[LN] Volume 3 Side Story

[LN] Volume 3 Side Story

Volume 3Side Story

Insectโ€™s Temptation

Translator : PolterGlast

I had never felt so sure that I was in love with someone as I had felt at that moment.

I remembered being at a loss for words when she smiled at me.

"Hello. I am Lisa Hounds, nice to meet you!"

The red-haired girl, born to an adventurer father and mother, came to Oire village, her mother's hometown, after her father passed away.

Oire Village. A small village in one of the small nations that make up the Confederation of Small Nations.

"I heard that Lisa's mother is an adventurer. Ken, why don't we go talk to her?"

Without fully listening to my friend, who was looking a little excited next to me, I simply nodded my head half-heartedly, while fawning over the sun-like smile on Lisa's face.

It was the so-called love at first sight .......

The days I spent with her were peaceful, yet it turned the grayness of my daily life into a vivid colorful experience.

Being the same age, we naturally started hanging out together.

Lisa had traveled to many places with her parents, who were adventurers, and she quickly became accustomed to the village and, before I knew it, she became very popular.

However, I could never express my feelings to her. Partly because I was too shy, and had never expressed my feelings to anyone before.

But the biggest reason was the best friend beside me. Nozomu Bountis.

He was also attracted to Lisa. But I didn't mind.

The three of us were always together. Lisa, Nozomu, and I were always equal to each other.

But that started to fall apart little by little.

What was the first trigger? ๐Ÿ๐—ฟee๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฏ๐งo๐˜ƒel.๐œo๐š–

Maybe it was that incident about a year after Lisa's arrival.

"Get the hell out of our playground, stranger!"

"What are you saying? You said the first one to arrive gets to play for the day, so at least keep your word!"

Mujiru, the brat general of Oire village, lashed at Lisa, and she retorted not to be outdone. And behind him stood several of his cronies.

A lone pine tree stood on top of the hill that surrounded the village. It had been a playground for the children, and we would compete over it.

After finishing our work at home, we arrived first, as usual. We were supposed to be able to play there until sunset.

"Shut up, my father is the village chief!"

But on that particular day, Mujiru was very demanding. Perhaps he was being scolded or something while helping out at home.

Mujiru was the son of the village chief and was so big that none of the children his age could disobey him, but things changed when Lisa came to this village.

She had a fearless personality and, perhaps having been trained by her adventurer parents, she was as strong as a boy. She even overpowered Mujiru and became the leader of the children.

Naturally, Mujiru was not happy about this.

On this particular day, his frustration grew worse when he was scolded by Lisa, and he ignored the rules he had set himself and ordered us to leave.

"What do you mean by bringing that up!? What does your father have to do with it!? Besides, don't you think it's pathetic that you can't even follow your own rules!"

"Shut the fuck up, you parentless bitch!"


Parentless. Hearing these words, Lisa's eyes widened for a moment and she froze as if her chest had been pierced by an icicle. Her eyes trembled and her lips twitched in a straight line.

Then Mujiru shoved Lisa's motionless shoulder roughly.


Lisa let out a small shriek as she fell to the ground on her butt. Tears welled up in her wavering eyes.


Normally, she would retort, "What did you say!?" but she was unable to move, perhaps remembering her late father.

Perhaps convinced of their advantage by her behavior, not only Mujiru but also the other cronies began to verbally abuse Lisa.

While I was at a loss for words because of her fragile appearance, which was hard to imagine from her usual strong personality.......

"You son of a bitch!"

Nozomu's face turned red with anger and he pounced on Mujiru. He used his momentum to push Mujiru, who was bigger than he was, down.


"Apologize to her!"

Light returned to Lisa's frightened eyes. Seeing this, I immediately pounced on Mujiru as well.

The two of us beat the crap out of Mujiru's face, but since they outnumbered us, they quickly pulled us off of him.

"H-How dare you two do this to me!"

