[LN] Volume 4: Chapter 7.1

Volume 4 Chapter 7.1

Seeds of Rekindling Part 1

Translator : PolterGlast

*Step, step, step, step*.......

In the hospital attached to the Gloaurum Institution. Shina Juliel and Razward were making their way down the cold, quiet, white corridor.

Their destination was a certain hospital room. Once they arrived at their destination, she slowly regulated her breathing. There was a nameplate on the door with the name of Nozomu Bountis written on it. She put her hand on the doorknob and opened it noiselessly. Long black hair could be seen through the gap of the door.

"Irisdina-san, you're here."

"Oh, Shina-kun, huh......"

Despite it being early in the morning, Irisdina had already visited the hospital room.

On the table beside her were trays of replacement bandages and disinfectants, as well as tubs of clean water and towels. Nozomu, wrapped in bandages all over his body, was lying quietly on the only bed in the hospital room.

Both Nozomu and Ken were swallowed by the raging waters, but Nozomu was able to be found.

It was thanks to the communication earring he was wearing.

Originally, it was a magical device made of a special stone called a curbstone. Combined with the fact that there was a communication link, they were able to quickly locate him as he was swallowed by the raging waters.

It was also fortunate that Shina, who had sensed Nozomu's situation, immediately sent Razward to his rescue.

Razward rushed into the water supply through the exit from which Irisdina and the others had escaped. He pushed aside the rushing water with his wind spirit power and tracked Nozomu. As a result, they were able to rescue him not long after he was swept away by the waters.

Incidentally, the water that had flooded up to the water supply managed to be drained out by the emergency drainage mechanism installed. However, in exchange, the water supply in the residential area was completely cut off. It was estimated that it would take more than a week to restore it.

After being rescued, Nozomu was rushed to a hospital room in the Gloaurum Institution.

And several days have passed. He still has not regained consciousness.

"Irisdina-san, how is Nozomu-kun's condition......?"

"He still hasn't woken up. At this rate, who knows when he's going to wake up...... Even Fadrey-dono cannot bring back Nozomu's consciousness."

According to Fadray, there are parts of the human body that can be restored to normal and parts that cannot. This is especially true for the functions related to the head, and he cannot do anything about this part.


[Chichichi...... (It's not working, after all. I can't seem to connect the link directly to wake it up).]


Irisdina gently placed her hand on Nozomu's cheek. The heat that gradually transmitted from the palm of her hand told her that he was still alive.

That's why it was so frustrating, and sadness stirred deep in her heart.

At that moment, the door was opened and Norn entered the room.

"Good morning, you two. I see you're here again today."

"Yes, I'm sorry, Norn-sensei, for asking you to do something unreasonable......"

"Don't worry about it. You guys are just concerned about him, right?"

Nozomu was currently not allowed to have visitors, and only a limited number of people were allowed in this hospital room.

This was done on Jihad's instructions and was a measure to protect Nozomu's safety. Irisdina and the others were only allowed in this hospital room because Norn, the doctor in charge, suggested that it was necessary to ensure his safety.

"Thank you."

"Well, let's get on with the morning checkup, shall we? Ah, right. We have someone to assist us today."


"Come in."

As though responding to Norn's call, the door to the hospital room was opened again.

There stood Lisa Hounds, one of the main culprits.


While Norn was examining Nozomu, the three of them stood side by side and looked at Nozomu lying on the bed.

The only sound in the hospital room was the clinking and clattering of the examination instruments. An awkward atmosphere filled the room.

Lisa had been manipulated by Mefi, so the reason she was in this hospital was to diagnose whether or not she had any aftereffects of being manipulated by the spirit. Fortunately, there was no bad aftereffects and she was able to be discharged from the hospital.

"I hear you're being discharged from the hospital today."

"Y-Yeah...... Irisdina-san and Shina-san, have you two been ...... umm ......"

