[LN] Volume 2: Chapter 8.1

[LN] Volume 2: Chapter 8.1

Volume 2 Chapter 8.1

Connecting Lights at the Lees of Shadows Part 1

Translator : PolterGlast

"Right here......"

Shina had returned to the place where she had encountered that demonic beast yesterday.

To settle the score with the jet-black demonic beast that had injured her friends. Above all, it was for her own personal reasons.

Although that monster was different from the one she had seen in her homeland, she couldn't leave that dangerous monster alone in this world.

"Fuu, fuu, fuu ......'"

Her breathing naturally became shallow and rough. Her heart was beating so fast that it made her ears ring, and cold sweat was pouring down her back.

(I'll win this time......)

As she told herself so, she released her magic power and spread it to her surroundings.

After making sure that the spirits that reacted to the dispersed magic power gathered together as particles of light, she spoke to them.

(Everyone, please answer me. That black, filthy beast. Please lend me your power to defeat it.)

[Spirit Contracts]

Contract magic to make a contract with spirits. It is also a magic that allows the user to connect with the spirits present in an area by using magic power, and to be able to use spirit magic that is only available to the spirit species.

However, in order to make a contract, an extremely high affinity with the spirits is required, and the time the contract can be held and the scale of the spirit magic that can be used depend on the spirits with whom the contract has been made.

Although it is originally classified as a form of magic, it can only be used by elves, who by nature have a far superior affinity with spirits than other races, and careful preparation is required for other races to succeed with this magic.

For this reason, it is a magic that is practically treated like a different ability possessed by elves.

(Why ....... Why don't you guys answer me?)

However, Shina still could not sense the will of the spirits.

Even though she called out desperately, the spirits did not respond.

Impatience grew, and even though she desperately tried to tell her own mind to calm down, impatience led to frustration, and the flow of released magic power became chaotic.

The distance between her and the spirits who were watching her from afar became more distant, which further aggravated her frustration.

(In the past, if I talked to them, they were all happy to respond......)

Tears welled up in her eyes as she recalled a time when she knew nothing and was happy.

(Raz ......)

Remembering a former spirit friend who has disappeared.

Long ago, they used to play together, eat snacks together in the trees, and sleep together with the same elven friends.

Despite its beautiful appearance, it was a foul-mouthed spirit, but when she thought back on it, it was a thoughtful and irreplaceable friend.

Now it was no more than a memory.

Her heart ached as if it were creaking.

(Please! I don't want Mimuru and the others to be in any more danger! Please, everyone, lend me a hand!)

She kept calling out to the spirits, using even the pain as a driving force to motivate herself.

Mimuru and Tom. Especially with Mimuru, she had been in conflict with her on every occasion, but only at those times was the pain of her 20-year-old wound lessened. She could say what she wanted to say with all her might.

She was able to loosen the taut threads, even if only a little.

She kept drawing out her magic power desperately, thinking of her precious friends in the back of her mind. At that moment, the image of another person, a man, appeared in her mind.

(Why does his face pop into my head ......?)

Nozomu Bountis. The one whom she had called a scumbag and kept rejecting.

In fact, Shina has witnessed his infidelity firsthand.

She didn't even feel sorry for him and thought he was untrustworthy to begin with.

But he risked his life to save her, with whom he would have had an antagonistic relationship.

His appearance when he came forward as a decoy was so gallant that she couldn't believe he was the same person that she had formerly seen.

(Why did you save me?)

She wanted to ask him.

And once the question came to mind, it became a multitude of interests, and even at a time like this, it made her heart swell.

But she exhaled heavily with regret, convinced that it was probably not possible to ascertain.


The surrounding atmosphere changed abruptly. The spirits that had gathered around her disappeared.

A feeling that could never be forgotten. From behind the overgrown bushes, countless crimson eyes were staring at her.


"You've grown quite ugly ......"

A deformed beast made its appearance. Its appearance had undergone a major transformation since she encountered it yesterday.

