them. At that point, one group will take advantage of the fact that the crack is unprotected and let itself be sucked into the crack. It's not a peaceful way and I'm sure many will die, but there's no reason to take novices to war in a direct confrontation against the nine demons all at once."

Bloody Lily frowned, skeptical. "So, after one of us makes it to Muspelheim, what will this one do?"

"Fryft said she was willing to help break this contract, so she will arrange a meeting with Surtr, pretending to negotiate, while the person accompanying her will break into Surtr's vault and steal the contract, then we can analyze it to find a loophole and finally release all the residents of Mibothen, thus preventing not only the war, but also Chaos from gaining a foothold, because if a war happens, regardless of whether someone invokes it, Chaos can take on a physical form. It's complicated to explain." Kaizen clarified everything he knew.

Cephal stood up this time and asked: "What about me? If Zylok doesn't need my powers, why hasn't he returned my strength?"

"He'll give it back, but first you need to occupy at least one demon. Do you think you can?" said Kaizen.

"Damn... he steals from me and still wants to use me."

"Does that mean you can't?" Bloody Lily teased him, following Kaizen's lead.

"It's not possible that the only Evolved here is going to tuck his tail between his legs and run away." Korgrak also teased him, resting his head on one of his arms.

Cephal gritted his teeth. "Rrr... All right, I'll help, only this Zylok is screwed in my hand after that. Anyway, which one of you is going to Muspelheim? It needs to be someone you can trust."

At that moment, everyone's gaze went to one person, the most determined and serious of them all. She had red hair and crimson armor, and yet she was surprised that so many people were staring at her.

"What? It can't be me, I'm weak. Kaizen is the one who should go." Bloody Lily said, a little nervous and shy.

Kaizen smiled. "You're the most suitable for the role, because as well as being calm, you also know how to be discreet. You're also strong, very strong, and don't think we haven't noticed, because you're always holding your own."

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