Shota’s Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 539 The stone door again

Chapter 539 The stone door again

?To my surprise, it was easy to go through the dungeon.

Or it should be said that it was to be expected with how many monsters we had killed.

Even if a dungeon could spawn more, it would take time to gather the mana to summon more. Follow current novels on NovᴇlFirᴇ(.)nᴇt

So for now, we were able to make our way through the dungeon without much trouble.

Though as we made our way through, there were still a few monsters that popped out.

For Cecilia and her knights, it was no problem to deal with them.

Then after they were taken down, I used the Orb of the Dead to turn them into zombies.

In no time at all, we had built up a sizable group and were able to leave everything to the zombies.

Once we made our way back to the stone door, everyone stopped and turned to look at me.

After all, it was me who had wanted to come here in the first place.

So it was me that they were waiting for to do something.

I walked up to the stone door, but then I suddenly moved to the side.

I went back over to where the indentation in the wall was.

Everyone just looked at me with a strange look as I stood there in front of the wall. There were some of them that looked at each other as if they were worried that I had gone crazy.

At the same time, they flashed a few looks at Cecilia as if they were asking if they should knock me out and take me out of this cave.

They were worried that I might have been up for too long and was going crazy.

But Cecilia shook her head to stop them.

She knew just how he was and she remembered what he had said when they were here before.

So she wanted to see what would happen.

It was the same indentation as before and there was nothing different about it.

But when I looked more carefully, I found that there were other indentations nearby.

Only this time…it was in a language that I didn’t understand.

Though I did know what this language was because of how similar it looked to another language that I had seen back on Earth.

Hindi, it was Hindi.

When I looked further along the wall, I could see that there were many different carvings, but each of them were different.

It was only when I found another one that I recognized that I finally realized that these were all different languages. At the same time, I realized that it was the same thing that was being written in all of these different languages.

“For the Divine.”

That was what was written.

I carefully counted all the different carvings that were on the wall, but I soon gave up when I saw that there were thousands of different carvings here.

All of them were just one simple sentence it seemed and if I had to guess, they should all have the same meaning.

But for the people of this world, they didn’t understand a single one of these languages.

For them, it was as if there were just strange carvings that lined the wall.

So when they saw that I was excited to see what they considered to be random carvings, it enforced the idea that I had gone crazy. They thought that the stress had gotten to me and I was seeing things that weren’t actually there.

This time, even Cecilia couldn’t help revealing a worried look.

Her subordinates once again looked at her with a worried and questioning look, as if they wanted to take action. But once again, Cecilia shook her head and stopped them.

Instead, she took a step forward and asked in a soft voice, “Did you find anything?”

I had been focused on the wall, so I hadn’t really noticed what was happening with the others. It was only when Cecilia suddenly said something that I turned around to look at her.

With a nod, I said, “Can’t you see all the different things that are on the wall?”

Cecilia looked at the wall when I said this before shaking her head to say, “No, all I see are strange indents. I don’t see anything.”

I just gave a slow nod before saying, “It’s different languages that are carved on the wall, they aren’t strange indents at all. I thought that you would be able to recognize at least one of them, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

When they heard this, the others couldn’t help looking carefully at the wall.

Cecilia did the same before slowly asking, “Different languages?”

But then she asked, “What does it say then?”

“For the Divine.” I said slowly.

Cecilia had a very confused look when she heard this, but before she or anyone else could say anything…


All of us suddenly raised our guard when we heard this sound.

At the same time, we all moved backwards just in case something happened.

After all, the sound came from the door.

This kind of sound usually would mean that a trap was triggered or something like that.

But there were no traps or things that were similar that were triggered.

Instead, there was a grinding sound as the door suddenly started to move.

The door slowly started lifting itself off the ground, as if there was some kind of mechanism doing this.

Cecilia quickly put me behind her as she raised her sword and pointed it at the void behind the door.

All of us were expecting something to come out of that door, but there wasn’t a single thing that came out. At the same time, it was too dark behind the door that we weren’t able to see a single thing in there.

We just stood there for a while, waiting to see what would come out from behind the door.

Only there wasn’t a single thing that came out in the end.

Since nothing was coming out…then I guess I should go in and see what was there.

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