Almost all that remains of its appearance as Garm is gone, and its physique has become bloated.

The lower half of its body is covered with bare muscles, and countless eyeballs are open and wriggling all over its body.

The tail has split into three and grown huge. It had jagged blades like a saw, and it seemed to have decided that Shina in front of it was its prey, as it swayed and pointed its tip at her.

Even from its outward appearance, it was hard to believe that it had once been a Garm. But what frightened Shina more than anything else was the light of a foreign source element emanating from the deformed beast.

(As I thought, this demonic beast has the power of a spirit......)

The horror that seemed out of this world made Shina's heart shrink.

To begin with, only the spirit species that supported this world could handle the power of the source element. Even elves could only borrow such power in exchange for their magic power.

However, that power was being radiated from this beast's entire body in an uncontrolled manner.


Shina braced her trembling legs, bit her lip tightly, pulled multiple arrows from her quiver, and poised her bow.

There was no time to make a contract with the spirits.

She only has one chance. She must use all the power she has cultivated so far to defeat the black beast before it closes the distance.

Pulling the string with all her strength, the bow bent with a grinding sound.

The bow was pulled to its limit, and she infused the arrow with all the magic she could muster.

Full power from the very beginning.

The engraving on the arrow began to glow with the magic power sent into it, and at the same time, a spell was chanted and deployed.

The strengthening magic by the formation method enhanced the strength of the arrows, and they began to emit dazzling light.

Then, the magic by chanting method generated a powerful whirlwind that enveloped the arrow enchanted with the strengthening magic.

This was a simultaneous deployment of magic using two different techniques, the formation method and the chanting method.

Both the formation and chanting methods of magic used in Arcazam are the newest methods of magic deployment on this continent. At the same time, they are both heretical techniques for the elves, who have been dependent on the assistance of spirits.

However, these heretical techniques were the power that Shina Juliel, who had lost her spirit magic, had honed in this town.

Its precision was in no way inferior to that of the elite soldiers of the various countries who had fought in the Great Invasion.



Shina fired the arrow she had been preparing at the roaring, rushing demonic beast.

The arrow, imbued with radiant light, was accelerated by the whirlwind, and it shot in a straight line toward the beast.

The beast, however, twisted its head and caught Shina's arrow with its fangs.

After a moment's struggle, the wind-enveloped arrow was crushed with a creaking sound.

"Not yet!"

But Shina, too, had already anticipated that a single arrow would not work.

She took out three engraved arrows at once, filled them with magic power and released them.

"Ugh, oooohh......!"

The engraved arrows were shot in rapid succession. One arrow, two arrows, three arrows.

In the blink of an eye, the pressure in its mouth quadrupled, and the [Deformed Demonic Beast] groaned.

"Take this!"

Furthermore, Shina shot one more arrow without fail.

The engraved arrow, which was infused with the largest amount of magic power ever, gained acceleration and flew into the mouth of the demonic beast, causing the atmosphere to tremble, and unleashing its contained magic power all at once.

Combined with the magic power of the four arrows that had already been shot before, *Boom!*, a powerful blast of energy blew forth.


Shina's body was blown away by a blast that seemed to shred her entire body.

She was slammed to the ground, and air leaked from her lungs.

"Did I get it ......?"

Forcing her creaking, aching body, she managed to raise her upper body to check on the demonic beast.


Amidst the blue-colored magic residue dancing in the air, the figure of the deformed beast was revealed.

There was not a single scratch on the beast, even after receiving a burst of magic power in its mouth.

Upon closer inspection, the light of the source element gathered in the mouth of the [Deformed Demonic Beast].

At the moment when Shina's engraved arrows exploded, it must have used the power of the source element to protect it from the explosion.


A breath of murderous intent escaped through the gaps between its fangs. Countless crimson eyes glared at Shina again.

The [Deformed Demonic Beast]'s limbs tensed up and its body lowered down. Clearly, it was in a stance with the intent to launch an attack.

