Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1035 - I Have a Way

Chapter 1035 I Have a Way

Lu Zhou spent around ten minutes explaining to his father what Riemann’s hypothesis was, and what it meant to prove it. More importantly, how it related to bank passwords…

Of course, he explained it in terms a layman would understand.

If he had tried to explain it in the mathematical sense, he would drain the lithium-sulfur battery in his phone before he could finish explaining.

Old Lu felt nice being able to chat with his son. Later on, he put the call on speaker and Mother Lu also joined in on the conversation with their academician son.

Later on, Lu Zhou realized that maybe his parents weren’t concerned about their bank passwords at all, they just wanted to hear their son’s voice.

Lu Zhou began to tear up thinking about this.

Maybe it was time for him to go home and visit his family.

But now was not the time for sentimental stuff, he still had something important to do.

Lu Zhou sniffed his nose and put his phone back into his pocket.

Wang Peng placed his hands on the steering wheel and spoke concisely.

“Where are we going?”

“301 Hospital.”


301 Hospital

South building entrance.

A man in a white short stood there with a clove pink bouquet in his hand. It looked like he had been standing there for a long time.

He bought the bouquet from a flower shop near the hospital. The shirt he wore was the same shirt he wore at the report in St. Petersburg yesterday; he hadn’t gotten a chance to change yet.

Most of the people in this hospital were of special statuses, so it was rare to see someone dressed so casually.

Because of this, doctors and nurses looked at this person suspiciously.

However, after they recognized his face, their doubts had entirely disappeared.

People who worked here wouldn’t remember every single patient, but they would never forget that face.

After all, when this guy suddenly fainted, they had to work around the clock to help him…

Lu Zhou stood around for five minutes. He then took a deep breath and walked forward.

Lu Zhou displayed his credentials and stepped inside the building. He went up the stairs and walked to the ward at the end of the corridor.

A young blonde girl lay on the hospital bed. She was looking at the trees outside the window.

She heard the sound of footsteps from outside the corridor. When she saw the figure enter the door, she smiled.

Her sapphire-like eyes looked at Lu Zhou as she spoke.

“I’ve been here before.”

Lu Zhou placed the flower bouquet by her bedside table and spoke.


Vera stared at the ceiling as she thought.

“Around three years ago… I heard you fainted at the controllable fusion ignition scene, so I bought a plane ticket and flew here. But I didn’t have the chance to come in since they wouldn’t let me visit you, so I left… I remember you woke up not long after I left, and I always wondered if you were trying to avoid me.”

“Of course not… If I were trying to avoid you, why would I be here right now?” Lu Zhou said, “How do you feel? Are you used to the environment around here?”

Vera smirked and spoke.

“I’m used to it. The bed is comfortable, and the people are very nice. The nurse even chats with me when I’m awake. Other than the chemo, I feel a lot better.”

Lu Zhou felt heartbroken when he heard this.

He was about to say something but she spoke first.

“Speaking of which, I’ve heard stories about you from the nurses here… I think…”

Lu Zhou: “… Think what?”

“I think you’re really amazing.”

Vera was blushing.

However, Lu zhou was even more embarrassed than her.

Lu Zhou thought about how to answer in a humble way but she spoke first.

“Now that I’m already in Beijing, can you tell me what you want me to do?” she said as she stared at Lu Zhou. “I feel better… I want to use the things you taught me to help you.”

Lu Zhou looked at her blue eyes and opened his mouth.

He had a lot he wanted to say, but he didn’t know where to begin.

Since he didn’t know what to say, he decided to start talking about the important things first.

He looked at the girl sitting on the hospital bed and spoke in a serious tone.

“Listen, I have a way to cure you, but you have to cooperate.”

Vera was astonished.

She paused for a second and smiled as she shook her head.

“That’s impossible, the doctor has already told me, it’s impossible to cure me with current technology… You don’t have to comfort me, I’ve spent a year mentally preparing for this, so there’s nothing sad about this.”

“I’m not kidding, nor am I comforting you. I’m being serious.” Lu Zhou took a deep breath and said, “Current medical technology can’t cure you, but future technology can. A century ago, smallpox and Black Death were deadly diseases, but we were the ones who won in the end. Even if it’s not possible now, I’m certain it will be possible in the future.”

Vera said, “I won’t have that much time…”

“No, you can.” Lu Zhou looked at Vera and spoke in a confident manner, “I will send you to the future.”

Lu Zhou spent around five minutes explaining to her about the freezing and dormancy technology, as well as the cryobiology research project at the Institute for Advanced Study. As well as what it meant to “travel to the future”.

After hearing Lu Zhou’s answer, Vera didn’t immediately give him a yes or no. Instead, she stared at the ceiling and spoke.

“A hundred years into the future… That feels so far away.

“What would it look like?”

Lu Zhou: “It might not be a hundred years, seventy years should be enough. By then, society will be rich in raw materials and have infinite energy… It will be a much better world.”

Vera: “Will you be there?”

Lu Zhou went silent.

After a few seconds, he spoke.

“That doesn’t matter, you’ll live a good life in the new world.”

Vera blinked and said, “But I’m already happy now.”

Lu Zhou: “I promise, you’ll be happier if you’re healthy.”

Vera frowned.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

Lu Zhou looked at her and spoke.

“Maybe, I’m in good health, and there are many ways to extend life expectancy… But by then, I’ll be an old man. I won’t be handsome anymore, I’ll be slow and annoying. Don’t get your hopes up.”

Vera suddenly chuckled.

Her smile was like the clove pink flowers on the bedside table, full of beauty.

“I’m fine with an old man.”

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and her timid face was replaced by kindness.

She looked at Lu Zhou and spoke.

“… As long as you’re okay.”

What is this feeling?

Feels like I’m getting a heart attack…

There was a flash of reluctance in Lu Zhou’s eyes, but logic told him this was the only way to save her.

Lu Zhou took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice calm.

“Then… do you agree? To go to the future…”

Vera nodded and spoke in a gentle voice.


“If that’s what you want me to do.

“I’ll do anything you say.”

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