Mujiru's face was swollen and his eyes were full of tears as he gasped for air.

"Bring it on...... you orc-nose!"


At that moment, the recovered Lisa delivered an all-out dropkick.

The brat general was hit in the face with a powerful kick, and fell to the ground with a bleeding nose.

As it was, the brat general was knocked out. His cronies spat out a few words of warning and ran away, carrying Mujir on their backs.

But we were no longer in the mood to play.

All three of us said nothing and just kept staring up at the sky with our backs against the lone pine tree.

When the sun was over the hills, Lisa finally spoke up.

"I guess I really am an outsider after all."


Her soliloquy began. She talked about the times her mother and father, who were adventurers, took her to various places.

"I really enjoyed my travels. The city of the water lakes in Aburyues, the freedom cities of Rivetas and Araena."

The village spread out beneath the hills, but much further away. Her story went on, reminiscing about the time she was traveling.

"When I was traveling, everything seemed new and sparkling. Sure, there were days when it was cold and I couldn't sleep or eat a full meal, but my father and mother were always smiling."

For her, at least, every day was a day that she could truly call happiness. Until her father passed away......

Although Oire Village is a remote village, fortunately, it has never been subjected to any major calamities since we were born. There was no famine, no ferocious magical beasts in the vicinity, no war, only peace.

"Certainly, I am now not in any danger. I can always sleep in a warm bed and never freeze. But ......"

"Do you want to be like your father, Lisa?"

Lisas nodded her head in response Nozomu's question.

That immense warmth when she could not sleep because she was afraid of the darkness of the night or the howling of the demonic beasts.

The heat of that warmth smoldered deep in her heart, along with the many places her father had shown her during their travels.

"Don't worry, Lisa. Once Lisa grows up, it won't be a problem. You can go on a journey, and I'm sure your mother won't be opposed to you becoming an adventurer like your father."

"That's right. Since your mother was an adventurer, too, I'm sure she would have no objection to you becoming an adventurer."

Such irresponsible words from children. But our words made her smile.

"Un, I've made up my mind. I'm going to be an adventurer!"

Lisa declared her dream very clearly, as if to say it to herself.

That was the moment she decided to become an adventurer.

"My father told me. He said that some of the greatest people on the continent gathered and built a special town. There they have the biggest school on the continent, where people can learn everything there is to know about the world!"

From this moment on, she decided to go to the Solminati Academy.

And after that, we decided to go straight back to the village.

"Umm...... Thank you, both of you."

"N-no...... don't mention it."


The words of gratitude Lisa gave me on the way home made my heart beat faster.

But at the same time, I noticed it. When she looked at Nozomu, there was a warmth in her eyes that I had never seen before.

And as I watched her walk away with her sister, Nozomu and I made a promise.

We promised to support Lisa's dream which was to eventually leave this small village for the vast, dazzling world.

We decided to go to the Solminati Academy, and while going about our daily lives as before, we continued to train and study in our own inadequate ways.

As the years passed, we grew taller and gradually became more mature.

And so did the relationship between the three of us.

Even though it may not look the same from the outside, it certainly has changed.

Lisa's eyes became even brighter as she gazed at Nozomu, and her tone of voice became noticeably more cheerful when she spoke to him.

Every time I saw her like that, I felt a suffocation like a choking sensation in my chest.

But that was okay.

Because Nozomu is a sincere and good guy. I was a little pained, but at the time, I was genuinely hoping that the two of them would work things out.

[You, can you see me? It's the first time I've seen a human being like you!]

"What are you......?"

Then, under that lone pine tree, I met a girl with light blue wings.

Her small body and shining wings reminded me of fairies in fairy tales. Lights, fluttering around as if dancing, give off an air of holiness. Her appearance made it clear at first glance that she was something special.

[I am Mefi. I am a water spirit. Hmm~~, you seem to be special.]


And then I found out. That I was a special human being.

A feeling of elation, almost like trepidation, ran up and down my spine.


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