Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 946 - Virtue  

946 Virtue

After handing over the dozen or so pages to Xiao Tong, Lu Zhou left swiftly.

Professor Krugman looked at the stack of A4 papers in Xiao Tong’s hand. He hesitated for a while before speaking, “This is a gift from your brother, how you’re going to use it, that is up to you.

“You can choose to publish it in your name, or you can do something else with it. I don’t want my opinions to influence you, even though I recommend doing the former… After all, your brother doesn’t care about his achievements in economics. He wants to help you… Of course, the decision is yours.”

Although the academic community had severe penalties for fraud and plagiarism, it wouldn’t go as far as to find out who completed the research.

This was similar to unethical supervisors who stole their students’ research results. Most people turned a blind eye to these types of things.

Vice versa, if a generous supervisor was willing to donate their research to a student, the academic community would assume that the supervisor had given up ownership of their research.

After all, there were so many scientific researchers in the world; the community didn’t have time to verify the origin of each research result.

Rules with loopholes were better than having no rules.

Therefore, if Xiao Tong wanted to publish this as her own paper, regardless of whether or not she had the ability to write a paper like this, as long as Lu Zhou didn’t say anything, the academic community would trust that this was Xiao Tong’s own work.

Xiao Tong looked at the paper in her hand for a long time. She sighed and looked determined.

“I made up my mind!

“I didn’t go into academia to win some Nobel Prize. This is tempting, but… I want to make my own achievements.

“If I received recognition because of the thesis I collaborated on with my brother, I would be happy… But otherwise, it would feel wrong.”

She wasn’t against the idea of working on a research project with her brother. However, blatantly receiving all of the credit for something she didn’t do, wasn’t what she wanted.

She wanted to become a scholar that was worthy of being “Professor Lu’s co-author”. She didn’t want to take other people’s research results as her own…

She looked down on people who did that.

She knew that she was still very weak, whereas Lu Zhou was strong enough to the point where even scholars like Professor Krugman were intimidated by him…

But she was still young, and she still had unlimited potential!

Xiao Tong looked at her supervisor Professor Krugman and spoke seriously.

“I want to publish this in my brother’s name… Can I do that?”

“Certainly can’t submit it to a journal, but since we’re at an international macroeconomics conference, there are other ways to publish the research, but…” Professor Krugman looked at Xiao Tong with a serious expression and said, “Have you thought about it carefully? This is a result worthy of a Nobel Prize, so I suggest you think this through.”

Xiao Tong nodded without hesitating.

“I’m certain.”

Even though Professor Krugman was a little sympathetic, he had a look of approval in his eyes.

“I’ve seen a lot of young and promising scholars in my lifetime, a lot of successful ones, but scholars who have your morals… It’s one in a million.

“Maybe one day I should visit your parents and ask them how they educated such an excellent kid. I’m sure they are good people.”

“You’ll be disappointed. They’re just normal people.” Xiao Tong smiled brightly and said, “But I love them.”

Professor Krugman smiled and said, “A person’s value isn’t determined by their achievements, but by their heart. You’re still young, you’ll realize this as you grow older. You should go take some rest, Professor Angus and I are going to finish eating. You don’t have to sit here with us old men.”

Xiao Tong nodded and left.

Only two people were left.

Professor Angus looked at Professor Krugman. He then poked Krugman’s elbow and comforted him.

“That’s a good student you have there.”

“Yeah…” Professor Krugman nodded and sighed. He said, “Not tempted by a Nobel Prize level research… If I didn’t have a Nobel Prize myself, I’m afraid I would have given in to the temptation.

“But this really would have helped her career.”

Angus raised his eyebrows. “I’m surprised.”

Krugman: “Surprised?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe you actually think about things from the perspective of your students. I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you, the bad kind.”

“What kind of rumors?” Krugman said, “Don’t think that everyone in my office is my student. It’s easy to become my students.”

He only accepted some of the “students” in his office to fulfill teaching quotas.


They can say whatever they want.

Who cares?

On the way back, Lu Zhou realized that his approach might have been a little inappropriate.

However, he realized that Xiao Tong and him were the same type of people, so he had nothing to worry about.

Improving the Lu Bewley model was his responsibility as a scholar. He gave it to Xiao Tong in hopes of her completing the thesis, but it was also because Xiao Tong was his sister…

Of course, he knew that he was spoiling his sister.

This was a Nobel Prize level research in a field that he didn’t care about. Even though he was always a rule-following scholar, there was a part of him that wished Xiao Tong could publish this as her own research…

Lu Zhou returned to his hotel and threw the invitation letter on the desk. He was about to sit at his desk and get some work done, but his stomach began to grumble.

Lu Zhou realized that he didn’t eat a lot at the buffet at all…

“Sigh, I was too busy humble bragging, I didn’t even finish eating… What a shame.”

Lu Zhou looked at the clock on the wall.

It was already half-past nine.

If he went to bed immediately, he wouldn’t have to eat. However, it was too early to sleep.

Whatever, f*ck it.

I never gain weight anyway.

Lu Zhou was about to call for room service when his phone suddenly began to rang.

He took out his phone from his pocket and saw it was Chen Yushan calling.

Lu Zhou picked up the phone and spoke.


Chen Yushan cautiously asked, “Hey, are you free tomorrow?”

Lu Zhou thought about it and said, “I think so, why?”

“Wait at the hotel tomorrow morning! I’ll pick you up, you said you would come!”

Before Lu Zhou could reply, Chen Yushan immediately hung up the phone.

When Lu Zhou heard the beeping sound from the phone, he was muddled.


Why did she hang up?

So I wouldn’t have a chance to refuse?

I wasn’t going to refuse regardless!

Lu Zhou was perplexed.

I always keep my word!

But then again, thank god she called me.

I totally forgot about the summit…

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