"Yes. They've been assisting with Nozomu's medical examinations. They don't have the expertise, so they can't do much, but I asked Jihad-sensei for permission."

"I-I see......."

"Okay, done. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but there is no change in his condition. Now we just need to change the bandages. Can you guys give me a hand?"

Hearing Norn's instruction, Irisdina and Shina approached the bed and turned Nozomu, who was lying there, sideways.

Nozomu suffered various injuries, both major and minor, during the incident, the worst of which was the stab wound to his abdomen.

To counter the full force of Mefi and Ken's attack, he used his treasured sword, [Mumei], to perform a ritual act of self-inflicted injury. Although he stabbed himself so as not to damage his internal organs, the wound itself was still deep.

"Lisa, you too, hurry up."

"Ah, yes......"

Urged on by Norn, who was putting away the examination equipment, Lisa also approached the bed a step behind.


But just before Lisa's outstretched hand touched Nozomu, it froze and stopped.

Her breathing became ragged all at once, and sweat broke out on her forehead. Her hands were shaking, and one could see her hesitation and agitation at the thought of touching him.

"......Irisdina-kun, Shina-kun, sorry, but can you switch places with her?

Lisa-kun, help me with the preparations over here."


"You can't do anything if you're hesitant to touch the patient. Just help me over here."

Lisa's shoulders slumped at Norn's strong words, as she helped Norn put away the examination equipment.

Meanwhile, Irisdina and Shina swiftly changed Nozomu's bandages and even changed the bedsheets. Lisa watched them with a distant look in her eyes.

"Lisa-kun, don't space out."

"Ah, Y-Yes!"

Even though Norn warned her to concentrate, Lisa's eyes naturally focused on him.

The ugliness of herself further stirred up her guilt. What shallow feelings I am harboring now, she thought.

At that moment, Lisa's and Irisdina's gazes crossed.

Lisa reflexively looked away as Irisdina's deep jet-black eyes met hers.

Irisdina just kept staring at her. Her expression was like a Noh mask. However, contrary to her expressionless face, the depths of her eyes were shaking.


After Nozomu's medical examination, Irisdina and Sheena returned to the academy a step ahead of the others.

Lisa, on the other hand, was brought to the next hospital room by Norn.

It was an empty room with only two beds, a desk, and two round stools.

Norn gestured for Lisa to sit down and then she left the room. A few moments later, she returned with a teapot and two cups.

"Sorry, please stay with me for a bit."

After saying this, she quickly finished her chanting and invoked her magic. She quickly turned the water in the teapot into hot water and poured the brewed tea into the cups. This magic only alters the state of the water in the pot, rather than boiling it with heat. It was an advanced, yet quite wasteful use of magic.

"When I'm busy with a lot of things, I tend to become lazy. Well, just pretend you didn't see it. In return, I'll keep my mouth shut about your morning classes."

With a wry smile, Norn placed a cup of steaming tea in front of Lisa and sat down opposite her.

"U-Umm. What do you-......"

"I just wanted to talk to you for a bit. You seem to have a lot on your mind."

Being pointed out by Norn, Lisa looked down. The amber-colored surface of the water reflected her expression. Her face was as clouded as the dark clouds that covered the sky.

"I'm sorry, I was the one begging you to let me help, but I couldn't do anything......"

"You don't need to worry about it. Looking after the students' emotional well-being is also my job."

Norn spoke in a light tone as she took a sip of her cup.

Lisa, on the other hand, looked down and seemed unable to even touch her cup.

It was understandable. Even though she had been manipulated by Ken's schemes, she had stabbed her best friend, and had driven her childhood friend, who had always cared for her, into such a state.

It would be impossible not to be tormented.

In fact, she was so tormented that she even hesitated to touch the unconscious Nozomu.

"It's true that there is still a lot of conflict between you two. It's not an easy problem to solve, but fortunately, both Nozomu-kun and Camilla-kun are still alive. I think it's still too early to give up in despair."

