SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

644 Absolute Defense


Beruel’s mind had been hurting ever since Kuzon managed to survive the attacks of his clone without so much as a scratch.

Their Magic was supposed to be concentrated to the highest degree, and even one blast should have eviscerated anyone who didn’t employ the protection of Aether.

He had observed the boy, and the young Midas never erected a barrier in his golden form. He simply tanked their assault.

As if that wasn’t enough of a strain on his senses, Beruel also watched as Kuzon dissipated the condensed light attacks made by his clones.

He then destroyed said clones, and—

‘H-he… how?! No way…!’

Beruel now stood in his observation room, watching as a massive opening manifested in front of him.

His dense barrier had been bypassed—or rather, obliterated.

Even the walls which he had especially used the strongest alloy he could find to create had also been destroyed.

His sanctuary had been breached, and he was now left bare—having only his technology to defend himself.

“Won’t you come out to greet us, Fairy King?”

Beruel’s face scrunched up upon hearing the condescending tone of the young Midas. Veins appeared all over his pale face as his dull green eyes displayed sheer fury.

‘Darn brat! He must know, by now…’ Beruel gritted his teeth as his System Window appeared in front of him.

This wasn’t over yet. He couldn’t give up at this point.

‘I can’t defeat him as I am now. I’ll accept that much…’ Beruel’s thoughts trailed.

However, that didn’t mean he was going to allow himself to get defeated by a brat. Never!

‘This isn’t over, Midas boy!’

The Fairy King’s mind swiftly went to work, and he figured out the best way to achieve his objective.

‘I’ll draw this out for as long as possible. If I buy enough time for my incoming clones to arrive, then it’s possible!’

Not only would he be draining Kuzon’s energy, but when thousands of duplicates arrived on the scene, it would be over.

“Activate all sanctuary defences. Protect me at all costs.”

The System glowed instant red, executing its command in a flash.




“Hm? What’s going on?” Kuzon murmured, feeling the room tremble.

While he and Ana remained in the protective bubble of his Familiar, Kuzon still felt the tremors manifesting around him.

The walls of the large area they were in was transforming, and even the large hole that Kuzon made was closed up within moments.

“Hiding, I see…” The golden-haired boy smiled.

Sparks of golden electricity appeared on his body as he made to move. However, he was stopped by his partner’s off behavior.

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She swiftly activated a ring she had on, summoning something in the process.

“Alright! Magic Tools are finally working!”

Something about Kuzon’s protective barrier made it possible for her to utilize her Items. The moment Ana realized this, she went straight to work.


The item she summoned was a box, and she swiftly knelt and opened it to bring out one of its many contents.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

“What are you doing?” Kuzon asked in puzzlement.

This didn’t seem like the time or place for scientific experiments.

The walls had already fully transformed, and several blasters were pointed in Ana and Kuzon’s directions.

Spikes also protruded from the ceiling and surfaces around them. In essence, their surroundings had been turned against them.

It definitely wasn’t the time for Ana to start fiddling with her technology.

“I’m trying to be useful. These stuff clearly aren’t enough to stop you, so the only conclusion is that our opponent is trying to buy some time.”

“Yeah, I know that much.” Kuzon responded.

It was precisely the reason why he wanted to end things quickly.

“I think he’s trying to call more clones.” Ana added.

“That’s a fair assumption. I thought of it too.”

Again, this was why he wanted to end this charade quickly—before things escalated to a point where he would have to push himself again.

“I’m trying to interfere with his communication with them. If that’s the case, then we can take our time interrogating him and also exploring this place without worrying about being overwhelmed by his forces.”

Kuzon’s eyes widened slightly as he tried to control his surprise.

Truly, the reason he was so interested in the Fairy King was information. As an Upper Seat, Beruel must have had access to Kido—his uncle.

Obtaining said Intel wouldn’t be very easy, and he would most likely have to engage in a lengthy conversation to fully collect all he needed to know.

Rushing things wouldn’t solve the problem.

“How do you plan to do that?”




The numerous blasters bombarded the barrier around Ana and Kuzon, but the most they could do was leave scratches which ended up vanishing within moments.

The spikes were also sent, but none could pierce their safe haven. It was strong enough to distract Ana from her primary objective.

“This stuff is pretty sturdy.”

Kuzon shrugged in response.

“Xenia is incredibly strong. This guy’s technology doesn’t stand a chance. Also, you were saying?”

“A-ah, I mean… I already analyzed the frequency of each chip you gave me. That’s how I was able to backtrack it to this place and find out where the source was coming from.”

“Okay…?” Kuzon nodded.

He understood everything thus far. After all, even he had tried utilizing Magic to connect the frequencies, but failed.

“Since I understand the frequency, I can use it to trace the multiple clones he’s summoning—how many they are, and even their location. I can use this device to interfere with that frequency.” Ana showed Kuzon a cube.

It was glowing, warbling with several runic inscriptions that seemed like a fine hybrid between Magic and Technology.

“I developed this to mess with Gawain, but…” She murmured.

“I understand what you mean, but Beruel is controlling them using an Arcana, most likely. [The Chariot] allows him to use technology with seemingly no limits. That’s most likely how he was able to make all of this. Your device won’t be able to usurp his command.”

Surprisingly, Kuzon’s words did not appear to faze Ana in any way. In fact—

“I know.”

—They only made her smile even more.

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