SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

649 Beruel's Problem

“What? Why? No… how?”

Kuzon was a Midas, so he knew immortality wasn’t necessarily inconceivable. However, no matter how powerful a body was, or how skillful an individual became, they couldn’t escape the expiration of their own bodies.

It had to come, sooner or later.

Sure, making new bodies was something that could be achieved, but…

‘Ana can’t possibly mean that, right?’

Kuzon had no idea what was going on in the girl’s mind. He had to give in to his curiousity, though.

“If you’re so curious, then restore his memories.” She smiled at him.

It was a sweet, innocent smile, but Kuzon somewhat felt like he was the one being baited, and not her.

‘Sigh, whatever. Let’s see what happens…’




“U-urgh…” Beruel groaned as his tired eyes opened and his vision returned.

It felt like he had just woken up from a sleep, something that never happened unless he wanted to.

‘What’s this? The last thing I remember was…’ His eyes caught the appearance of two people.

A boy and a girl.

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Before he could protest any further, Beruel found himself violently coughing.

His emaciated body throbbed, and it seemed like he was going through a seizure with every whooping cough that proceeded from his mouth.

Slowly, however, he became stabilized.

“Calm yourself, Beruel.” Kuzon spoke in a model tone.

“I said I would take it from here.” He was swiftly replied by Ana.

“Sorry… jeez.”

Ana stepped forward to the recoiling Beruel, who stared at the two with utmost suspicion.

“What do you two want? You should have erased my memories after you compelled me to divulge the intel you wanted.”

“Oh, I did. She told me to return it to you.”

Ana felt peeved that she was actually being ignored by the old Fairy who would rather talk to Kuzon than the girl in front of him.

“And you listened to her? I suppose I overestimated you, young Midas.” Beruel groaned.

“Hey! I’m right in front of you, you know?”

Awkward silence descended upon the room as Beruel’s gaze finally rested on Ana. He spent a few moments observing her from head to toe—though the way his tired and elderly eyes ogled her felt uncomfortable to the younger girl.

“You are…? Who are you?” Beruel finally muttered.

“What? You can’t pretend you don’t know me! Kuzon and I literally came here together! We’re partners!”

The old Fairy’s face slowly transformed into anger.

“And how dare you raise your voice at me? Females should learn to show respect to the males. Is this how you train your female? Tch! And what’s this deal about partners? She isn’t your subordinate?” Once again, Beruel turned his attention to Kuzon.

“Pfft.” The golden haired boy stifled his laughter and awkwardly looked away.

As much as he wanted to see Ana’s expression in response to the Fairy King’s sexist and bigoted disposition, he also felt that he wouldn’t be able to control the level of amusement he would display.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

‘This is the scumbag you want to help, Ana. Hahaha!’

“Hey, listen here old dude…” Ana grabbed Fairy King Beruel by the head.

Her eyes were twitching while a strained smile was plastered on her face. Despite her very good intentions, Ana was already reaching a point whereby she wanted to knock some sense into the older fellow.

“W-what are you doing? Who said you could touch me? I’m a King, you know? Also, you’re not only a commoner, but you’re also a female. Show some respect!”

“Shut up!”

“My… how dare yo—”

The Fairy King struggled to get her hands off his head despite his sickly frame, exerting his declining physical prowess more than he should have.

Ana found her impatience reaching an unprecedented degree—until she couldn’t take it anymore.


“A-ah, I’m sorry!”

Ana said that, but the damage had already been done. The fine print of her palm had already made their mark on the Fairy King’s cheek.

The echoing sound of the slap remained for a few moments as every single person present in the room were quite literally lost for words.


Beruel’s bulging eyes stared at Ana in absolute shock. His pale skin shivered and his scanty teeth were clenched with a strong emotion.

‘Ah, I lost control for a sec. This is bad…’ Ana’s mind plunged into worry.

She didn’t want to have to resort to it, but if Beruel kept proving stubborn, then perhaps Kuzon could offer a little bit of help to ‘convince’ Beruel.

Unfortunately, that would eventually pose more problems for her and everyone else.

“… W-why did you hit me?”

“Because you were being a jerk. I helped you regain your memory and I’m trying to help you, but you chose to be an idiot.”

“Jerk? Idiot? You dare say that to me? Jane… you’ve gone too far. I’m your King! Don’t you forget that!”

“Hold on… Jane?” Ana looked behind her to seek out Kuzon’s opinion, but he simply shrugged.

She couldn’t have heard wrongly, right? Beruel just called her Jane. Was he mistaking her for someone else?

If that was the case, then there was one particular name that stood out for Ana—and most firm followers of the legend of the past.

“You mean… Jane Ursula?”

“What are you—? Don’t change the topic now! Why do I have to call you by your full name? You’ve been growing more rebellious as of late! You should know your place.”

Frankly speaking, Ana was more confused now than before. Could this be due to shock? Or was Beruel hallucinating?

“Beruel, it’s Ana and Kuzon. You’re not talking to Jane Ursula. You’re here, in your hideout. We’re the intruders, remember?”

Suddenly, the old fairy’s eyes widened, and some sort of darker shade enveloped his dull eyes.

“A-ah… what was I…? Did I say anything weird? I must have spaced out. Who are you again?”

“I don’t think I care enough to tell you.” Ana sighed and walked away.

“I thought I wanted to help you, but I’ve lost interest. I mean, you are a villain, so I didn’t expect a righteous personality. But, it seems you’ll be a pain in the future, and I’d rather not have that.”

“W-what are you—?!”

“She wanted to solve your problem since she felt somewhat bad for you. You just had to piss her off. Nice going.” Kuzon added to the Fairy King’s incredible dilemma.

“What? I don’t understand. What are you saying?”

He was so lost that even more wrinkles appeared on his face as he looked for answers from the two.

“What kind of person were you, Beruel? Before all of this. I don’t think you were a good guy.”

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