Shota’s Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 477 The Duke’s Visit (18)

No, when I looked closely, I found that it wasn’t actually a knife.

It was what seemed to be distorted space…it was a spatial spell.

That was why no one had been able to take it from this elf when they tied him up, it wasn’t something that they could take away in the first place.

If it was possible, I really wanted to capture this elf alive and see how his spatial magic worked since it was considered rare magic in the first place.

But that wasn’t the real problem right now.

The real problem was that they were coming right at me with that spatial knife.

I hesitated a bit as I was torn on what to use…but in the end, I pulled out a strange looking sword.

No, it wasn’t The Penetrator this time since I wasn’t sure if it could resist spatial magic. I didn’t want to take that risk and ruin the one weapon that I had been relying on the entire time.

Instead, I pulled out Durand.

The elf was caught off guard by Durand suddenly appearing before he said, “Demon sword…”

That was all that he was able to say before I cut him with Durand.

I had planned on holding back so that I didn’t hurt him that much, but I found that there was no resistance at all when I swung Durand. The weight of the sword carried me forward in the swing and when it was over…I found that the elf had been cut in half.

Wasn’t this too sharp?

Wasn’t this too strong?

But then I braced myself as I waited for the pain to come back to me.

While it wouldn’t kill me…it would be the pain of being cut in half which was not something to scoff at.

That was the power of Durand and the price of using it.

However, even though I braced myself for that pain to come, it never came in the end.

I just stood there with my eyes narrowed, looking like an idiot.

After a while, I couldn’t help looking down at Durand and found that it was idle. There didn’t seem to be a single thing that changed about it.

The others ran over after the elf had been cut down and they all looked at me with worried looks.

Cecilia did the usual and went around me to make sure that there was nothing wrong with me.

Once she was done, she stood in front of me and looked down at the sword in my hand before slowly saying, “This is the sword that you bought in auction?”

I slowly gave a nod without saying anything.

I could tell that there was a strange look in her eyes as she looked at Durand. In fact, there was a strange look in the eyes of most of the people around me as they looked at the sword in my hand.

These looks weren’t considered good looks, but they also couldn’t be considered bad looks.

It was as if they didn’t know how to feel about Durand.

It was silent until the elves broke that silence.lightsnovel

It wasn’t Moon’s elves that broke this silence, but rather the ones that we had captured.

After seeing their companion being cut down by Durand, they had all been sitting there staring in shock at Durand.

Finally, one of them said, “It’s the Cursed Sword! It’s one of the demon swords!”

As soon as one of them spoke, all of them started speaking and crying out in shock.

But the one that stood out the most was…

“That’s why we need to kill him, he’s one of the holders of the Cursed Sword! He’s one of the demons that will plunge this world into chaos!”

They had been so shocked that they didn’t even bother hiding the fact that they had been sent here to kill me.

Of course, it wasn’t a surprise for us that they were sent here to kill me.

Still, this was an opportunity.

They were frazzled right now, so it was my chance to push them and get the information that I wanted.

So ignoring how everyone else looked at me, I walked forward with the sword raised.

I specifically pointed it forward so that the elves would be able to see it, even though it was heavy for me to lift it like this.

lightsnοvεl As I came forward, I said, “Now, which one of you wants to be next?”

When they heard this, all of them couldn’t help revealing shocked looks of panic.

It was clear that there was fear that they felt towards this sword, even though it was strange that they felt afraid of this sword.

There was a silence that came over the elves as all of them just stared at the sword in my hand. All of them had strange looks on their faces as if there was something that they knew about this sword that I didn’t.

After this silence lasted for a bit, a few of them couldn’t help whispering.

“This demon sword…I’ve heard that it takes your soul if it kills you.”

“I’ve heard that it severs your ties with the mortal plane, erasing all traces of you from this world.”

“I’ve heard that it turns you into an undead…cursed to wander the land under the owner of the sword.”

When I heard all of their whispering, it slowly made sense why they had acted this way.

It was because they had heard all kinds of rumours of this sword and had a misconception of it.

That was something that I could use to my advantage.

Letting them go for a bit, I gave a cough and said, “Well, since no one is volunteering, how about I just pick someone?”

All of the elves trembled when they heard this and they couldn’t help scooching back a bit.

Seeing this reaction from them, I said in a slow voice, “That is unless…someone is willing to give me the information that I want.”


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