So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 701 - Invitation to Join

Chapter 701: Invitation to Join

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

After talking with Shen Yueping for a while, Yang Ming told Shen Yueping about the idea to have Lin Zhiyun go to the company and help. Shen Yueping was supportive of it.

“Yun Er, when you go to Little Yang’s company, you must learn with humility. You can’t take advantage of being Little Yang’s girlfriend and act spoiled and arrogant. You must keep a normal heart!” Shen Yueping said without fear, “You have such a unique opportunity. You must cherish it!”

“Mom, don’t worry. I won’t…” Lin Zhiyun’s face was slightly flushed. Her character was also destined not to act spoiled and arrogant.

” En , it is great that you understand.” Shen Yueping nodded and said, “Although the company is opened by Little Yang, it is a partnership between two people, not his own family.”

“Aunty Shen, you can rest assured that Zhiyun isn’t such a person. I know it best, otherwise, I can’t put her in this position.” Yang Ming explained with a smile.

Shen Yueping listened to Yang Ming’s words and she was relieved. She still believed in Yang Ming’s words.

Since the matter was discussed, Shen Yueping would no longer be a third wheel, so she got up and said, “I will go to the kitchen to the wash vegetables. You two can play around.”

After Shen Yueping left, Yang Ming hesitated for a long time and felt that the matter about Li Dadong should be discussed.

“Zhiyun, what do you think of Li Dadong?” asked Yang Ming.

” En ? Why do you suddenly ask this?” Lin Zhiyun was embarrassed. “Didn’t I say it? I always thought of him as my big brother.”

” Hehe , I’m not asking you this. What are you nervous about!?” Yang Ming looked at Lin Zhiyun with a smile. “I mean, what do you think of Li Dadong’s character?”

” Oh …” Lin Zhiyun was a little shy as she misunderstood the meaning of Yang Ming’s words. She lowered her head in response. “Brother Dadong has a great character. He is a good person without sly intentions…”

” En , I also observed him carefully and thought that his character is still good.” Yang Ming continued, “If I let Li Dadong come to the jewelry company to help, what do you think?”

” Ah ? Let him come?” Lin Zhiyun was caught off guard and blurted out, “Will you be at ease?”

“Why wouldn’t I feel at ease?” Yang Ming smiled and looked at Lin Zhiyun’s blushed face.

” Ugh … I mean… that…” Lin Zhiyun stammered. The words she just blurted out was unintentional. Now, it was too flirtatious as she thought about it. She quickly explained, “I mean, aren’t you afraid that Brother Dadong would deliberately do something to damage the company’s affairs…?”

However, when this was said, Lin Zhiyun felt that something was wrong. I have already said that Li Dadong’s character is good without sly intention. At this moment, aren’t I contradicting myself?

Sure enough, she heard Yang Ming say, “Zhiyun, you can’t lie, right? Didn’t you say that Li Dadong has a great character? Why did you turn around and say that he would cause damage?”

“I… I… Ai , anyway, I mean, Brother Dadong, the way he sees me… You should understand. With that, can he work well?” Lin Zhiyun forced herself to say it.

“Some matters can never be solved without facing it.” Yang Ming smiled and said, “Let Li Dadong accept this fact more quickly, and save him from despair. This is the best way to go about it.”

Yang Ming did this with another purpose. It was to show his strength in front of Li Dadong. In fact, it was also good for Li Dadong, letting him know that he couldn’t reach Yang Ming’s height in any way. It would absolutely shut off his intentions for Lin Zhiyun.

“Maybe you’re right… Well then, when I meet Brother Dadong next time, I will ask for his thoughts.”

The time was almost up. After giving a call to Zhao Sisi, Yang Ming learned that the company had been restored. Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun were ready to leave for the company.

Just as Yang Ming left the house, he saw Li Dadong and his two friends approach in his direction. The three of them were talking loudly. Li Dadong seemed to be worked up as he didn’t notice Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun who weren’t far away.

“Zheng Zetao, if you’re still my friend, don’t mention it again! I, Li Dadong, knew myself that I might not be a gentleman, but I would never do what you said!” Li Dadong said loudly, “It’s too wicked. The damage to Zhiyun would be huge!”

“Dadong…” Zheng Zetao saw Lin Zhiyun not far away and quickly warned Li Dadong.

