So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 800 - This Is so Awkward!

Chapter 800: This Is so Awkward!

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Boss Zhu took a breath and refused to wipe his sweat. He even ran back to the first room. The waiter next to the room was surprised at what happened to the boss but didn’t dare to ask.

Only then did Boss Zhu take the time to wipe his sweat and gently knock on the door. He didn’t dare to push too hard. It was completely without the atmosphere from before.

“Please come in.” Yang Ming said casually, thinking that it was a waiter delivering things.

However, it was still Boss Zhu who came in. Yang Ming was somewhat baffled, not knowing what else he had.

“Brother Yang, I have been too scornful. Please don’t let it go to your heart!” Boss Zhu directly bowed once he entered the door, cautious and careful.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Boss Zhu made Yang Ming inexplicable and unintelligible.

“Brother Yang, I know that you’re a great character. A gentleman doesn’t stoop to pettiness. I… just now I… I didn’t really know and called you Little Brother Yang. I’m really…” Boss Zhu stuttered.

Yang Ming was dumbfounded. Looking at Boss Zhu, he didn’t really know if he should laugh or cry and said, “Is it just this?”

Boss Zhu nodded, “Brother Bao said that he had to call you Brother Yang. I didn’t really recognize the big character…”

Yang Ming waved his hand and interrupted his words. Yang Ming said helplessly, “I don’t care about it at all. In terms of age, you’re older than me. It is normal to call me little brother. Fine. It is alright. You can go back… ”

“Then… then I will just go back.” Boss Zhu looked at Yang Ming and saw that he wasn’t joking. Only then did he take a long breath and feel at ease.

“You go back first. It’s really fine. You think too much…” Yang Ming calmed him.

When Boss Zhu finally left, Yang Ming sighed and looked up. He found that Sun Jie was staring at him. Her eyes seemed as though she wanted to see through him. He couldn’t help but smile. “Why are you looking at me?”

“Yang Ming, what exactly do you do?” Sun Jie asked a serious question.

“I? What can I do?” Yang Ming said innocently, “Don’t you know everything about me?”

“Why does Bao Sanli call you Brother Yang?” Sun Jie was persistent. This clue was enough to uncover the secret behind Yang Ming.

“Do you really want to know?” Yang Ming looked at Sun Jie lecherously and laughed.

Sun Jie nodded.

Xiao Qing didn’t know what the duo was playing. She wasn’t from the underworld, nor did she know what kind of power Bao Sanli represented, so she looked at the other two, baffled.

Yang Ming stood up, walked up to Sun Jie’s ear and whispered, “Do you want to know? Then I… I will tell you later at night.”

Sun Jie listened to Yang Ming’s words and became mad. She thought that Yang Ming whispered because he didn’t want Xiao Qing who never had contact with underworld to know. However, she didn’t expect Yang Ming to say such a thing!

Sun Jie snorted with a ” hmph ” and turned her head around.

Xiao Qing looked at Yang Ming’s smirk and Sun Jie’s somewhat annoyed look. She knew that Yang Ming definitely didn’t say something good. She had to mediate from the middle. “Alright, why do you two seem like enemies? Every word spoken is sharp. It’s really unbearable.”

“I didn’t. I put my words clearly. I just told her…” Yang Ming just wanted to speak, but Sun Jie glared at him fiercely.

“You shut up!” Sun Jie was already ashamed. How could Yang Ming say it again?

Yang Ming smiled and shut his mouth, but still looked at Sun Jie with an ambiguous smile. His expression seemed to say – If you want to know about me, you have to be obedient!

However, Sun Jie was really curious! Especially after the scene just now, she was more curious about Yang Ming’s life! Sometimes, curiosity can kill a cat, but it can also kill an elephant… but still…

Hence, Sun Jie thought about it. If worse comes to worst, I will just be obedient one more time. It isn’t a big deal. Since we already did it twice, doing it now once more doesn’t matter. If worse comes to worst, I will just lay on the bed and not move, close my eyes like a dead fish and let him do what he wants. Presumably, he won’t be interested in it next time.

However, the key issue was Xiao Qing. Sun Jie was very sure about Yang Ming’s intention. He wanted to have one on each side! Therefore, Sun Jie couldn’t be determined.

It is true that I have a good impression of Yang Ming. Even if I have not yet reached the level of love, this ambiguous feeling is enough. Sun Jie gritted her teeth. She found a glass of wine from the table, picked it up and gulped it down.

Initially, Sun Jie wanted to drink some wine and be brave. If Yang Ming did something ridiculous to her tonight, she could push it to the unconsciousness after drinking. However, as soon as the wine went down her throat, Sun Jie coughed. When she wanted to spit it out, it was already too late. “What kind of wine is this? Why is it so strong?”

Xiao Qing thought it was Sun Jie getting mad at Yang Ming, so she advised, “Little Jie, what are you doing? Why do you drink so much?”

Sun Jie quickly drank a few mouthfuls of lemon juice, and only then did it relieve her situation. Sun Jie opened her mouth and breathed out, showing that it was too spicy.