Shina, on the other hand, could not move her body properly due to the pain from being slammed to the ground.

Her fingertips trembled, and even her hand holding the bow was only trembling and twitching.

(...... It's not working, huh?......)

In the face of death from which there was no escape, Shina exhaled heavily one last time.

A sense of weakness assailed her in the face of a reality from which she could not escape. The feelings that had been frozen and taut since the Great Invasion were breaking down, draining her of all energy.

It was the moment when her heart, which had been continuously fighting, broke for the first time.

(It's over, I'm done ......)

Numerous regrets flashed through her mind at this moment.

The fact that she had wasted the wishes of her parents and sister, who had risked their lives to allow her to escape. The fact that she could not reclaim her homeland back. The fact that she could not reconcile with Mimuru and the others who accompanied her. And the fact that she wasted the efforts of the man who shouldered her responsibility and helped her escape yesterday.

The [Deformed Demonic Beast] kicked the ground. Whether it was because of the imminent death or not, the beast's movement seemed to be very slow to her.

(I'm sorry......)

An apology that came out of her mouth unintentionally. Shina gently tried to close her eyes, as if accepting her impending death, while uttering words that she did not know to whom she was directing them.

At that moment, in her hazy vision, a single small lapis lazuli-colored light danced in the air.

The floating light, flickering and flashing seemingly in a frenzy, flew around as if it was standing between Shina and the demonic beast.

(A spirit? You all should have run away......)

Frightened by the foreign source element emitted by the [Deformed Demonic Beast], the spirits in the surrounding area should have already disappeared.

All but a single micro-spirit that suddenly appeared. Its light was so weak compared to the other spirits that it looked as if it would vanish at any moment.

However, the micro-spirit stood between the demonic beast and Shina, as if to say, "Stay away from her".

Its fragile yet strong will reminded her of her former friend.


The name of her friend, who should have disappeared, came out of her mouth unintentionally, and the lapis lazuli-colored micro-spirit trembled.


However, before she could even confirm it, the black demonic beast was already right in front of her.

Its huge jaws were opened, and it was about to tear her body apart.

And just as its mouth was about to close,


With a loud cry, "he" intervened between Shina and the demonic beast.

His body was clad in the most powerful Qi one had ever seen, with a faint scent of spirit.

"This is bad!"

When Nozomu finally found Shina, the fangs of the demonic beast were about to reach her.


There was no time to think. Nozomu tore off the chains that bound him, and activated his [Flash Step] with all his might.

Due to the damage left over from yesterday and the enormous amount of Qi he unleashed at once, the muscles in his legs were torn and the skin was ripped, but he didn't give a damn about it, and he intervened between Shina and the demonic beast and drew his katana.

[Qi-jutsu?One Billion Severance]

If [Phantom] is a slash that slices, then this is a slash that gouges. The released Qi blades expand and explode into countless needles, and the opponent's body is scraped apart.


Nozomu's [One Billion Severance] scraped through the source element that the [Deformed Demonic Beast] was clad in and gouged out its mouth in a large chunk.

The beast's head shook and a large amount of blood spilled from its gouged mouth.

In the meantime, Nozomu grabbed Shina by the collar and retreated.

"Y-, you! What are you doing here?!"

Shina couldn't believe that she was saved and, more importantly, that Nozomu was here, and her eyes widened and froze. The corner of her eyes lifted as she began to comprehend the situation.

"That should be my line, you idiot! What are you doing here, rushing in all by yourself without any chance of winning!? You're the one who's being reckless!"

"What did you just call me!? An idiot!? I had a plan to win!"

"Then why were you in such a desperate situation!?"

"S-, shut up! I just screwed up a little bit!"

"Just screwed up a little bit!? That's even worse!"

Curses flying back and forth. The two, whose emotions had gone off, temporarily forgot about their regrets, remorse, and various other pent-up feelings, and started screaming and yelling.


