Shota’s Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 544 Debug room

Chapter 544 Debug room

?Debug log.

These were words that unless one knew about how this game used to be a game world, they wouldn’t understand.

But the moment that I saw these words, I finally realized what this place was and what it was used for.

The debug room, that was a room that was rumoured to exist in the game.

It was the room which the devs had used to test the aspects of the game and make the appropriate changes.

To do that, this room had to be given a certain amount of privileges to do that.

This room had one special function.

It was able to create and delete any item in the game so that the devs could test anything new that they wanted to add into the game.

But for even the debug room to carry over to this world after it was made a real world…

This was a problem. Thᴇ link to the origɪn of this information rᴇsts ɪn NovᴇlFirᴇ.nᴇt

If someone were to realize the power of this place, it was unknown what they would do with it.

However, as long as there was someone that knew about this place, it was certain that there would be the temptation to use it. Unless they were someone like me that knew the dangers of a place like this.

So once I realized what this place was, I no longer wanted to stay here any longer.

I didn’t even want to figure out how this debug room worked.

“Let’s go.” I said before turning to leave.

Cecilia and the knights were all shocked to see me acting this way, but they quickly reacted and followed me.

But Cecilia couldn’t help moving forward to my side and asking, “What’s wrong? Why do you seem so spooked? Did you find something?”

I just shook my head and said, “Nothing.”

It was one simple word, but the tone of my voice made it clear that this matter was settled. I made it very clear that this was final and that she should ask no more questions.

Cecilia was once again taken aback, but she closed her mouth and just followed me.

This was her first time seeing me act this way, so of course she was shocked.

But she knew that I must have a good reason for acting this way.

Our group quickly went back the same way that we came and found the stairs.

Then we went up the stairs and out the door to return to the dungeon.

We had left the zombies here and it didn’t seem like anything had happened as they were still standing there where we had left them.

Though we came out of the door, it didn’t close behind us which bothered me.

I had to figure out a way to close this door…

“Open sesame.”


“Shut yourself.”

I said all kinds of different phrases for it to close, but it just wouldn’t close.

When they saw me acting this way, Cecilia and the knights couldn’t help feeling that I was crazy.

But they just watched me as I kept shouting at the door.

The only problem was that no matter what I tried, this door wouldn’t close.

Even as time passed, it didn’t seem like it would close automatically.

If I didn’t get this door to close, then it was very likely that it would be found by someone else and there was the chance of the debug room being abused…

So I had to figure out a way to close it or at least block it off.

For now, it didn’t seem like I would be able to close it…

So maybe I should try to find a way to block it off?

Or at least that was what I thought before trying one last thing.

“For the Divine.”

When I said this, the same sound as before suddenly rang out and the door started to move again.

In no time at all, the door had closed once more.

When I saw this, I let out a long sigh of relief.

It seemed that the phrase to open it was also the phrase to close it.

At the very least, that was one problem taken care of.

Now for the next problem…

I pulled out Durand without any hesitation and started slashing at the walls around the door.

I didn’t hesitate to cut through all of the different etchings on the wall, almost as if I was a madman.

I even ignored all of the looks that Cecilia and the others gave me as I did this.

I knew that I couldn’t allow these things to exist in this world anymore.

Even if I was the only one that would be able to read them, I couldn’t take the risk that someone would be able to decode it one day. If that happened and they were to access this place…

Once I was done, I turned to look at Cecilia and the others to say in a deep voice, “We did nothing here, understood?”

Cecilia and the others all revealed slightly terrified looks when they heard this.

I’m sure that I must have looked terrifying since I had never acted this way before.

For them seeing it for the first time, it was something that they couldn’t help being scared by.

But that was just how important this was.

Slowly all of them gave nods of agreement to what I said.

But I wouldn’t let it end there as I said, “Raise your hand and make a vow.”

All of them were taken aback that I would take it this far, but they still agreed and did it.

Once we were done, we immediately left that place and returned to the camp.

The debug room…

How could such a terrifying thing appear in this world?

I knew that this world was based on the game, but why did even this come along with it?

Doesn’t the person who built this world know how dangerous this room was?

No matter what, no one could know about this ever.

Or else…it might be the end of this world.

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