Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 966 - 3D Chess

Chapter 966 3D Chess

An hour went by.

When Director Li walked out of the mansion, he was a little fazed.

He got in his car and sat in the back seat. While looking at the lush green trees on the sidewalk, he said, “I’m getting old.”

The driver in front of him paused for a second and spoke.

“Oh no, you’re not, you’re only in your early sixties, you still have decades ahead of you.”

Director Li smiled and sighed.

“No, I’m not young anymore. I can’t even hold a conversation with you young folks anymore. I have maybe five more years before my old heart gives out.”

The driver kept on driving and didn’t respond.

The driver felt like Director Li had some misunderstandings regarding young people.

He wanted to ask what this was about, but he remembered that Director Li had just come out of Professor Lu’s house, meaning the Director probably talked about sensitive topics. Thus, the driver decided to keep his mouth shut.

Director Li took out his phone and called Director Lu from the energy bureau.

“Hey? Old Lu, let me tell you something, this trip to Jinling was worth it!”


In fact, it was quite difficult for lithium-air batteries to completely replace lithium-sulfur batteries. After all, keeping a constant pressure for the oxygen molecule filtering membrane would require the battery to be in constant motion.

Therefore, automobiles were undoubtedly an excellent application. The front grill could be used to supply oxygen to the lithium-air battery.

However, if someone wanted to place a lithium-air battery in their cell phone, it would be quite difficult to add a “front grill”.

Lithium-sulfur batteries were more focused on the materials, whereas lithium-air batteries were more focused on its mechanism, such as using clever design to maximize its energy density.

This meant that, the larger the battery, the more space designers could use to place components and increase the energy density.

An extreme example would be the IBM “Battery-500” project, where they wanted to use distributed computing technology to ensure that each oxygen molecule entering the reaction system was accurately matched into a lithium slot…

Of course, achieving this kind of technology was almost impossible. At least in the near future.

After Director Li finally left, Lu Zhou put away the draft papers on his coffee table.

These were all ideas that came to his mind when he was researching the structure of Debris No. 1, so they were far from being mature designs.

However, even though they were just spur-of-the-moment designs, with his level 6 engineering and his experience in large engineering scientific research projects, the designs were quite sophisticated.

After finding out that the lithium-air battery wasn’t a mature technology, Director Li finally gave up.

However, before leaving, he expressed that when the technology became mature, the State Administration for National Defense could help with the patent approval process.

Normally, patent approval procedures could take years, but Director Li could complete it in a matter of weeks.

Star Sky Technology had always had this kind of patent privilege.

Lu Zhou took out his phone and called Chen Yushan.

Soon after, a familiar voice traveled through the phone.

“Hello? Calling me again? Aren’t you on a retreat?”

“I wish I was…” Lu Zhou sighed and cleared his throat. “Director Li came to see me.”

Chen Yushan said, “What did he want this time?”

“It’s about the Dragon One chip.”

Lu Zhou spent around five minutes talking about the tri-party agreement and the Dragon One processor plans.

He also talked about some parts of the contract that he was unsure about.

After hearing Lu Zhou’s words, Chen Yushan leaned back on her chair and contemplated for a second before saying, “It’s quite a good contract, and the patent is only regarding the chip itself?”

Lu Zhou: “Kind of, I can send a copy to your email.”

“Okay, it’s better to email me the contract first.” Chen Yushan paused for a second and said, “Also, we should specify that the carbon transistor chip integration technology is independent. After all, we were the ones that invented this technology, so we can’t just let them take advantage of us.”

Lu Zhou smiled and said, “Sure, whatever you think is best. I also talked with Director Li about the lithium-air battery breakthrough, so let’s try to register the patent as soon as possible.”

The other end of the phone went silent.

Lu Zhou didn’t know why Chen Yushan was being so quiet.

After a while, Lu Zhou asked, “What’s wrong?”

She finally responded, “Lithium-air battery breakthrough?”

“Yeah,” Lu Zhou nodded and said, “have I not told you about this?”

Chen Yushan: “When did you tell me?”

Lu Zhou finally realized that he only brought the model to Yang Xu yesterday, so he didn’t have a chance to tell her yet.

Lu Zhou smiled awkwardly and said, “Oh right, my fault.”

“No, it’s fine, I’m just surprised… Let me think, if we can play this card well, it might be very effective…”

Chen Yushan began to contemplate.

Lu Zhou was wondering if he should hang up the phone and give her time to think, but she suddenly said, “Oh yeah, didn’t you tell me that lithium-air batteries can be used in cars?”

Lu Zhou nodded and said, “Not just cars, but it’s definitely the most suitable application. The larger the battery is, the higher its energy density. Also, because of the nature of the oxygen molecular membrane, it’s better to be used in moving vehicles.”

It was almost like Chen Yushan just hit the lottery as she said excitedly, “Got it! I’ll handle this! Oh yeah, publish some papers about the lithium-air battery. You don’t have to make it too detailed, just tell the world that we’ve made research progress on lithium-air batteries.”

What do you mean just publish some papers…

Writing papers isn’t easy at all. I can’t just write some substandard paper; I’m a Nobel Prize level scholar, my reputation is on the line.

Lu Zhou sighed after hearing Chen Yushan’s words. “What do you plan on doing then?”

Chen Yushan smirked and sat up straight as she said with a confident tone, “I plan on playing 4D chess!”

Lu Zhou: “…?”

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