Shota’s Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 471 The Duke’s Visit (12)


As the tense silence hung in the air, the elves from the capital started moving towards the two green haired elves.

It was as if they would stand on their side if a fight broke out…when a fight broke out.

With the way that everyone was positioning themselves, it really seemed like a fight would happen.

But to everyone’s surprise, it was the two green haired elves who eased the tension.

The one on the left said with a smile on her face, “Now, now, there’s no need to act this way.”

The one on the right also revealed a smile as he said, “We’re just trying to help here, there’s no need to be so aggressive.”

The green haired elder narrowed her eyes to look at the two of them.

The look in her eyes made it very clear that she didn’t trust them, but she couldn’t just tell them off here in front of everyone.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down and said, “Thank you for your concern, but there’s no need for your help. We will figure out something on our own since this is our village.”

The two of them looked at each other before the one on the left said, “But doesn’t this pose a problem for your guest?”

The one on the right nodded in agreement to this before saying, “Since it’s caused a problem for your guest, how about we help you solve it?”

The one on the left continued by saying, “How about we bring our people and help escort you out of the forest?”

Everyone looked at her in shock when she said this.

The elves from the capital had unwilling looks of shock on their faces, making it clear that they didn’t want to do this. The elves from the village were shocked since they never thought that these elves from the capital would make such an offer.

From beginning to end, they had acted in an arrogant manner that made it seem like they were unwilling to help anyone.

The green haired elder looked at the two of them like she didn’t believe what she was hearing.

But in the end, she still said, “Thank you for your offer, but there’s no need. We will take care of our own guests.”

The two of them just gave shrugs before the one on the left said, “Alright, if that’s what you want.”

The one on the right added, “If you ever need help, feel free to come talk to us.”

With that, the two of them turned to leave.

The elves from the capital looked at the two of them with surprised looks since they didn’t think that they would leave this easily. They thought that they would cause some more trouble before leaving…

But it didn’t seem like they were planning on doing anything.

So they had no choice but to leave with these two.

Once they were alone, the green haired elder let out a sigh of relief before knitting her brows again.

I could see that something was wrong, so I asked, “What is it? You can just tell me.”

The green haired elder looked at me with a complicated look before saying, “They are right though. With the portal down like this, the only way to leave the village is to travel through the forest.”

I looked right at her and could tell that there was something else on her mind, so I said, “But there’s something that you’re worried about?” I turned to look in the direction those elves from the capital left in, “Something that has to do with them?”lightsnovel

The green haired elder looked at me before giving a sigh and saying, “You already know what I’m worried about, you’ve already thought of the same thing.”

I slowly gave a nod in response.

The way that they acted was just too strange just now.

It was clear that those two were planning something and if I had to guess what it was, it was very likely that they were planning an ambush.

If they took care of me in the forest and hid the evidence, it wasn’t as if anyone could do anything.

After all, that was the same thing that I did with Apollo.

To think that they would want to do the same to me, was that considered karma or something else?

The green haired elder gave a sigh before saying, “I can’t send people to escort you out or else it’ll be too suspicious. I can only send a few people that can help guide the way…”

Her voice trailed off as she revealed an awkward look.

After all, as far as she knew, this was a problem that was caused by their side for me so she was put in an awkward position.

But I knew better since I was actually the cause of this.

If I hadn’t made Apollo disappear, none of this would have happened.

So in a sense, these were the consequences of my own actions.

I shook my head and said, “It’s fine, it isn’t as if my people are that weak. If they really try something…”


My voice trailed off, but the way that I looked at the green haired elder made my intentions clear.

She was surprised when she saw how decisive and firm I was, but she understood where I was coming from.

If this was ever found out, then it would be very likely that a war between the humans and elves would start. This was the last thing that either of us wanted, so of course we wanted to handle this matter as properly as possible.

That meant not leaving a single trace of evidence if something did happen.

The green haired elder was silent for a bit before saying with a sigh, “I hope that you will show as much mercy as you can. They won’t say anything if they get away…”

I looked at her and said, “But they will hold a grudge.”

The green haired elder opened her mouth, but closed it again before giving a nod.

She knew that I was right, so there was nothing that she could say.

But in the end, she still said, “I still hope that you will show as much mercy as you can.”

I looked at her and slowly gave a nod before saying, “I will try.”

That was all I could promise her.

The rest would depend on them.

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