SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

709 Ancestor Versus Descendant


An astounding explosion ascended into the heavens as it surged from Edward—his blade to be exact.

The brilliant detonation painted everything in a bright light, and a dark corruption, thus propelling him forward with a speed that defied logic.

The earth shattered, everything around him crumbled, and the only things left were the two Martial Artists! Closing in on the only thing in sight, Edward clung to his highly volatile blade with an excited smile and a hardened heart.

He was going to win. He was going to kill this man!

Thus, the perfect opening to their fight was revealed.




’12 Ultimate Forms…’ The Martial Blade thought to himself with somewhat widened eyes.

How long had it been since he had utilized that technique?

He couldn’t remember the exact century, but it had been quite some time, no doubt. A wave of nostalgia washed over him, but he did not have the time to dwell on it.

His opponent was rushing at him with tremendous speed.

‘[Step 1: Ignition of the Blade]. It focuses on commencing the fight at a quick pace and swift tempo. A powerful strike is to be expected.’


The Martial Blade God chose to go on the defensive, leaping backwards as Edward closed their distance in a flash.

‘I can’t generate enough power to counteract the First Form, considering he ignited it first, and he has also given it time to climb.’ Of course, this was simply restricted to his own use of the technique.

After considering it for a very short moment within the little time he had, the Martial Blade God arrived at a conclusion.

‘Let’s just go with this. I’ll enjoy the fight. Show me what you have, Edward!’


The blinding light and darkness of Edward’s blade devastated everything around him as he approached the Martial Blade God. What seemed like the harbinger of death and destruction approached with transcendent power.

In one swift and powerful swing, the culmination of all the built-up energy was released, all converging on the Martial Blade God.


In response, however, the kimono-wearer twisted his body in the air and created a divergent form of energy. This energy twister, so to speak, clashed with Edward’s attack, causing the concentrated power that approached him to dissolve into much thinner particles of power.

This breakdown of energy was instant. In a flash, all the energy that was released evaporated into the air.

However, this sudden development did not intimidate Edward. Rather, as soon as both the twister energy and his energy became nullified, Edward had already propelled himself to the front of the Martial Blade God.

After all, the major benefit of the first step of the 12 Ultimate Forms was being able to draw closer to the target. Afterwards—

‘Step 2: A Thousand Miles of the Blade!”

Edward inhaled deeply, prepared to unleash the second aspect of his technique.

His muscles bulged even more, and his entire frame was supported by Percival’s power. As a result, a new level of confidence coursed through his body, as did the power he called for.


Instantly, Edward made several strikes that constituted the second step. Just as the name implied, Edward made a thousand powerful strikes in a single second.

Not only were the strikes made with a hundred percent of his strength, but he also ensured that they covered his opponent in all directions.

After images of Edward appeared and vanished all around the Martial Blade God, and they struck at the same time—a thousand strikes of sheer force.


The wind howled and space parted. Everything around them was broken into pieces, and the ground underneath them proved to be an unstable foundation. However, since they were in the air, that didn’t matter anymore.

Edward was certain that his strike had connected.


“Nice flow.” A voice appeared behind Edward, causing his eyes to widen in shock.

It was the Martial Blade God, of course.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m


Edward swiftly twisted his body in the air and propelled himself higher into the sky in order to avoid any strike from the Martial Blade God. Fortunately, the attack never came.

However, this position was perfect for the third form. That’s right! Since he had a higher vantage point, he was going to utilize it.


The energy that was shrouding Edward’s body suddenly coalesced on his blade, and Edward lowered himself from his height back to the very place he rose from.

Like a bladed meteor, he descended to the Martial Blade God.

“Step 3: Descent of the Blade”

Edward could feel his blade get heavier and heavier. The power within it made it difficult for him to steer it, and his forceful descent caused the pressure to mess with his aim. However, he tightened his grip and focused all his attention on his prey.

The perfect timing. The perfect piercing! He was going to be successful.


The third step was meant to devastate everything in a straight line—from up to down.

And it did.


A huge crater formed on the ground, creating a seemingly bottomless pit that oozed with unknown darkness. The chaos had been achieved, and the technique was successful.


“Good execution.” The Martial Blade God commented, a few inches away from the affected range.

He had taken a swift sidestep at the perfect moment, avoiding any fatal harm.

‘Damnit! Next, then!’ Edward gritted his teeth, prepared to take his next step.




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Step 5

Step 9

Step 11

… STEP 12!

All of them proved fruitless.

Not only did the Martial Blade God come out of every attack unscathed, but he kept praising Edward’s execution. That went to show that the problem wasn’t Edward’s lack of mastery. No, there was something else.

A fundamental difference that still created a vast gap between both Martial Artists despite supposedly being on the same level.

“You were taught well…” The Martial Blade God remarked. “… You’ve trained well too.”

Edward was already out of breath at this point. His muscles were sore, but he kept up his bold front.

There was no way he would show weakness to his opponent!





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