Shota’s Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 516 Bigger than it seems

Chapter 516 Bigger than it seems

?When they came back, they looked much worse than when they went into the dungeon.

There were many adventurers and mercenaries that were injured, but at the very least they were all able to come back in one piece.

Cecilia wasn’t injured, but a few of her troops were injured, though they were minor injuries.

The rest of them were just covered in dirt and grime from what seemed like a messy fight.

After they received medical attention, I went to find Cecilia to find out what happened.

“It’s a big mess.”

That was the first thing that she said when I asked her what happened.

I just revealed a confused look as I waited for her to explain.

With a sigh, Cecilia said, “The information that we received was wrong. This place isn’t a small dungeon at all, it’s giant once you get in there.”

I was surprised by this before trying to search my memories of the game for anything like this in the game. But as far as I could tell, there shouldn’t have been anything like this in this area.

This was supposed to be a beginner area that didn’t have anything like this as far as I could remember.

So why did this dungeon suddenly appear?

It had to be that I was affecting the progression with the world since I was someone that shouldn’t have belonged in this world…

This dungeon only appeared after I received my title as a viscount and received this land…

Cecilia saw that I was lost in thought, so she waved her hand in front of me and asked, “Are you alright?”

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard this and said with a nod, “I’m fine. Tell me what happened in there.”

Cecilia gave a nod before giving a detailed report.

When they entered the dungeon, everything seemed normal.

It was a normal cave dungeon that had monsters in it.

The beginning part was filled with weak monsters like slimes and wolves, but when they went a bit deeper, they found that there were also goblins that were camping in this dungeon.

Still, these monsters wouldn’t pose a threat to Cecilia’s group.

They had already become much stronger with their training and new equipment, so goblins were nothing in front of them. That was seen when we had fought that wave of goblins in that valley. Follow current novels on Noᴠelꜰire.nᴇt

So it shouldn’t have been these monsters that had caused this mess for them.

“As we went deeper, I could tell that something was wrong since we had been going in for too long. This was supposed to be a small dungeon, but it felt like we had gone in for quite a while.” Cecilia gave a sigh after saying this, as if she was regretting something.

I went over and patted her on the shoulder, but I was still waiting for her to tell me the rest of what happened.

After taking a moment to gather herself, Cecilia said, “There were rats that suddenly appeared before I could call for the retreat.”

“Rats?” I repeated in a confused voice.

Cecilia gave a nod before saying, “It was a horde of rats, tens of thousands of them that suddenly swarmed from deep inside of the dungeon. We did our best with our torches to keep them away, but they just didn’t seem to be afraid of the fire as they charged at us. It was just a good thing that we had our strong shields or else we wouldn’t have been able to stop them.”

As she said this, I couldn’t help turning to look at the shields that the knights and guards had dropped as they went off to clean up.

These shields had dents in them to my surprise.

I was surprised to see these dents because these were mithril shields that had been forged by the dwarves, they were much stronger than normal iron and wood shields that they had used before.

Yet there were dents that had appeared on these shields.

It could be seen how strong these rats were.

But Cecilia said, “No, it’s not the rats that made those dents.”

I turned back with a surprised look before saying, “What was it then?”

With another sigh, Cecilia said, “There were these humanoid rat creatures that appeared that seemed to be commanding the rats. When they gave squeaks, the rats immediately turned in a different direction to attack.”

She also turned to look at the shields that had been placed on the ground and said with a sigh, “The attacks that they made with their fists, it was strong enough to even dent the shields…”

I couldn’t help revealing a surprised look again.

They had dented the shield with their fists alone…

I had thought that they had used some kind of special weapon or technique to dent these shields, but it turned out that it was their fists alone that did it.

That was terrifying.

One could imagine what would happen to a human head if these fists were to hit one.

These rat creatures were much more dangerous than they seemed.

Not to mention, there was more in the dungeon that they didn’t see.

In the end, Cecilia worked with Viscount Henry to push back these rat creatures.

They were only able to wound one of them before running away.

As they ran, they could see that the rat creatures had intelligence as they didn’t chase after them. The humanoid rat creatures had stared at them with wary looks, as if they understood that these humans were dangerous.

But as they ran back, they ran into another strange mushroom creature that popped up right in the center of their formation.

That was what had caused most of the injuries to the adventurers and mercenaries.

Though that mushroom itself wasn’t that strong since Cecilia had been able to easily cut it down.

When she was finished with her report, Cecilia looked at me and asked, “What do we do now?”

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