Side Story - Chilly Winter Heat

Side Story - Chilly Winter Heat

Side Story :

Chilly Winter Heat

Translator : PolterGlast

Irisdina coughs as she lies in her bed.

*Cough cough, cough...*

Irisdina's consciousness becomes hazy and she feels a heavy, suffocating weight clinging to her entire body.

Every time air passes through her throat, she feels a stabbing pain, and her body shivers.

Outside the window, snow flutters and snow-covered trees peek out of the window.

Turning her gaze from the window to the inside of the room, she sees her boyfriend, Nozomu, staring at her with worried eyes.

In his hand was an ice pack covered with snow.

"Iris, are you okay?"

The ice pack was gently placed on Irisdina's forehead.

The coldness seeping through the fabric comfortably dispelled her fever.

At his side were Norn, the school's physician, Anri and Inda, who was residing in the guest house.

Norn examined Irisdina's throat and took her temperature, then crossed her arms with a difficult expression on her face.

"I see, her throat is swollen and she has a high fever. It's a typical cold symptom."

As to how she caught a cold, Irisdina herself was not sure.

It was just that in the morning, she was feeling noticeably unwell.

She was unable to get up at breakfast time, and a concerned Nozomu came to check on her and assessed her condition. He called Norn to check on her, and that's what's happening now.

"Your fever is… around 45 degrees, huh?”

"""45 degrees!?"""

Upon hearing Irisdina's fever was 45 degrees Celsius, more than ten degrees above the normal human body temperature, Nozomu and the other three screamed out in a panic.

"Wait a minute, Norn, isn't that bad!?"

"Sensei, I'll bring more snow!"

"I'll contact Jihad-sensei and arrange for emergency transport!"

When a fever exceeds 42 degrees Celsius, it will have serious effects on the human body.

In the worst case, death. Even if the person survives, there is a possibility of physical disability.

However, despite their panic, Norn seemed calm and collected.

"Wait, wait, wait, all three of you. The fact that she is still conscious in this state indicates that the fever may not be particularly high for the current her. After all, this is an unprecedented situation."

Irisdina's physical strength as a Dhampir has already surpassed that of a human being. With that in consideration, a fever of 45 degrees Celsius may be just a moderate temperature for her.

Besides, moving her around poorly would also put a burden on the patient.

"But Norn-sensei..."

"That's why I brought in the specialist."


At that moment, the door of the room was opened with a bang and a beautiful silver-haired woman appeared.

It was Vitora, the person who had made Irisdina a Dhampir.

She walked over to the bed, flaunting her white legs peeking out from her revealing, sexy, crimson dress.

"I'm here, my dear. Looks like my daughter is in a serious condition."

"Who's your daughter-... *cough - cough*!"

"Calm down. Hmm..."

Irisdina, who couldn't stand being called a daughter by Vitora as usual, tried to raise her voice, but only a hoarse voice escaped her throat.

Vitora closed her eyes with her hand on Irisdina's chest, while snickering at her condition.

"Have you found something out?"

"Umu, it is simply that her body is not yet accustomed to her power. The power that was originally too much for a human being was forced to take root with my dear's power. It is obvious that some kind of problem will occur at irregular intervals."

The cause was, after all, the effect of Dhampirization.

"But my dear's power protects her well. So I doubt it will be fatal. At worst, she will probably be in bed for a day or two."

Nozomu breathed out a big sigh of relief upon hearing these words.

Although her fever is certainly high, taking into account the increase in her physical strength due to the Dhampirization, she should be able to handle it for at least two days.

The rest would be a matter of getting some proper rest.

"Now then, since there seems to be no particular problem, I shall go home. Ah, right, my dear. Since my daughter is in this condition, I would like you to spend this evening with me ..."

"No, I'll take care of Iris, so please go home. Or rather, leave."

"What? Even though we live in the same building, you're cold..."

As she was about to leave, Vitora made a seductive gesture toward Nozomu, but Nozomu flatly refused her invitation and kicked her out of the room.

By the way, Vitora is currently staying in the guest house, but her room assignment is just the opposite of the center of the building. The furthest away room.

This is at the request of Irisdina and Nozomu.

Considering Arcazam's situation, it was inevitable for them to live together, but they wanted to be as far away from each other as possible.

"Well then, I think we're done with the medical examination for now, but I'd better stay close by until the fever subsides, just to be safe. Anri, sorry to bother you, but would you mind preparing a room for me?"