It might be because of shame, or because of the wine, Sun Jie’s complexion had become red and fluttering. Her small mouth that was panting made Yang Ming a little hot. It was similar to the first time Yang Ming met Sun Jie in the bathroom. Thinking about the scene at the time, Yang Ming became a little excited!

Sun Jie’s faint scent of alcohol mixed with some fresh lemon flavor rushed to her face, making Yang Ming’s heart race faster.

If they weren’t in the bar, Yang Ming really wanted to go up. Xiao Qing didn’t have Yang Ming’s reaction. Seeing Sun Jie being uncomfortable, she asked nervously, “Little Jie, are you okay?”

“This wine is really uncomfortable…” Sun Jie wasn’t the kind of girl who had never had a drink, but this wine was too strong. After drinking it, it was like she was on fire.

” Ah , what should I do? Yang Ming, you should quickly go and ask if there is anything that cures a hangover.” Xiao Qing was busy informing Yang Ming.

“No need. Help me over to the bathroom. I need to wash my face. I’m too hot…” Sun Jie was sweating with a hot face.

After Xiao Qing listened, she rushed to help Sun Jie. She suddenly saw Yang Ming on the side, and said, “You should help Little Jie. I will ask the waiter what wine this is!”

Sun Jie wasn’t heavy, but when there was a man next to her, was there a need for a woman to help? Moreover, Xiao Qing also knew the relationship between Sun Jie and Yang Ming. Knowing that there weren’t many things to avoid between them, she let Sun Jie lean on Yang Ming.

The two bulges on the chest were soft in Yang Ming’s hand, which made it more difficult for Yang Ming to restrain himself. He sneakily squeezed it gently.

“You’re still taking advantage of me?” Sun Jie was too hot and just wanted to wash her face to sober up. Yet Yang Ming took advantage of her. She was too lazy to care, but she still complained.

There was a separate bathroom in the private room, and Yang Ming took Sun Jie there. Sun Jie leaned on the wash basin, turned on the faucet and washed her face.

Yang Ming couldn’t help but sigh. It was really a good saying, things can be eaten indiscriminately, but wine can’t be simply drunk!

Yang Ming had heard a lot of super-strong blends like “Deep Water Bombs” in the bar. Perhaps, what Sun Jie accidentally drank was similar.

Sun Jie washed for a long time, only to feel a little more relief. However, the tipsiness began to surge into her head. Her gaze became more charming. She raised her head with dripping water droplets on her face. The corner of her mouth tilted up slightly, expressing a different kind of temptation.

Yang Ming took a deep breath and couldn’t hold himself anymore. He kissed at Sun Jie’s little mouth…

The wine could make one courageous, but at the same time, it was also a sexual stimulant. Sun Jie was a bit hot. When Yang Ming kissed her, her desire immediately ignited. She hugged Yang Ming hastily, and her mouth responded to him…

Although there were some feelings that he was taking advantage, Yang Ming felt that he couldn’t use the usual means to deal with women like Sun Jie. Otherwise, he had to wait indefinitely!

” Ah …” Sun Jie moaned. This was the third time. Every time Yang Ming could give her the ultimate pleasure. Each time was stronger than the previous one! Sun Jie also couldn’t clearly say why. Perhaps it was only physiological. But now, there was a psychological part to it.

Yang Ming didn’t know if it was such a bad taste now. However, the feeling of being in the bathroom with Sun Jie was indeed a special excitement. This feeling of a love affair made him completely crazy.

Xiao Qing asked the waiter, only to discover that this was the bar’s specialty, called “The Boiling Point of Ice.” It meant that ice could also reach the boiling point with this wine. No wonder Sun Jie’s reaction after finishing it was so strong!

This kind of wine was generally a man’s drink. Brother Hui didn’t expect Sun Jie to drink it all in. He apologized to Xiao Qing while calling the bartender to prepare a cup of sobering-up tea and handed it to Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing knew that this thing couldn’t be blamed on others, so she didn’t bother with him. She quickly returned to the private room with the sobering-up tea. When she saw there was no one in the private room, she knew that Yang Ming and Sun Jie were still in the bathroom.

So Xiao Qing walked to the bathroom while holding the sobering-up tea. She didn’t knock on the door and pushed the door open directly!

The scene inside shocked Xiao Qing. As her hand trembled, the sobering-up tea fell to the ground…

Xiao Qing didn’t think that Yang Ming and Sun Jie were actually in the bathroom doing that… At this moment, Sun Jie’s pants were stripped off entirely on the floor. Her whole person was leaning on the bathroom wall, panting and moaning.

Xiao Qing’s face blushed. Although she had done the same thing with Yang Ming, and she wasn’t unfamiliar with Sun Jie’s body, when they were together, Xiao Qing couldn’t wait to find a hole to hide inside!

If she knew that the two had gone to the bathroom to have an affair, Xiao Qing would have never gone in no matter what! She became awkward at the moment. She couldn’t just stay there, nor could she just leave!

But standing here, she didn’t know what to say. Xiao Qing regretted it. She blamed herself for being too anxious. If she had listened to the situation at the door, she could have detected this abnormality!

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