The beast's roar echoed through the forest. Nozomu regained his composure upon hearing the roar and turned to glare at the [Deformed Demonic Beast] while readying his weapon.


*Creak-creak*, *Snap^......

The sounds of something being torn to shreds deep within his body, made Nozomu clench his teeth.

(I can't release it for too long......)

The release of [Ability Suppression] that he had been performing since yesterday. The accumulated damage had already reached a level that could not be ignored, and he was in a state that could collapse at any moment.



Perhaps sensing the damage that Nozomu had sustained, the next moment, the [Deformed Demonic Beast] attacked him, raising its three saw-like massive tails. The wounds inflicted by Nozomu earlier had already regenerated.


Facing the approaching greatsword-like tails, Nozomu dared to step forward and swung his katana.

If he were to avoid it, Shina, who was behind him, would be killed.

The air trembled and roared as the tail struck, but Nozomu did not retreat, instead, he deflected and repelled the oncoming barrage of blows.

Nozomu heard the sound of Shina gasping for breath behind him, but he kept on fighting, not backing down.

Fortunately, the beast regarded Nozomu as a threat and paid no attention to Shina.

(There is no time. Then I have to defeat it before my body gives up!)


He deflected the three thrusting tails with minimal movement, then stepped forward and struck a barrage of [Qi-jutsu?One Billion Severance].

One, two, three, four blows.

The four blows, released in an instant, once again tore through the source element that the demonic beast was clad in, exploding and gouging out a wide area of the beast's flesh.


In desperation, the demonic beast launched its two tails.

Nozomu sliced both tails with a high-speed upward slash and a downward slash.

The huge tails flew in the air.



In front of the stunned demonic beasts, Nozomu went on the offensive at once.

The opponent's regenerative ability is not half-baked. Without a doubt, it surpassed even Rugato, whom Nozomu had defeated at the Francilt mansion.

If so, he must attack until it could not regenerate.

While hammering more slashes into the gouged-out wounds, he went around to the right side of the demonic beast and severed its right fore and hind legs with a single slash.


Furthermore, with both hands poised at his waist, he struck the demonic beast's flanks with a [Qi-jutsu?Shock Cannon], which broke the beast's balance. The huge body of the demonic beast was blown away by the intense pressure of the erupted Qi.


The beast collapsed to the ground, knocking over several trees with its huge body.

Nozomu, determined to finish it off this time, pointed the tip of his katana at the beast and poured more Qi than ever into [Mumei].

The katana's blade began to glow with a dazzling light as the Qi poured into it.

(With this ...... it's over!)

And just as Nozomu was about to activate his [Flash Step] and finish it off in one stroke.


The intense nausea and pain that came over him stopped him in his tracks.

He involuntarily put his hand over his mouth and found that it was drenched in bright red blood.

(Oh no, I can't breathe......)

His breathing stopped and his rising Qi fizzled out.

Breathing is very important when dealing with Qi. At the same time, since Qi itself is a power that depends on the body, any changes in the body will directly affect the accuracy of the Qj-jutsu.

The beast, taking advantage of the momentary pause in Nozomu's relentless onslaught, regenerated the leg that had been severed and lowered its body to the ground in an attempt to pounce on Nozomu.


"I won't let you!"

However, Shina compensated for this gap.

She fired an arrow with her bow, which she drew with all her might, aiming at the regenerating foreleg of the demonic beast.

The arrow pierced the regenerating beast's left foreleg and exploded. The foreleg was destroyed once again, preventing the beast from rushing forward.

"Run, now!"

Shina urged Nozomu to retreat, but Nozomu could not respond to her call. His accumulated burden in his body was heavier than he had expected.

"*Cough*, gahah......"

His breathing was obviously not normal.

No matter how much he breathed in, the suffocation did not disappear, and a bad premonition came to Nozomu's mind.

(Not good, is there a hole in my lung?)

