Shota’s Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 529 Dungeon exploration (9)

Chapter 529 Dungeon exploration (9)

?After reaching the line of mushroom monster corpses, I raised the Orb of the Dead in front of me.

Everyone looked at me with confused looks, except for Elsa and Moon who had dark looks on their faces.

It seemed like they could recognize the kind of magic that I was about to use.

Holding the Orb of the Dead up in front of me, there was this black energy that came from it that fell down into the mushroom monster corpse in front of me. This black energy quickly seeped into the mushroom monster corpse and in no time, it completely disappeared without a trace.

If one hadn’t seen it, they wouldn’t have known that it had been there.

But it didn’t seem to have an effect on the mushroom monster corpse as it just laid there.

That was until there was movement that came from the mushroom monster corpse.

It was the stem of the mushroom that suddenly trembled.

This stem moved a bit before helping the mushroom monster stand up.

When they saw it stand up, everyone immediately raised their weapons as if they were prepared to attack. However, I just raised my hand for them to stop, though I didn’t look back to see if they actually stopped.

The mushroom monster slowly stood up and turned around to face us, or rather it turned to face me.

It looked at me for a bit before suddenly bouncing forward towards me.

When Cecilia saw this, she immediately came forward to stand in front of me as if she was planning to risk her own body to stop the mushroom monster if it came to this.

But I grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

I looked at the mushroom monster and said, “Stop.”

As soon as I said this, the mushroom monster stopped moving and just waited there as?if it was waiting for my order.

When this demonstration was given, everyone was shocked.

They looked at me before looking at the mushroom monster and then looking back at me.

There were only a few people that weren’t shocked since they had already expected this. This included Moon and Elsa who were sensitive to magic and knew what kind of spell I had cast.

Cecilia looked at the mushroom monster just waiting there in front of us and turned back to look at me to ask, “What did you do?” The source of this content ɪs Noᴠelꜰire.nᴇt

I raised the Orb of the Dead and said, “I made a zombie.”

“Huh?” Cecilia revealed a dumbfounded look before looking at the Orb of the Dead that I held up for her.

She wasn’t as sensitive to magic, but she could tell that there was something special about this Orb of the Dead.

After looking at it for a bit, she looked at me with a concerned look and said, “But isn’t this going to be a large drain on you maintaining this zombie? If you want to use zombies to pad the number of troops that we have, it’ll use up your mana to maintain all of them.”

I couldn’t help revealing a look of praise when I heard this.

Not because of what she said, but because she had instantly understood what my intentions were from the context clues.

That’s right, my plan going forward was to use this Orb of the Dead to create more and more zombies as we killed the monsters in this dungeon.

The more zombies that we had, the more troops that we had. The more troops that we had, the stronger our group would become.

Not to mention, the zombies were completely disposable, so we could use them as meat shields and escape if need be.

But there was one thing that she had been wrong about.

The situation that she was describing would only apply if I was using regular necromancy, but this was special since I had the Orb of the Dead.

The Orb of the Dead was a special item that came from the demon king himself, so it was anything but normal.

I shook my head and said, “This orb contains a mass amount of mana and has the power to maintain the zombies on its own. All I have to do is supply the mana to activate it, I don’t have to supply the mana to these zombies to maintain them. The orb will maintain them for me.”

Cecilia looked at me with a shocked look before looking down at the orb in my hand.

There wasn’t much that she could say about this since she had no idea how this thing worked, so she could only turn to look at Moon who she regarded as an expert on magic.

Moon’s eyes had been on the Orb of the Dead the whole time, so she didn’t answer right away.

But after a pause, she slowly gave a nod.

However, before Cecilia could say anything else, there was a commotion that came from the distance.

We all turned to see that there were some slimes that were bouncing in our direction.

Since the monsters had delivered themselves to our doorstep, then I wouldn’t say no.

It would be a chance to demonstrate the power of the zombies.

So I said to the mushroom zombie, “Go and take down those slimes.”

The mushroom zombie bounced up and down once as if it was nodding in agreement before bouncing forward towards the slimes.

The slimes didn’t react at first to the mushroom zombie, but when it got closer, they suddenly stopped moving. After jiggling for a bit as if they were figuring out what was happening, the slimes suddenly turned and started bouncing off in the opposite direction.

It was as if they were running away from the mushroom zombie.

But they didn’t get to run far as the mushroom zombie suddenly compressed its body on the ground. Then with a single bounce, it closed the gap between it and the slimes, landing right in between the slimes without any fear.

Even when the mushroom zombie appeared right beside them, the slimes didn’t have any intentions of attacking.

They seemed like they were about to run off in different directions, as if they were going all out to avoid the mushroom zombie.

But once again, they didn’t get that chance.

When the mushroom zombie landed, it suddenly compressed itself once more before uncompressing to release a cloud of spores around it.

When we saw the spores, all of us couldn’t help taking a step back even though it was impossible for these spores to reach us all the way back here. That was just how much of a lasting impression those spores had left on us.

The spores coated these slimes and in no time at all, there were mushrooms that started sprouting on these slimes.

These mushrooms dug their roots deep into the slimes and we could see how they dug in with the transparent bodies of the slimes.

It seemed that they only dug down under the surface and didn’t dig in deep into the body of the slime. That was most likely why I was able to scrape out all the roots without having to go too deep.

Once the mushrooms sprouted, the slimes immediately slowed down before collapsing on the ground.

With just a single attack, the mushroom zombie had taken out this group of slimes like it was nothing.

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