"Leave it to me~~"

"Thank you very much, Norn-sensei. I will return to work as well."

Norn left the room with Anri, followed by Inda.

"Well, I'm going too then. Take a good rest today."

Nozomu, who was left behind, turned away to leave the room but was quickly tugged by the sleeve. Nozomu turned around to see Irisdina staring at him with moist eyes.




"Don't go. Stay here."

"But you need to rest..."

Her slender fingers gripping the sleeve were tightened, and she looked at him with a lonely gaze.

Unlike her usual dignified and strong appearance, she is currently fragile and only shows this to those whom she trusts.

Seeing Irisdina like this, Nozomu smiled and gently squeezed back the hand that was holding his sleeve. He then pulled a nearby chair over to the bed and sat down.

Irisdina's face relaxed in relief.

"All right. I can stay until Iris falls asleep."

"No, stay here forever..."

"Somehow, you're quite selfish today..."

After five minutes of holding hands, Irisdina fell asleep.

Nozomu exhaled quietly after checking her regular sleeping breaths.

(She's still burning up after up after all ...)


The hand that he held felt much hotter than a human being's.

Irisdina merely gripped his sleeve, but then, with a small groan, she pulled Nozomu's hand to her chest. It was as if she wanted more of his precious presence.

In response to this gesture, Nozomu softly caressed his sweetheart's cheek.

A soft sensation felt in the palm of his hand. His love for her was growing even stronger. For some reason, Irisdina, who was suffering from the fever, looked a little calmer.

(I feel bad for Iris, maybe I should prepare some things for her while she sleeps.)

Nozomu took off his coat while smiling at the girl who was holding his hand tightly. Since she was holding him by the sleeves, he had no choice but to sacrifice his coat in order to pull his arms out of her embrace.

With a little regret, Nozomu detached himself from Irisdina's embrace, went out of her room, and went to the kitchen to prepare a meal for her.

He is going to make pumpkin soup. Thick and sweet, it is one of his favorite dishes when he is not feeling well.

"Good afternoon~~. Ane-sama, are you all right?"

As he was cooking the soup, cheerful voices echoed through the kitchen.

Opening the door and coming in were people from the Francilte family. It was Somia, Mena, and Victor.

"Somia-chan, welcome. Are you here to see Iris?"

"Yes. I heard that she's not feeling well..."

"Oi, brat! My daughter is alright, right!?"

Although Irisdina was disinherited, she is still a family member to Somia and her family.

Victor, in particular, was so worried that he had completely lost his usual facade of a great aristocrat.

"Milord, please be quiet."


As Viktor's face turned red and he was about to approach Nozomu, Mena's fist struck him in the head, knocking him to the floor.

Nozomu's face twitched as she explained Irisdina's condition to the maid, who was still acting as if she didn't consider Victor to be her master.

"Umm. Iris is definitely not feeling well, but she's feeling better now. I hear she'll recover in a day or two..."

"Thank God~~"

"Well, there is also the possibility of something going bad. Therefore, I will stay here just in case..."

"Alright, alright, don't just barge into a lady's room."


Relieved by Nozomu's explanation, Somia, who had been a bit nervous, was relieved. Next to her, Mena was grabbing Victor by the neck, who was about to charge toward Irisdina's room.

"Nozomu-sama, what are you cooking?..."

"This is Iris's meal. Surely she can't eat solid food with her condition, so..."

"Brother, can I help you with something?"

"Sure... -eh, brother?"

Nozomu couldn't help but ask back at the nickname that came out of Somia's mouth.

"? Nozomu-san, you are going to marry my sister, aren't you? Then shouldn't I call you brother?"

"... Umm, well, it might happen in the future... no, I'd like that to happen."

"Oi, Brat, you bastard~~!"

"Milord. Since you yourself have disinherited Irisdina-ojōsama, please leave her alone."

"Umm, Iris is resting, could you please be quiet?"


Being physically stopped by Mena and silenced by Nozomu with a good argument, Victor lets out a frustrated groan.

"Anyway, Somia-chan, would you like to help me?"

"Yes, please leave it to me!"

"I will prepare a change of clothes for the young lady. Milord, please fetch some snow for the ice packs."

"All right! -Eh, Oi. You want me to go out there and gather snow?"

"You can't cook or do any other household chores, so the only thing you can do is physical labor, right? Come on, just go."

