So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 891 - Lin Zhiyun’s Secret

Chapter 891: Lin Zhiyun’s Secret

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“After being beaten, he settled down,” said Bao Sanli with a smile immediately. “When he heard that the person he was trying to scam was me, he almost pissed in his pants. But what he did not know was that my boss was sitting in the car at that time!”

“You let him go already?” Yang Ming asked after listening.

” En , I let him go, but I called the chief editor of the Song Jiang Metropolis Daily and reported the evil deeds of this kid. He would be fired after going back,” said Bao Sanli.

Never mind the current social status of Bao Sanli. Just the annual advertising fee from Ming Yang Entertainment in the Song Jiang Metropolis Daily was a large sum, but it was not the responsibility of a small character like Yuan Gangyi.

Therefore, once Bao Sanli had said it, the chief editor naturally had to measure the pros and cons. Regarding Yuan Gangyi, such a small and insignificant person, and also known as the “temporary worker,” it did not matter if he were sacrificed.

After Yang Ming listened, he nodded with approval. Bao Sanli now started to use his brain. He was no longer the dumb*ss who only knew to use brute force. He utilized his relationships and strategies properly.

“Brother Yang, your coming here, is it because of the matter that happened in Phoenix City?” Bao Sanli was indeed a lot more clever than before, knowing how to brainstorm some things.

” En , how come you know?” Yang Ming did not intend to conceal it from Bao Sanli.

“Yes, President Yang and I discussed it before. I originally wanted to bring people to screw them up, but then I was afraid of causing trouble for you. So, I discussed with President Yang, and we concluded to wait until you were back.” Bao Sanli said.

“You are right. You don’t have to worry about this matter. I will go there when delivering the goods,” said Yang Ming.

” Ah ? Brother Yang, is it good to let you go alone? It is so dangerous. Why don’t I accompany you?” Bao Sanli said with some concern.

“That would be good. I’ll even have to protect you when you go.” Yang Ming glared at Bao Sanli.

Bao Sanli suddenly showed an embarrassed expression. “That is also true. I could cause more trouble for worrying about it.”

“Right, no matter what, you are now the boss of a big company. In the future, don’t drive the van anymore.” Yang Ming felt sorry for stealing Bao Sanli’s BMW X5. Now that he saw Bao Sanli driving the van like a full-time driver, he felt a little guilty. Bao Sanli was also the boss of the underworld and the president of a big entertainment company. He should not be driving a van!

” Heh , I initially thought that this car was too big to drive, but I don’t want to change after I got used to it.” Bao Sanli smiled and said, “Brother Yang, you see. I even had the company buy these vans. I have bought more than a dozen of these vans.”

“How about this? Go buy a Mercedes-Benz, or the Audi A8 is okay, as long as it’s something with a higher grade. Your identity is there, and you can’t be too shabby.” Yang Ming said.

“Haha, since Brother Yang approved it, I will buy it tomorrow!” Bao Sanli nodded and smiled. “I will just buy an Audi. A Mercedes-Benz is a bit too eye-catching.”

“It can work too. Order a few more for my dad, my uncle, Hou Zhenhan, and one more Audi sports car for Chen Mengyan.” Yang Ming said. Chen Mengyan knew how to drive a car long ago, and getting a driver’s license was definitely not a problem. She could probably go on the road after the car was bought.

Because Yang Ming bought a house outside the school, Yang Ming himself had a lot of things to do. Therefore, it was imperative to buy a car for Chen Mengyan.

“What model is the sports car? R8?” Bao Sanli nodded, jotted down Yang Ming’s order and asked.

“R8…” Yang Ming hesitated. To be honest, Sun Jie’s R8 was really beautiful, but it was too eye-catching. Sun Jie was a graduate student, and she had a company outside the school. It was okay to drive such an eye-catching car. But Chen Mengyan was different. She was only a freshman student, and her father was in a rather sensitive position. Even if this car were bought by Yang Ming, probably some people would associate it with something inappropriate.

“A5, the price is not very high, and it is very good.” Yang Ming thought about it. He remembered when Zhang Bing was choosing a car on the Autohome website, he saw this version of the car. It was an Audi A series sports car. Its performance was good and looked great as well.

“Okay.” Bao Sanli nodded after listening. “Red color?”

” En , the red one will do. It looks better when a girl drives it. Just choose the one with low engine displacement. I remember that the minimum is 2.0. I don’t want her to drive too fast. The car with average speed will do.” Yang Ming nodded.

“Okay, I got it.” Bao Sanli wrote down the request made by Yang Ming and planned to contact and book the cars tomorrow. Of course, someone else may have to wait a few months after ordering a vehicle. Bao Sanli might only need a few weeks, but it couldn’t be helped. No one wanted to offend people like Bao Sanli deliberately. They would deal with Bao Sanli’s matter nicely.

