SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

509 Ground Zero

“Well, nice try. But, as I said… don’t be a sore loser.”

A slight surge of power emanated from Legris, frying my Automatons until they popped like little fireworks.

“That should do it.” He dusted his body to get rid of the microscopic particles on his body.

I couldn’t do anything but watch as he exited through the entrance.

“I’m going to get promoted for this achievement, by the way. I guess we’ll meet sooner or later. Until then, Jared.”

Once Legris’ words were complete, he vanished from sight–most likely returning to whoever sent him to retrieve the Arcana.

Clenching my fist as I was left alone in the powerless Miasma Chamber, I gritted my teeth and looked at the hard ground.

Disappointment coursed through my body and I could feel the heat within me rise at a terrifying rate.

‘I failed! He got me! Shit!’

With Legris gone, the negative emotions I locked away had full reign.

I was deluded into thinking I had full control, but I was playing someone else’s game.

Just as I outwitted Legris back at Ainzlark, he paid me back in full–this time at a much larger scale.

“Damnit…” I whispered.

There was no second-guessing it.

“… I lost.”


[One Week Later]

Within the fairly large seminar hall, there was a round table.

It appeared more oval shaped than circular, and seated around it were the most important people among the newly-established Alliance.

There was;

The Elf Queen–Aurora.

The Fairy Representative–Jane

The Beast King–Gerard

The Dwarf Chief–Dulum

The Human King–Albion

The Head Of The Newly Established Magic Beast Beast Council–The Mighty Dragon King Z’ark

Behind the seated ones stood one of their most trusted representatives.

They all looked at each other, discussing the path to the future.

For example, Jane began making conversation with Albion concerning what value the Eastern Kingdom could give her in exchange for fair relations.

The one who seemed the most out of his Element was the Dragon King. He simply observed everyone in his miniaturized form, looking more like a puppy than a ferocious creature.

Everyone kept conversing, some making light humor or references, keeping the room lively as they expected one more person to join them.

While they were nearly complete, there was still a seat that was yet to be taken–the one at the front of the round table.

The seat left for the person truly in charge.


Finally, the doors leading to the room opened, and the man of the hour arrived.

His face was bright as always, and he had an unperturbed expression as he walked across the room.

Everyone’s eyes were on him, and they ceased their talks in an instant.

“Sorry I’m late. I had to handle the conclusion of a certain matter.”

The blond boy glanced in the direction of Jane, the Fairy Representative, who gave him an inquisitive eyebrow raise.

It seemed they were passing a signal to each other.

The boy nodded, and the Fairy smiled with satisfaction.

“Alright, then. Since we’re all here, let’s begin the meeting.”

His name was none other than Jared Leonard–the savior of everyone present in the room, as well as their people.


‘Alright. This is it…’ I steeled myself as I had my seat.

There were lots of matters to discuss, so I had to get to the main point as quickly as possible.

“First of all, I would like to appreciate the Fairy Leader for granting us the use of her facility to organize this meeting.

As we all know, this is our very first proper meeting as an Alliance, after the Demonic Incursion.”

My words were met with nods, and since salutations were out of the way, it was time for business.

“Firstly, as per my deal with the Magic Beasts when I employed their help, they will be moving into the Northern Continent–previously known as the Demon Realm.”

One of the major issues the Magic Beasts had was the lack of a definite territory.

This caused them to be fragmented–living in tribes of a few dozen at most. As a result, they often clashed with each other for food and other essential resources.

This also made their strength dwindle.

But, with the Magic Beasts now united under a single banner, and also the Alliance, they required a definite territory.

Since I had decided to eradicate the Demons, it was in everyone’s best interest to grant their territory to the Magic Beasts.

“The repairs are already done, so your people will be transported very soon. Have you done what I asked?” I looked at the small Dragon King.

Z’ark was an expert on Matter Manipulation, so he could shrink his body. It was a convenient ability to have.

“Yes. We’ve conducted a continent-wide survey of the new land. It suits our needs. We’ve also conducted a census and brokered territorial rights amongst ourselves.”

I nodded in satisfaction, glad we could proceed with the next matter on our list.

“As we all know, the Demon threat has vanished.”I paused, looking at everyone to gauge their reaction.

Of course, it was nothing short of pleasant. After all, the battle had zero casualties on our end.

Everyone who died on our side was completely revived–though they weren’t many, to begin with.

Injuries were treated mid-battle too, so there wasn’t any loss on our end.

The only ones who suffered a one-sided crushing defeat were the Demons.

‘And, speaking of Demons…’ I smiled.

I had ‘The Collector’, one of my highly specialized Automatons, gather all their Souls before they dissipated.

In consideration for Kahn, and also for personal reasons, I absorbed all the Demon Souls and made every single one my Familiar.

Of course, that included the other Demon Lords–even Abellion.

The only Demon I spared was Aries. It was about time he rested in peace, so I left his soul to dissipate.

Everyone else was currently within me, in their Sub Miasma Cores.

‘They’re not exactly alive, but they’re not completely dead either.’

At least, using this method, they wouldn’t be manipulated… and they could prove useful to me.

Of course, that simply made my body a hive of an entire species, but the results were worth it.

‘I’ve gotten stronger, after all.’

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