It was unexpected that Zheng Zetao was interrupted by Li Dadong. “Don’t say it again. I would never agree! Don’t bring up the methods from the underworld again… Zetao, did you mingle with your brother in the bathing center too much? You seem to be contaminated by the habits from these punks. You were not like this previously!”

“Dadong, look at who is in front of you?” Yao Yang noticed that Li Dadong’s words would easily reveal it, and he quickly patted his shoulder.

” Ah ?” Li Dadong looked up and saw Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun approaching. He was surprised, “Yang Ming, Zhiyun, you…”

“Li Dadong, I really didn’t misjudge you!” Yang Ming walked over and patted Li Dadong’s arm gratifyingly. “You knew what is right and wrong. That is great!”

Yang Ming wasn’t stupid. From Li Dadong’s words, he probably grasped it somehow. Zheng Zetao probably wasn’t a good person at first glance. How could his advice be any better? It was nothing more than lobbying Li Dadong to use some despicable means to get Lin Zhiyun. But Li Dadong had refused it resolutely, indicating Li Dadong, was a person with strong principles and a strong sense of justice and was not tempted by interests.

“Damn, who are you, kid?” Zheng Zetao was just upset. If it wasn’t Li Dadong stopping Zheng Zetao, Zheng Zetao would have given Yang Ming a lesson. Now, Yang Ming’s words meant that Zheng Zetao was evil, and Li Dadong was good. How could he be not angry?

“Li Dadong, let me advise you, this kind of friend, just forget about them. Don’t think that he is helping you. He is killing you!” Yang Ming threw a cold gaze at Zheng Zetao and said, “The sh*t idea he gave you, it will ruin you.”

What Yang Ming said was true. If Li Dadong dared to have any ill thoughts about Lin Zhiyun, he would die badly.

“Zetao was also doing it for my sake…” Li Dadong was troubled. Yang Ming lectured Zheng Zetao directly, putting him in a dilemma.

“F*ck off. How many years of friendship do you have with Dadong? What kind of thing are you? Let me tell you this. If Dadong was asking for your grievance, today I would let you lie down! You won’t know your worth if I don’t cripple you!” Zheng Zetao said loudly.

Yang Ming squeezed the fist of his right hand and then let go again. He shook his head and said, “I have already said what I needed to. You think about it. As for your friend, I don’t want to say anything more. In Song Jiang, there are really few people who dared to talk to me like this!”

And the only few were Yang Ming’s parents and his women.

Zheng Zetao had a disdainful face. He had seen madness, but had never seen such madness as Yang Ming! Moreover, those people who were mad had their capability. What did Yang Ming have? He only had a bigger fist. In a one-on-one duel, Zheng Zetao was definitely not Yang Ming’s opponent. Therefore, Zheng Zetao didn’t dare to make a move first without help. So, he only stood aside and sneered.

“Right, Brother Dadong, I’m going to Yang Ming’s company to take a look. You can also come along with us to visit.” Lin Zhiyun suddenly remembered what Yang Ming had said at home before, so she invited him.

“Company? Okay…” Li Dadong didn’t think much about the company or what the company did specifically. Just because Lin Zhiyun invited him, he subconsciously agreed.

And Zheng Zetao over there was full of mockery. “What company? Dadong, don’t listen to him fooling around!”

“Right, Zhiyun, what the hell is going on? What company?” Li Dadong reacted at this moment, asked Lin Zhiyun, baffled.

“Dadong, didn’t you notice it? Your Sister Lin and her boyfriend are fooling you with their words!” Zheng Zetao said sourly.

“No, Brother Dadong, what I said is true…” Lin Zhiyun noticed she was suspected and she became worried.

“Let’s go, Dadong. Let’s go and take a look at what kind of company it is in the end!” Zheng Zetao decided that this was just a lie coming from Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun, or maybe Lin Zhiyun was the victim! Zheng Zetao was worried about not having a chance to retaliate. At this moment, he felt that he had gotten an opportunity and he wanted to embarrass Yang Ming.

Although Yao Yang didn’t speak, his heart also had a general idea. At this time, after listening to Zheng Zetao’s words, he nodded and agreed.

“If this is the case, then let’s go together.” Yang Ming glanced at Zheng Zetao and Yao Yang. How can he not know their intentions? But, Yang Ming didn’t point it out clearly.

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