On the way home, Yang Ming called Chen Mengyan’s home. “Mengyan, I am back in Song Jiang.”

On the other side of the phone, there was a brief silence before Chen Mengyan’s resentful voice came over the phone, “Did you bring back any sister for me during this trip?”

Yang Ming was shocked. Huang Lele… As Chen Mengyan said, it seems that every time I go out, I seem to have an affair. If this continues, I might as well not go out.

“Why don’t you talk? Hehe.” Chen Mengyan switched her tone and smiled, “Don’t be afraid. I was just scaring you. This time I agreed to it. You don’t have to blame yourself.”

Yang Ming was stunned. He immediately thought that Chen Mengyan might probably be talking about Su Ya’s matter. As for Huang Lele, let’s forget it. He would look for an opportunity next time.

“Mengyan, thank you.” Yang Ming could only say this at the moment. Although this thank you seemed a bit hypocritical, Chen Mengyan’s understanding still made Yang Ming feel warm.

“Do you need to be polite with me!? Right, have you brought her back?” Chen Mengyan naturally was talking about Su Ya.

“No, she still has her own business, and probably will only come back a few times a year…” Yang Ming sighed. “She doesn’t want to add too much trouble between us.”

“I said that I didn’t care about this.” Chen Mengyan also knew that Su Ya was telling the truth. How could a celebrity be like ordinary people?

“Are you free now? Want to come out and eat together?” Yang Ming suddenly had an urge to meet Chen Mengyan.

“Now? My mother is already making dinner. Let’s meet tomorrow, okay?” Chen Mengyan said with some difficulty.

“That is okay. Tomorrow then.” Yang Ming did not insist. “Right, you tell Uncle Chen to get your driver’s license fast. I asked a friend to order a car for you.”

” Ah ? Give me? Buy a car?” Chen Mengyan was stunned. She didn’t expect Yang Ming to buy her a car so suddenly.

” En , Audi A5. If you have time, you can check it online. I asked him to order a red one. If you don’t like it, you can change another model. It doesn’t matter.” Yang Ming said.

“Me… driving. It is not very good, right?” Although Chen Mengyan said so, there were still some surprises that could not be suppressed.

“What is not good? There are a lot of students driving to school now. Not just only you,” said Yang Ming.

“Then… does Lin Zhiyun also have one?” Girls always have the intention to compare. Chen Mengyan accepted Lin Zhiyun generously, but deep down, she still hoped that Yang Ming could slightly favor her.

“No, she doesn’t know how to drive, so I bought it for you. If you have time, teach her how to drive.” Yang Ming probably guessed Chen Mengyan’s mind, so he said with a smile.

” En , okay… right, we will talk next time. My parents told me to eat. Let’s talk again at night.” The voice of Mother Chen came through Chen Mengyan’s phone. Chen Mengyan quickly said a few words and hung up the phone.

After calling Chen Mengyan, Yang Ming called Lin Zhiyun. Unexpectedly, Lin Zhiyun was still at the company at this time!

“Why haven’t you gone home yet? What time is it?!” Yang Ming said with some complaint, “You can’t exhaust your body even if it is for work!”

“I… I will sort out the company’s accounts, and I will go back…” Lin Zhiyun said.

“Have you eaten yet?” asked Yang Ming.

“Not yet. After I finish, I will go home and eat. My mother will keep some food for me every day,” said Lin Zhiyun.

“Every day? Don’t tell me that you’ve been working overtime in the company every day during this time?” Yang Ming was shocked. “How are there so many things to deal with?”

“I…” After Lin Zhiyun said, “I,” she did not say anything. Yang Ming could even imagine her appearance. She was probably biting her lip with a very aggrieved appearance.

“Well, you wait for me. I am going to the company now,” said Yang Ming.

“You… don’t come here anymore… I will leave soon…” Lin Zhiyun was shocked and said quickly.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Ming asked puzzled.

“I… I… nothing. In short, don’t come first…” Lin Zhiyun heard Yang Ming was coming and became very anxious.

” Oh … that’s okay…” Yang Ming said this, but he was suspicious about what was going on with Lin Zhiyun. Why was she so anxious when I said I was going to the company to see her? Did she do something disreputable? Or did she do something that wronged me?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming was shocked! However, it seems that it is unlikely, based on Lin Zhiyun’s temper. It is impossible for her to do something that wronged me. It could be seen in our relationship. I can see that since the beginning, Lin Zhiyun is kind of stubborn but loyal to one. In other respects, this company belongs to her. It was impossible for Lin Zhiyun to do anything unfavorable to the company. So what is Lin Zhiyun hiding from me?

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