Contrary to Norn's concern, Lisa's reaction was not good. She looked down and could not even make eye contact with her. Her face, reflected in the steamy tea, was stiff and tight-lipped.

"I know you're going through a lot, but don't do anything rash. If something happens, come to the infirmary. We can at least talk as a distraction."

Norn herself never thought that this would be enough to ease her depression.

But for now, she would continue to reach out to her. Even if she did not respond.

When someone is in such a mental state, the best thing that a third party can do is not to leave them alone.

Loneliness can quickly drive a person's mind into a corner.

".......Sorry. I have to go."

With a downcast look on her face, Lisa stood up and turned away, as if to get away from Norn.

"Are you leaving already? Since I went to the trouble of brewing it, why don't you at least drink it before you go to the academy?"

"No, I'm heading back......"

With a weak but firm refusal, Lisa left the room.

The door slammed shut and Norn, left alone, began to put away the tea, which was untouched, with regret. While placing the cups on the tray, Norn called out to the door.

"Come on in."

After a few seconds of silence, the door was opened hesitantly.

In front of the room stood Camilla Vecnose, a girl with dull crimson hair.

Judging from the way she was standing firmly on her own feet, it was hard to believe that she had been seriously injured just a few days ago. The reason for this remarkable recovery is that the wounds were able to be sealed at an early stage thanks to proper first aid and the medical treatment provided by the Gloaurum Institution's advanced magic.

"Excuse me......"

"Why didn't you come in? If you're looking for Lisa-kun, she's already left, you know"

"I didn't know what expression should I make when I saw her. After everything I've done, I can't call myself a friend now, nor can I tell Lisa that I'm her cousin......"

Camilla is a former noblewoman of the Cremazzone Empire and Lisa's paternal cousin. However, due to the special circumstances of having fled from the Empire, she was blackmailed by Ken into helping him to bring down Nozomu and the others.

"But you are worried, aren't you?"

Camilla nodded her head slightly at Norn's words.

No doubt she was drawn to the daughter of her benefactor and her personality, and that was her genuine intention.

That was why she could not forgive herself for betraying her trust.

"I do understand. The reason I couldn't see Lisa earlier or help take care of Nozomu was because I was scared."

Camilla has always lived in fear. Even when she was a child, her life was in danger and she was constantly being hunted.

This past inevitably made her cower.

But at the same time, she also understood. If there is something she truly wants to protect, she must not run away.

After all, there are only two ways to go. Either to walk away and never be seen again, or to go see her, prepared to be chastised.

In her stiffened heart, she recalled Nozomu's back.

Despite being the biggest victim, he didn't blame Camilla.

Then, what should I do now? The answer came immediately.

"I will go and talk to her properly. Even if she insults me, even if she scorns me, I will face her properly this time."

Looking closely, Camilla's legs were shaking. Her body was still not completely healed. Even though she was healed with magic, her lost strength has not yet been restored.

But in her eyes, a strong fire of will, unbefitting her pale, sickly face, burned brightly.

"......Nice eyes. I wonder whose influence it is?"

"It's all the fault of that hopelessly good-natured guy. Norn-sensei, that man who saved my life ...... please take good care of him."

With a gentle smile, Camilla bowed deeply to Norn.

"I know. That goes without saying. Of course, knowing Nozomu, it wouldn't be surprising if he suddenly woke up out of nowhere."

"You seem to have a lot of experience with it."

"He has been a regular patient in the infirmary, after all."

It has been a long time since Camilla has felt such an uplifted mood. Smiling at each other's lighthearted comments that leaked out unintentionally, Camilla quietly left the room. Her steps were steadier than she had expected.

After seeing her off, Norn was left alone in the empty room and looked down at the cup that was left behind.

The surface of the steaming water was glistening in the morning sun glinting through the window.

Picking up the cup, she brought it to her mouth and gulped down the contents quietly.

The tea was slightly cold, but for some reason, it tasted much better than the one she had just had.



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