If a hole were to be punctured in the lung, air would leak from it when breathing, compressing the lungs and causing breathing problems.

In the worst case, not only the lungs but also the heart and various internal organs would be damaged, leading to death.

Furthermore, against his will, his knees gave up and Nozomu collapsed on the spot.

"Ugh, gah......"

Tiamat's uncontrollable power raged through his entire body, devouring his entire being.

The same excruciating pain that had pierced his lungs now began to consume his entire body.

He could not go on any longer. But the beast was still alive, it kept regenerating.

At that moment, from behind the bushes came the sound of rumbling footsteps.


"W- what!?"

The next moment, a gigantic clay golem, perhaps three times the height of a man, emerged from the bushes.

On top of the golem were the figures of Mimuru, Tom, Kevin, and Karanti, who were supposed to have parted ways at Shino's hut.

"Wha ......!"


As if following Mimuru's call, the massive golem, made of hardened earth, rushed toward the demonic beast. It pushed the beast to the ground and slammed it into a huge tree.



Mimuru, with Tom on her back, jumped off the golem, followed by Kevin and Karanti.

Kevin and Karanti then rescue Nozomu, who was crouched on the ground. Meanwhile, Mimuru headed toward Shina, who was still in a daze.

"E-, eh, eh?"

"Shi ―――――― na~a~a~a~a! You, foolish Elf ―――――!"

Mimuru charged at the elf girl, pushing Shina down and pinching her white, soft cheek.

"I-, hi ~ya, hi ~ya! Hi~yahyehye ―――!"

"Who are you to give up, you foolish elf!? You went ahead on your own, got depressed on your own, then disappeared on your own ....... Spare me and Tom the frustration of worrying about you ―――!"

Kevin's mouth hung open as he looked downward at Nozomu, while Karanti's cheeks puffed out as she glanced down at him.

"Yo, looks like you're alive, huh?"

Kevin snorted sarcastically at Nozomu's silent gaze, which was filled with questions about why they had come here.

"Well, I've been venting my anger at that elf for a while now, and as the leader of the party, I can't just abandon you here."

"Nozomu-kun, I'll heal you up now, will you just relax a little?"

Tom, whose upper body was bandaged, rushed to Nozomu and reached into his pocket.

Nozomu, letting out a ragged breath, reapplied the [Ability Suppression] to his body. The surging Qi calmed down.

After confirming that Nozomu's Qi had calmed down, Tom quickly began the treatment. He gave him a potion he had in his cape pocket and cast a healing spell on him.

"Why are you here ......?"

"There's no way we're leaving you two behind. Besides, we all wanted to say a few words to Shina......"

"My party took a rest in your hut, after all."

Pain and discomfort fade away. Nozomu felt relief as his breathing calmed down.

"T-, thank you."

"No problem, and thanks to you, Nozomu-kun, we're able to keep Shina safe. Of course, I'll let her take some punishment from Mimuru."

Nozomu's cheeks twitched involuntarily as Tom smiled at him with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Tom, that gigantic golem is ......"

"It's a golem that was created by combining the magic power of Kevin's party members. It's impossible to deal with that demonic beast alone, so I gave it the ability to regenerate itself, so it can buy us some time."


The golem was blown away as the demonic beast roared. However, just as Tom said, even though the knocked-down golem crumbled under the impact, it immediately began to regenerate.


"The injured should stay put. This is our turn."

"Wait a minute. What about your other party members? ......"

"They can't move yet. And it's too late to evacuate them. That's why we have to do something about this beast right here."

After saying so, Kevin quickly stepped forward to protect Nozomu and the others.

"But I never thought the Garm I failed to kill would end up becoming such a monster......."

Contrary to his light tone of voice, his expression was filled with tension.

He lowered his waist and clenched his fists. The leather strap of the gauntlet he wore creaked as the Qi that filled his body rose like steam.

Next to him, Karanti took up a stance and Mimuru drew her dagger.


