Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 723 Delgron

Chapter 723 Delgron

'It looks like Emma is going to have to be a bit patient and wait longer than expected.' Kaizen thought.

After all, in front of him stood a creature so large that it didn't even seem real. It was bigger than the Sea Dragon he had faced in the Wizard Tower, and just as big as the talking Dragon that Kaizen had been able to literally explore the inside of his stomach as if he were exploring a deep cave.

However, this time it wasn't a dragon, but a demon.

To make matters worse, the demon called Delgron didn't look normal at all in this giant form of his, quite the opposite, it was the most bizarre monster that all the players in the city had ever had the displeasure of seeing. He was like a spider, with lots and lots of limbs, but instead of legs, all ten of the demon's colossal limbs were hands with six fingers each, and each of those fingers was the size of a small house.

This type of creature was on another level of difficulty, it wasn't a creature like any other in this game, it was a walking disaster.

Despite this, Delgron still had a mind over it all and its body was still made of flesh, so it wasn't impossible to defeat it.

'The real question is how to do it with all these players around me. Kaizen talked to himself mentally, looking over his shoulder and seeing the players' astonished reaction.

Part of the main squad has been left behind, with Cephal facing the demon Lysan, but there are still plenty of players. This way, unlike all the other times Kaizen has fought tremendously strong creatures, now he's not alone.

'That's it... why am I so restless? If I've already managed to defeat creatures stronger than me alone, I can do it together. He looked at his own left hand and clenched his fist. 'I can coordinate them, just like I did in Myth 2, can't I?'

As everything shook with Delgron's approach and the players trembled, Kaizen turned his face slightly and looked at some of his companions. His eyes lit up and dozens of status screens appeared in his vision, with detailed information on each of his battle companions, such as classes, attributes, professions, titles and especially skills, the lists of which were very long.

Then Kaizen opened his characteristic wide smile and turned completely around.

When everyone looked at his smile, they remembered one thing: they had Kaizen by their side. And seeing Kaizen's smile was a shock even to Xisrith, who was also nervous.

"Player Umbermoon, gather all the archers and mages and help them quickly climb the buildings to our right and left with your vine skill!"

lightsΝοvel.cοm "Huh? How did he...?"

"Iscalon, you're going to lead an attack on the demon's rear with the assassins Nasza and Towerfall66. You must coordinate your attack on one of the legs he is leaning on. Wait for the right time to jointly use the skill <Invisible Cut> simultaneously."

'Does he know that the three of us have this ability?' Iscalon thought, but didn't ask out loud. "And how will we know the right time?"

"It will be at the final moment of the battle, when the Sentinel Guild's lines of defense fall... Now, pay close attention, no one here will fight alone, because alone we don't stand a chance, but if we fight together, there may be an opportunity to kill a creature above Legendary rank, so pay attention to my commands, but also follow your instincts. Understand?!"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Thus, the ten members of the Sentinel Guild with their retractable magic shields positioned themselves again in front of the other players, while the mages and archers split up in the buildings parallel to the main street to get a better view.

"What about us, Kaizen?" A warrior in samurai armor asked, and behind him several dozen more players with swords, axes, spears and other weapons waited for instructions."

"We?" Kaizen asked and raised his right hand until it was at chest height. "We can't stay on the ground, we'd be easy targets not only because of his hands, but because of his size and the amount of debris. So we'll fly." Kaizen pointed to the sky.

"FLY!?" Obviously everyone asked in amazement.

However, Kaizen didn't even give them time to ask any more questions, because he immediately responded with action.

In a risky gesture of manipulating his own ability of <Psychokinesis>, something he had difficulty doing even with a few people, he began to lift everyone up at the same time, enveloping them in a lilac aura that made everyone's bodies several times lighter than usual.

"I could control you like puppets, but what fun would that be for you? So I've partially nullified the gravity in your bodies. However, that's not the same as a Superman flight for two reasons." Kaizen raised his hand, ignoring the fact that Delgron was so close that his shadow blocking out the moon had begun to hover over them. "The first reason is that most of you aren't strong enough to propel yourselves very far, nor will you be able to stop at the right moment, so I'm going to help you at times by pulling or pushing you. And the second reason is that you won't have much balance, you're not used to the reduced gravity, but you'll feel freer than ever. Besides, it's freedom that we're going to need to get a creature like this." Kaizen turned to face Delgron.

As the demon was huge, he was able to catch up with them quickly, even though he was slow, so Kaizen raised his right hand and they all prepared themselves in the air. So, when his fingers moved gracefully in the air, the players at the front flew towards the demon.

The battle began.

At the same time, the archers fired arrows high into the air, which looked like rays of light cutting through the darkness, and this illuminated the battlefield.

The arrows hit Delgran quickly, and he shielded himself from the rest with one of his huge hands. At the same time, however, he picked up a piece of a building and threw it in the direction from which some of the arrows had come.

However, as the mages were together with the archers, just as Kaizen had asked, the debris flying towards the archers wasn't much of a problem, because the mages had formed a magical barrier to protect themselves and the archers.

Kaizen looked over his shoulder and smiled, then he pointed forward and shouted:

"Pashar, use your skill <Ikki>, I'll push you even harder so you can clear the way for the others."

The player Pashar, a lancer in blue armor, nodded without hesitation and activated the <Ikki> skill as requested. This skill made a red aura envelop her and a quartet of wings appeared on her back, making her able to propel herself forward once. She had never used this ability in the air, because the wings only pushed her in four directions, never upwards. Still, she trusted Kaizen and when she propelled herself forward at such a high speed that the others could hardly see her movement, Kaizen pushed her, increasing her speed.

Pashar's spear pierced a part of Delgron's torso, but the impact was so great that it shook the demon's front. This opened the monster's guard, at which point Kaizen shouted:

"Mages, now!"

The formation of mages in the parallel buildings responded immediately and the warriors at the forefront of the battle saw a festival of colors pass over their heads, with various types of offensive spells and attacks flying towards Delgron.

Again, he was hit and his body shook even more than before, but it was nowhere near enough to knock him to the ground.

Irritated by the players' insolence, Delgron responded with fury. His huge hands swung everywhere, trying to crush any player who dared to get close. However, as he had no eyes, he only desperately hit dozens of buildings.

Logically, the debris flew in several unpredictable directions, so some players were hit and they lost their lives immediately, with no chance to react.

However, in response to this desperate attack, a skilled warrior dived towards the demon, his sword cutting through the air with a sharp whistle and also deflecting the debris with the power of his mind alone. Of course, this warrior was Kaizen and his momentum motivated several other warriors and Tanks to invest as well.

The screams of excitement from the flying players caught the attention of Delgron, who although blind, was not deaf, and he swung one of his hands correctly in their direction, but Kaizen was the one in the vanguard, still carrying the King's Sword, so when the giant hand came close to hitting him, in one clean movement, the hand was snatched away and he flew off alone towards an empty building.

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