Shota’s Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 492 Visiting nobles (8)

Chapter 492 Visiting nobles (8)

As expected, the soldiers had shown up at her house after the incident and had captured her.

They had threatened to imprison her family members if she didn’t come with them.

Her father and mother were both beaten by the guards, but they had told her not to go.

In the end, she had no choice but to go or else they might have really killed her parents.

The rest was all very obvious based on what the current situation was.

Once she finished telling her story, the woman came forward and fell to her knees while we were all lost in thought. Then she bowed her head in front of me and said, “Please, if you send me away, they will kill my parents. I can’t do that to them after everything they’ve done to raise me…”

She kept going, but I couldn’t help deeply knitting my brows when I heard this.

When a woman was begging me to do her on the threat of her parents being killed…this was not something that I enjoyed.

I couldn’t even think of a single person that would enjoy this kind of thing.

With a sigh, I looked at Haley and asked, “Do you need more people?”

Haley looked at the woman who was still on the ground and after a moment of hesitation, she gave a nod.

She did need people, but to take in commoners like this who had never done any kind of business before was like taking in dead weight. There was no knowing if this woman would even be able to learn the things she needed to teach her or if she would even work hard.

If she took on too many people like this…

So Haley felt the need to add, “If we do this too often…”

She let her voice trail off, but it was clear what she was implying.

I just gave a nod and said, “I know, but this is a special circumstance, right?”

She looked at the woman on the ground again before giving a nod.

I gave a sigh before coming forward, but I saw the woman tremble again when I moved forward.

Even though she was telling me to have sex with her, it was clear that this was her first time and she wasn’t prepared for this.

But then again, it would be strange if anyone was prepared for this kind of situation.

So I turned to Rose and she gave a nod to show that she understood.

Rose was the one that came forward to help the woman up before saying, “It’ll be alright. We’ll make sure that everything will work out.”

But the woman didn’t want to get up as she looked up at me and said just one word, “Please.”

I couldn’t help revealing a deep frown when I heard this.

The fact that Viscount Teomold would drive a woman this far really angered me.

While I knew that this was just part of the laws for nobles in this world, it didn’t stop me from getting angry with this. I guess that’s just how it was for me, a person who was raised in a different world with different morals.

I looked down at her and slowly said, “I know it’s hard for you to believe, but I really do want to help you. I won’t force you to give up your body and I promise that I will help your parents. I hope that you will find yourself able to trust me.”

The woman revealed a shocked look when she heard this.

I didn’t bother staying in this room any longer since I knew that I would just become more angry if I stayed here.

So taking a deep breath, I turned around to walk out.

As I was walking out, I said to Rose and Haley without turning back, “Take care of her and help her calm down. When you’re done, come and see me in the other room.”

In the end, I waited another half an hour before they came to see me.

After they came in, I looked at them and asked, “How is she?”

Rose said, “I got her to calm down for now and she fell asleep, but she’s still worried about what will happen to her and her parents.”

I couldn’t help giving a sigh when I heard this.

Both Haley and Rose looked at me with strange looks before Rose said, “It’s fine if you want to take her in as a concubine, we don’t mind.”

Haley gave a nod as if she supported this.

But I shook my head and said, “I don’t want to force anyone to be my concubine, that just causes trouble in the future.”

The two of them looked at each other before looking at me with looks of doubt.

It was as if they didn’t believe me when I said this.

It seemed that I really couldn’t hide anything from them.

“It just doesn’t feel right to me personally.” I said with a sigh.

The looks of doubt disappeared from their faces, but they looked at me with strange looks as if what I said was strange.

There was no doubt that this was indeed strange in this world, but this was what I believed in and I would stand by it. action

So I just looked back at them with a calm look on my face.

After a while, Rose said with a faint smile, “You really aren’t like other nobles, are you?”

I said back with a smile, “I wasn’t a noble in the first place.”

Haley then added, “You aren’t like other men either.”

This time, there was nothing that I could say in response.

The two of them looked at each other before revealing smiles and saying, “But we like that about you.”

I just looked at them with a warm smile when I heard this.

After taking a moment to enjoy this feeling, I said, “So, what is the situation?”

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