The next moment, along with the sound of muscles creaking from the bodies of the three, their bodies began to transform.

Their fur grew longer, their eyes narrowed, and their claws extended, transforming them into a more beast-like form.


A "racial ability" possessed by beastmen, an ability to transform one's own body and further enhance one's already superior physical abilities.

Unlike abilities that manifest themselves on each individual, "racial ability" is a general term for the unique abilities possessed by each race.

The ability to "turn into a bat" of the vampire that Nozomu once fought is also a form of "racial ability".

Beastification, a racial ability of beastmen, is a very powerful ability.

Their drastically increased physical abilities also amplify their Qi abilities, which is the source of their life force, resulting in an exponential increase in their own fighting abilities.

Furthermore, Kevin even used his ability [Qi-Lightning Transformation] and began to cover his body with lightning.

This is a combination of his racial ability and unique ability.


While howling like beasts, Kevin, Karanti, and Mimuru leaped at the [Deformed Demonic Beast].

Kevin thrust out his fist of lightning from his waist, while Karanti and Mimuru unleashed a series of leg blows.



The air exploded with an impact that shook the trees of the forest.

Their combined blows, as if they were breathing in unison, caused the [Deformed Demonic Beast], which was more than twice their size, to stumble backward slightly.

With the momentum of the blows, the three dashed at the [Deformed Demonic Beast] and kept on smashing it with their four limbs while screaming.

"You fools ....... You won't even be able to retreat......"

The problem is that the manifestation of a racial ability has a significant drawback in some cases.

While the "beastification" of beastmen greatly enhances their physical abilities, it also paralyzes their fear and other perceptions, resulting in a significant reduction in their ability to make rational judgments.

As a result, their fighting behavior is straightforward, and they have no concern for their own safety.

And despite their beastification, they are not as strong as [Deformed Demonic Beasts] in terms of their raw potential.

In fact, Kevin had used not only beastification but also [Qi-Lightning Transformation], but he had not been able to inflict any damage on the beast.


The roaring demonic beast caused the wind to billow as if to hinder them.

It became a black wind that blew Kevin and the others away.

The beast transformed its huge saw-like tails into spears, hurling them toward the three of them.



The jet-black spears loomed over the three, who were still in the air and defenseless. The three took advantage of their increased physical capabilities and their superior sense of balance to adjust their stances in the air, but they were not able to evade in time.


However, the restored golem compensated for the gap between the three of them.

It intervened in the path of the three outstretched tails, intercepting the attack of the [Deformed Demonic Beast] with its huge body.


The golem's head and torso were severely damaged by the impact.

However, the golem immediately began to regenerate due to the regenerative ability that Tom had bestowed upon it.

Conversely, the golem pinned the tails that had pierced into it with its regenerated body, and in the meantime, Kevin and the others attacked the magical beast once again.

With the three of them specializing in all-out attacks and the golem's defense that relied on its regenerative ability, they were engaged in a walk-a-tightrope battle against the [Deformed Demonic Beast].

"It's no use ...... You won't be able to defeat that beast that way......"

Shina's powerless voice echoed.

In fact, she could see where Kevin and the others would end up in the battle.

Their attacks, like Shina's engraved arrows, were blocked by the source element that the [Deformed Demonic Beast] was clad in, and they were not able to land any effective blows.

Moreover, the effect of the source element that the demonic beast wore began to suck out the magic power that was constructing the golem's body.

The golem's regenerative ability, which had been supporting its defense, gradually became unable to keep up.

"Shina, we don't have much time. Come here."

Tom took Shina to the rear, where the aftermath of the battle could not reach them, and began to draw a formation on the ground around her with nearby stones.

"Tom, what are you- ......"

"I'm going to ask you one straightforward question, Shina. That beast has the power of a spirit race, doesn't it?"

"Y-, yeah......"

"I knew it. The only way for everyone to survive here is for you to be able to use spirit magic."

