She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 148 - completed wheelchair

Chapter 148: Chapter 145 completed wheelchair


It was still early. She started to move the wheelchair, but Mu Ziyu’s upper body kept appearing in her mind. She immediately closed her eyes and muttered, “No way, I don’t think I’m that perverted. It’s not like I’ve never seen a man before. ”

She shook her head, shook off her inexplicable thoughts, and started to do her own thing. An adequate life would make her think less about all sorts of things.

Shui Shui moved the wheelchair, and finally, there was a click. It was completed She looked at her work and quickly sat on it to try it out. The control was very free, and the wheelchair was mainly made of light materials, so when she controlled it to move, it wouldn’t be too heavy. Most importantly, there were many mechanisms that could support her to stand up Also, the left and right controls were easier to control than ordinary wheelchairs.

Of course, these weren’t the highlights. The highlight was that the wheelchair had a safety setting. She had designed for a long time how to fit the wheelchair into a huge airbag and finally chose a compression technology. This technology wasn’t available in this era, so she didn’t know So, she used it rashly. As long as there was a violent collision, the AIRBAG would come out. Normally, it would not come out. She was not sure, so she had to look at it for a few days. She had to experiment to make sure it was safe.

The other one could also start. With the first one, the second one would be easy.

When she was sleepy, she fell asleep.

When she woke up naturally, she took care of herself. She drank a cup of hot milk and went to bed. She did not care about anything else. She continued to beat the drum. When she felt it, she stopped. It might be much slower later. It was almost noon, but she still did not feel hungry. The second wheelchair was made into a frame. She wanted to perfectly combine the wheelchair together.

“Ding Dong, Ding Dong. ”

Shui Shui looked up. “I’m coming, I’m coming. ”

She walked over to open the door. “Hm? Brother Mu, it’s so early. ”

Mu Ziyu saw Shui Shui’s disheveled face and messy hair. It was rare to see her like this. She must have been up for quite some time. He looked over and saw the floor full of wood and machinery. “Are you cooking? ”

“Have you eaten? ” Mu Ziyu asked with a smile.

Shui Shui shook her head and said, “I haven’t eaten. I’m busy. Come in and have a seat. ”

Shui Shui scratched her head. She knew that she couldn’t see anyone right now. Her hair wasn’t cleaned and her face was a little dirty because of the machinery.

Mu Ziyu came in and put the things down. He reached out to wipe Shui Shui’s face and said, “it’s dark here. Wash it off earlier. There might still be residue later. ”

“Yeah, I didn’t notice it earlier, but I’m almost done. ” Shui Shui Shui cracked a smile.

“I’ve packed your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs and Tofu Pot. Let’s eat something. ” Mu Ziyu guessed that she had gone to buy food before eating. He didn’t expect that she really hadn’t eaten. He didn’t know what she was busy with every day.

He took the initiative to go to the kitchen to fill up the food and heat it up.

While he was waiting, he walked out. There was no place for him to rest in the living room. He looked at a machine. “This is? ”

“Right, sit up and take a look. Tell me how you feel. ” Shui Shui felt that it was useless to feel good. She wanted others to think that there was someone who could do an experiment now.

Mu Ziyu looked over. “which one? ”

“Yes, yes. Sit Up and take a look. ” Shui Shui did not look over. She was busy with her work.

Mu Ziyu sat in the wheelchair. It was still alright. He moved very smoothly. “It’s very light. It’s also very easy to walk around. Did you make it yourself? ”

“Yes. ” Shui Shui still did not look over.

Mu Ziyu looked at the wheelchair. She was really amazing. She was very skillful. However, why did she know how to make it However, he remembered that there were a lot of handicrafts nowadays. There were tutorials online, right? He looked at the draft beside Shui Shui Shui and saw that each part was marked.

“take a rest first. Wash your hands and eat. ” Mu Ziyu went to the kitchen and took out the food. Eating was the most important thing. If she didn’t eat, it would hurt her body.

Shui Shui nodded and washed her hands. She also washed her face and sat down. “Not bad. ”

“Eat first. You can finish the food later. ” Mu Ziyu sat down and watched Shui Shui Eat.

Shui Shui looked up. “Aren’t you going to eat? ”

“I’ve already eaten, ” Mu Ziyu said faintly.

Shui Shui did not continue asking. She ate the food quietly. “I’ll help you apply the medicine after I finish eating. ”

“There’s no rush. You eat first. ” Mu Ziyu pushed the food forward.

Shui Shui nodded. “Okay. I was going to add some fans to eat. ”

“Hehe, do you like eating fans so much? ” Mu Ziyu wanted to laugh too. It was always fans.

“It’s convenient. It’ll be cooked as soon as it’s cooked. ” Shui Shui was alone. Naturally, she would not choose anything too complicated. After eating, she helped him apply the medicine. She was serious and focused.

She rubbed it and said, “It looks much better than yesterday. It’ll disperse in a few days, right? This blood clot. ”

“That’s all thanks to you, ” Mu Ziyu teased.

“Damn, this is because of me, right? So this is what I should do. ” Shui Shui was a little embarrassed.

After a long while, after applying the medicine, Shui Shui went to clean her hands. “It’s done. ”

“Mm, do you need help? You can make these things, ” Mu Ziyu asked. He didn’t want to leave yet. It was rare that there was no one else around. It was rare for the two of them to be alone together, and he could get to know her better.

“Are you free this afternoon? ”

Shui Shui Sat on the floor, leaving the back of her head for Mu Ziyu to admire.

“I’m fine. Do you need me to help you put the pieces together? ” Mu Ziyu sat on the floor as well. He picked up the piece of wood and looked at the draft.

The two of them started to get busy and finished another one. Shui Shui Shui gave Mu Ziyu a thumbs up. “I didn’t expect you to be so amazing. Looking at the draft, you can see the principles behind it. ”

“This blueprint is already very detailed. ” Mu Ziyu had just started looking at it and still had to think about it. After he got familiar with it, he could follow the steps and work on it bit by bit. However, the speed was much slower than Shui Shui’s.

Shui Shui stretched her body. “There’s still one more. It will be done tomorrow. ”

“thank you, brother Mu. You helped me. My speed is indeed much faster. ” Qian Shuishui thanked him sincerely. If she was relieved, she would have less time to work.

“No need to thank me. I’m happy to help you. ” Mu Ziyu cleared the floor and pulled Shui Shui up when he got up. “You must be tired after doing this for so long. Go Wash your face first. I’ll take you out for dinner. ”

“Go out for dinner? ” Shui Shui looked at the time. Oh my God, it was already six o’clock. She was too addicted.

“then I’ll go change and wash my face. ” Shui Shui felt that she was dirty, but when she looked at Mu Ziyu, he was still the same. He did not change much and was not dirtied by these machines. This image was really incomparable.

Shui Shui did not want Mu Ziyu to wait too long. She went into the room, changed into clean clothes, washed her face, and went out with Mu Ziyu.

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