SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

503 Neron Versus Abellion [Pt 2]

‘I mean, I suppose my Time Barrier was too lax. Maybe if I had poured more Mana into it, then it could probably stop it completely…’ The white-haired man thought to himself.

Abellion was stunned beyond speech. He was certain that would kill his opponent, yet… YET!

“Oh, well. It’s been a while since I even received an injury. I’ll have to change my assessment of you. Turns out you’re not that disappointing.”

Other chuckles, other than Neron’s, could be heard from all around.

‘This…?!’ The Demon King finally noticed when he looked around him.

Every single member of the Demon Army was dead.

The victorious army had now surrounded the Demon King in a very wide circle—all observing the showdown going on between him and Neron.

From all they had seen, it was enough for a few to laugh.

‘They’re laughing… at ME?! Those inferior drivels?!’ His eyes twitched as they widened in rage—bloodshot with fury and sheer determination.

“Hey, don’t mind them. You actually did very—”

“S-SHUT UP AND DIE!!!” Abellion roared, creating even more of the Javelin-Blades that affected Neron.

Surely, if he bombarded him with more of them, Neron would suffer fatal damage.


The environment trembled as the air undulated.

This was caused by the sheer pressure brought about by the immensely powerful blades that lunged at their human target.

The surrounding soldiers and Magic Beasts, though a good distance away, could feel their bodies shaking as a result of the magnitude of Demonic energy that the blades emanated.

“Nice move.” Neron smiled, watching the Javelin-Blades slow down once they got close enough.

‘I increased my Mana output, and the weapons have also slowed down more than before. But, is it because of the numbers? If it was just that one from earlier, then it would have completely stopped.’

Neron enjoyed thrills like this. It allowed him to enjoy the battle more.



Blood flowed from Neron’s body as both his shoulders, legs, his chest, and even stomach were pierced by the weapons.


Within a moment, none of those injuries existed. Thanks to the time loop function of his body, he was restored to his optimal state in a flash.

“W-WHAT?!” At this point, Abellion was exasperated.

Even though his weapons dealt sufficient damage, they simply vanished and Neron was back to normal.

It was as though he never suffered any damage at all!

‘How? Why?!’ The Demon King could only think of one thing.

Original Magic! It had to do with Original Magic!

‘If I create blades that can cancel out Original Magic, then that should solve it! It’ll take too much Miasma, but I can do it! I should be able to!’

Abellion was certain that this next volley would be the end of Neron Kaelid.

“As much as I would like to continue this match with you, I promised someone it wouldn’t take long.” Neron’s nonchalant voice interrupted Abellion’s scheme.

“So, I’ll just try out what I want. You can continue doing whatever.”


Neron snapped his fingers, causing a low, reverberating hum to spread across the area. He smiled, staring at the Demon King with expectation.

‘He’s looking down on me! He thinks he’ll win? Just watch, human. This will end you!’

Dozens of purplish-black portals appeared all around Neron, trapping him in a dome of malevolent energy.

“You can’t escape this one!” Abellion grinned manically.

Flashes of purple light emanated from the portals as they whirred into action.

The Demon King’s eyes bulged, even more, expecting his blades to fly out, impale the target, and kill him.



All the Portals vanished after making a reverse-whirring sound. It was as though they died out.


What had just happened? Abellion was caught in even more confusion.

He wasn’t the only one, though.

The large audience also looked at the scene in puzzlement. No explanation could be given for the occurrence that just occurred.

One possibility came to mind, and it was—

“It’s not Anti-Magic. It’s Magic.”

Interference Magic could indeed affect Spells and forcibly disable them through analysis and usurping control, but it was useless when Original Magic was concerned.

Interfering with a Spell meant a person understood its very structure, down to the tiniest detail.

Such a thing was not possible against Original Magic.

And so, questions sparked.

If it wasn’t Anti-Magic, or Interference Magic, then what the heck just happened?

“It’s just a fluke! There’s no way he canceled my Spell!” Abellion shouted, burning through more of his Miasma to create at least a hundred portals with the same intent of decimating Neron.

“It’s no use.” Neron smiled.

And, he was right!

Just as before, the Portals dissipated as suddenly as they appeared.

“None of your Spells will work.” The white-haired man emphasized, now walking closer to the Demon King.

While he didn’t feel like explaining why, what Neron did was quite simple.

‘I used Time Magic to return his Spells to the point before they were cast. As a result, even if he casts a Spell, they’ll return to a state before they can exist.’

Of course, he couldn’t affect Magic which had more energy than he poured, but Neron’s Mana quality and quantity far surpassed Abellion’s.

As a result, directly reversing his Spells before they could manifest wasn’t too difficult.

“Y-you—!!!” Abellion roared in both shame and anger, summoning a blade to grasp.

‘I’ll allow that.’ Neron smiled, causing the Demon King to wield ab obsidian black sword.

“I’ll kill you with this!” Fuming, the Demon King took his stance, ready to strike Neron down with his most powerful blade yet.

Not only could it interfere with Neron’s Time Magic, but it could prevent him from reversing his injuries.

A fatal hit from that would kill the human, no doubt!

With these thoughts running through Abellion’s mind, he readied himself to strike.

“You took too long.” Neron’s voice suddenly pierced Abellion’s ears.


The voice came behind the Demon King. His opponent was no longer standing in front of him.

As if that wasn’t enough, Abellion felt a stinging sensation on his neck. He couldn’t speak, and he couldn’t feel his body.

It was almost as if…


… His head was no longer attached to the rest of his body.



I guess we all saw this coming. Lol.

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