The kitchen has a back kitchen door for loading in, and Mena kicked Victor out of it.

Victor complained for a while, but reluctantly started shoveling snow.

And after all the food and other preparations were finished, Somia told Nozomu that she would be leaving soon.

"Well then, Ani-sama. Please take good care of my sister."

"Are you sure you don't need to see her?"

"I don't want to impose a burden on my sister, so I'll bear with it for now. I will come back again when she gets better."

As usual, she is a well-behaved girl who loves her sister.

"Oi, brat! I'll let you handle things here, but never do anything naughty to my daughter-... -ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Nozomu-sama, please take care of Irisdina-ojōsama. Now then, Milord, we are leaving."

"All right, all right, just don't pull my arm while twisting it!"

While Nozomu was impressed with Somia's thoughtfulness, Mena and Victor were still the same as usual.

Then, after seeing off Somia and the others as they left, dragging Victor with them, Nozomu returned to Irisdina's room with food, ice packs, and a change of clothes.

When he returned to the room, Irisdina was already awake. 𝒻𝑟𝑒𝓮𝔀ℯ𝓫𝓃𝑜𝓋𝑒𝘭.𝑐𝓸𝓶

She hugged the coat that Nozomu had left for her and gave a dissatisfied look at him, who had disappeared while she was sleeping.

"Hmph...... I told you I wanted you to stay here, but you were gone."

"I had a lot of things prepared for you, so just bear with me for a bit."

Even her pouty face is cute. Nozomu put a wry smile on his face to suppress the joy that welled up in his heart as he placed the food and other things he had prepared on a nearby side table.

"Somia was here?"

"Yeah, Mena and Victor, too."

"I see…"

Perhaps she felt happy to have her family member who was concerned about her even though she was no longer a Francilt, and although her tone of voice was a little sad, it carried a happiness that she could not hide.

At that moment, a sweet fragrance wafted into Irisdina's nose. Then, small stomach rumbles could be heard.


"It's already lunchtime. You haven't had breakfast, and you're hungry, aren't you?

"... Un."

With a small nod, Irisdina closed her eyes and opened her small mouth.

"Iris, what are you doing?"

"Feed me."

As Nozomu froze in surprise for a moment, Irisdina stuck her chin out, as if urging him to hurry up.

Nozomu, defeated, slumped his shoulders and sat down in front of her, and scooped a spoonful into the bowl of soup.

"Alright, ahn..."

"Mmm, it's delicious."

The slightly lukewarm soup was slightly sweet and slid down her throat along with a gentle savoriness.

*Thump, thump .......*

Irisdina opened her mouth again as if swept away by her quickening heartbeat and rising urges.

"Good grief, you're acting like a little kid today."

"Isn't it fine? It is just for today."

She swallowed spoonful after spoonful of soup like a baby bird.

Her fever was still high and her body was sluggish. Her throat also ached.

But she felt happy. His concern, his thoughtfulness, his kindness, ware running through her whole body as she felt joy in her heart.

Such joy came to an end as the soup in the bowl became empty.

She could see Nozomu's back as he began to clean up the dishes. A feeling of loneliness returned to her heart as he looked away from her.

"Nozomu. My body, it feels uncomfortable..."

"Oh, night sweats, huh? I've prepared hot water and a towel for you, so you can wipe yourself off."

Perhaps prompted by the heat that aroused her whole body, Irisdina began to do things that she would never do in her normal state.


In front of him, she put her hand on the button of her pajamas and began to unbutton them. Her eyes seemed to be so vacant that she was not thinking straight.

With popping sounds, her white skin was exposed. Nozomu involuntarily gasped and shouted loudly.

"W-, Wait a minute! I'm still in this room, so don't take your clothes off!"

"But I feel uncomfortable..."

Irisdina's hands didn't stop, even though he tried to stop her. Then the last button was unbuttoned.

Her breasts and stomach were revealed, and Nozomu hurriedly turned away.

"Then at least wait until I leave the room..."

"Nozomu, wipe it..."


"Wipe it"

"No-no, as I thought, that's a bit... Uwa!"

Nozomu's hand was pulled with a jerk.

The white Irisdina's back appeared before Nozomu's eyes as he involuntarily kneeled down beside the bed.

"Please. My body still aches from the fever. So, I can't wipe my back..."

"Well, then, I'll just shut my eyes..."