A hexagram representing the six elements. Surrounding it were multiple magic formations that resembled concentric rings.

It was somewhat similar to Tima Lime's magic circle.

"Spirits can feed on both magic and Qi. On top of that, that demonic beast is quite a glutton. My golem is not a good match for it, and it won't last long."

Furthermore, Tom placed magic stones imbued with the six attributes of red, blue, green, yellow, white, and black at each point of the hexagram. It was truly an altar with magic formations and ritual tools.

Contracting with spirits is where elves excel the most. However, it does not mean that humans cannot also contract with spirits.

It is possible to temporarily borrow the power of a spirit by performing a suitable ritual with a very limited number of people. For this purpose, Tom built an altar, albeit a simple one, at this location.

"Shina, calls out to the spirits through the center of this formation."

"E-, eh?......."

"Just focus on talking to the spirits. I'll support you."

"A-, as I said, I'm- ......."

"Don't worry. As long as Mimuru and the others can fight, that beast won't be able to touch you."

"No, that's not it! Why did you guys come here!? I hurt you all so much!

From Shina's mouth, what she had been suppressing until now began to overflow.

The cries of a girl bound by the past burst forth.

"If I hadn't been so reckless, everyone would have been safe! I am always so bossy, always telling people what to do, but when push comes to shove, I can't do anything, so why are you bothering to help me when I can do nothing!?"

Having finished screaming for a brief moment, she looked down and let out a rough breath, huffing and puffing.

Tom looked at Sheena with a calm expression on his face and said, "I have a message from Mimru," and then slowly opened his mouth.

"It's because we disagree with what you did. Especially Mimuru......"


"We don't want to hesitate, so we act, we chase after you. We don't need any reason to care about the person we love. You know that very well, don't you Shina?"


"That's why she won't give up."

Shina, with a complicated expression of mixed surprise and satisfaction on her face, shifted her gaze to Mimuru, who was still fighting the [Deformed Demonic Beast].

Even from a distance, Mimuru's body was already covered with numerous cuts.

Although she is not fatally wounded, the course of the battle is clear.

Even so, she would not stop fighting.

She was struggling to protect her friends from the evil that was about to befall them, charging across the ground as if she were the embodiment of her own unshakable will.

At that moment, Shina and Mimru's gazes crossed.

Mimuru's mouth turned up slightly and a smile appeared on her face.

It was a smile that seemed out of place in such a dire situation. However, the smile conveyed Mimuru's voice, which Shina should not have been able to hear.

[When this is over, I'll have you tell me everything! I won't let you get away with it!]

Even without words, her best friend's warmth gently wrapped her heart and melted the ice that had covered it.

Just as spring sunlight melted away the snow that had accumulated over the winter.


"Mimuru came here to learn more about you, to be friends with you, to be your companion, and to be a part of your life. And of course, so did I. Well, he was the first one to make a move though."


Shina's gaze turned from Mimuru and the others to Tom and then to Nozomu.

He was still crouched down, breathing heavily, as if he was still struggling to catch his breath.

Yes, more than anyone else, he was the first to come to her rescue.

He risked himself, risked his life, twice.

"U-, um......"

"Don't worry about me. For now, let's just focus on those who are fighting ....... There is still time. It's not over yet......." f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

"...... Un."

There is still time.

Shina nodded her head with a slight, but sincere smile in response to Nozomu's words.

She felt a twinge in the back of her nose, and tears naturally welled up.

Yes, Mimuru and the others are not dead yet. They are still fighting for everyone with all their might.

It is not over yet, just as it was 20 years ago.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she stood up.

"Tom, please."

The cage of her frightened, frozen heart gently unraveled.

The melting ice water became new sustenance, giving her a reason to stand up again. A desire to respond to the feelings of her friends here and now.

"Yeah. Leave it to me."

Tom nodded at the quiet but strong voice of Shina.

When she looked up again, her face was stained with tears, but she was staring straight ahead.


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Danial Azman


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