"You can have a look."


"I don't mind if you look. Umm, see?"

(There's no way it is okaaaaaaayyy~!)

Ten seconds of mutual silence. It was Nozomu who broke the silence.

He picked up the towel he had brought with him while screaming in his mind at Irisdina, who did not say a word about it.

"Nn~, Nozomu's hand, feels so good~..."

(This can't be helped, this is something I have to do... I mean, it's the towel that's touching her, not my hand! Please don't say it in a weird way!)

The seductive voice made Nozomu's eardrums and whole body shudder.

Even through the towel, his hand could feel the softness and heat of her skin, paralyzing his thoughts.

As he was desperately trying to resist the urge to go out of control, Irisdina suddenly reached out for Nozomu's arm.

"Wipe this place too..."


Nozomu's arm passed under Irisdina's armpit as his hand was pulled by hers. She then placed her own hand over his and began to wipe the front of her body.

The touch he felt was even softer than on her back, and Nozomu's body went completely rigid, his ability to think and his rationality being whittled away.

(No, not the front!)

"N-, nn~..."

Irisdina kept wiping her body while Nozomu stiffened.

From her smooth stomach to her upper arms, and then to the two particularly soft, rounded things.

The feeling of his fingers sinking into the two rounded things made Nozomu involuntarily scream in his head.

(Uoo~! Someone, please, knock me out ~~~~!)

After several minutes of being mentally overloaded, Nozomu was finally released.

"Haa, haa, haa… Are you feeling better now?"

"Un... Nozomu."

"W-, what is it this time?"

"Dress me up..."

"Alright, here... hmm? Buh~!"

As the exhausted Nozomu managed to get up and picked up Irisdina's change of clothes, a small triangular piece of fabric fluttered to the floor.

It was lovely pink underwear.

Nozomu without a second thought placed the spare pajamas on top of the underwear so that the underwear hidden underneath would not be seen.

Then, he picked up the pajamas along with the underwear and carried them as if nothing had happened. His cheeks were twitching.

At that moment, he noticed a white piece of paper peeking out from between the folded pajamas.

With a suspicious look on his face, Nozomu pulled out the paper, unfolded it ... and was speechless at the sentence written on it.

[Dear Nozomu-sama, now is the time to show your manhood!]

(Oi, Mena-san!)

It was an extra encouragement from Mena.

Next to the written message, there was also a cute and meaningful illustration of a thumbs-up. Nozomu has already suffered more than enough damage. He wondered, what more do they want him to do?

"Nozomu, what's wrong?"

"No, it's noth-... don't turn around and look at me with your top naked!"

While tilting her head cutely, Irisdina raised her hands and asked him to change her clothes.

Two hills swayed and shook, intruding into the corner of his vision.

(Anything more would be bad. It would break me in many ways.)

With this judgment, Nozomu turned away, handed her a change of clothes, and tried to leave the room immediately, but .......

"I told you, don't go..."


He was pulled back for the third time and forced to sit on the bed again.

And then Irisdina put her arms around him and clung to him, as if to make him stay connected to her.

He was being embraced from behind, and the two female symbols were pressed directly against his back.

Her heat, which was much higher than that of a normal person, was transmitted to Nozomu through what had just touched him through the cloth.


"Nn, it feels nice and chilly... Does it feel good, Nozomu?"

The voice of the one he loves, whispering in his ear.

With each movement of Irisdina's body, he could feel the soft sensation changing its shape and assaulting him.

The heat that mingled inside his body became so mixed and raging that he could no longer tell whether it was hers or his.

Finally, realizing the limits of his rationality, Nozomu reflexively placed his right hand on his face and released his Qi. A jolt shook his brain and sent his consciousness flying.

"Nozomu, nozomu... Are you asleep?"


"Ehehehe, then I'm going to sleep too~~"

As Nozomu's body, having knocked himself out, hung limply, Irisdina, with her thoughts clouded by the fever, dragged her loved one into her embrace and fell asleep once more joyfully.

Later, the two teachers fuss over the two sleeping in the same bed in their disordered clothes, and Nozomu was busy explaining the situation to them.

Irisdina's strange condition would cause all sorts of commotion later on...

"What the hell is this!"

"Kya~~! Ane-sama is so cute!"

"Uee~~~~, Noj~omu!”

"This is ... Irisdina-ojōsama, you've become a little girl."

That is for another story.

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