Chapter 187 Unexpected Teamwork

While Beatrice and Yasmine were fully focused on evading the claws of the War Bears, Kyle seemed to think that an offensive tactic was the best approach to defend himself.

This became even more apparent when he jumped into the horde of more than 10 War Bears without a single second of hesitation.

Enveloped by a faint membrane of Soul force that was ought to provide him a flimsy layer of protection, Kyle landed on all fours before springing up on his feet, startling the War Bears.

For a confused moment, they only stared at him before their faces turned angry.

The War Bears slashed at him from all directions using their powerful claws, but not even one of them was able to come close to him as he never stopped moving.

In fact, the more they moved haphazardly, the more they bumped into each other, making it difficult for them to catch hold of Kyle.

Owing to their size, and slower reflexes, they had a higher chance of injuring each other than Kyle.

Adding the sharpness of Starbreaker, and his speed, he was able to inflict several small cuts in a matter of seconds.

The fast speed at which he fought allowed him to become more proficient with wielding the katana.

In the end, he had never been a prodigy in weaponry, but simultaneously, he was not exactly someone who was bad at fighting either.

His unbending will to become stronger made him never want to give up, even in the most testing times.

It kept pushing him to try just once more, every single time he failed.

This was frustrating for those who observed him because this 'one more' turned into countless times until it worked as he wanted.

Thus, fighting against the War Bears while giving them no chance to even touch him, Kyle was able to empty his mind of all kinds of needless thought, and solely focus on the fight at hand.

He was sure that this life would change everything, which was the reason for him to give his utmost, even if many beings would go up against him.

With that in mind, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and take the War Bears as said beings that were vying for his life.

Adrenaline surged through him as he mercilessly attacked them.

His Soul force was quickly depleting, while he was using it to exert the Swift Steps movement technique and to wield the wind affinity.

Once in a while, Kyle was also using the deadly assault technique, but with too many tasks at hand in addition to continuing fighting, turned it into a rather inconvenient process.

As such, he was only making use of the martial art technique when he required it.

Said timing happened, when he was surrounded by five War Bears that advanced towards him at the exact same time.

Using the Deadly assault technique, Kyle catapulted himself diagonally into the air, shooting towards the head of the weakest War Bear. Aiming for the softest part of its head, he pierced the Starbreaker Katana straight into that spot.

This was something he might have been able to accomplish even without the Deadly assault technique, but sometimes, knowing a technique and specific movement sequences made it easier to fight than to improvise while fighting on the spot.

With that in mind, Kyle clearly understood that he had to advance his multitasking skills.

They were decent for someone at the Vitae stage, but his cultivation path involved the enhancement of his entire being.

As such, even his brain was being constantly refined as long as he didn't stop cultivating.

This meant that his speed of processing and analyzing things were much faster than those using a different cultivation path.

Even someone at the same cultivation base with the Spiral vein would have a slightly lower comprehension.

After all, he received the minuscule enhancement from the respective paths which were then provided to the entire body.

In the end, this meant that he cultivated everything to a much higher extent than others, which required more energy, and time!

Because of that, it was even less surprising that Beatrice was about to surpass him with her cultivation progress.

However, Kyle couldn't bother about that in the slightest.

Rather, he was happy to have someone powerful and talented by his side.

She was carefully fighting against the War Bears, though it didn't mean that she was fighting being hesitant and a coward.

On the contrary, she was advancing aggressively while paying attention to every single detail of her surroundings.

This vigilance increased every single time she emerged in front of a War Bear, clearly showing that she took every attack launched by them seriously.

Yasmine's warning echoed in her mind, and it was only logical to evade all attacks, keeping as much distance as possible.

However, while Beatrice was careful, yet also aggressively fighting, Yasmine was using a completely different tactic.

Instead of attacking aggressively, or being overly cautious, she focused on taking control of the entire situation and gaining an upper hand.

She hadn't noticed it until now, but since the battle started, her eyes were glowing.

This allowed Yasmine to perceive the movement of cultivation energies within the blood of every single being around her.

Thus, she also noticed when the War Bears used their primordial energy to enhance their body and were ready to initiate another attack.

Using this knowledge against them, Yasmine started to control the battlefield, preventing the War Bears from running over the recklessly fighting Kyle, and Beatrice, who Yasmine was not worried about.

Unfortunately, Yasmine couldn't say the same about Kyle, because she believed that he didn't take her warning seriously.

However, this was not the case, and she was aware of this, yet Yasmine couldn't help but flinch every time Kyle narrowly evaded the claws of the attacking War Bears.

Only the fact that he inflicted multiple injuries once he was attacked made her keep a calm mind, thinking that he might have everything under control, contrary to her earlier belief.

Trying to keep the upper hand in the battle against the War Bears, Yasmine fired numerous small but highly explosive fireballs, and piercing fire spears.

Thus, she managed to take make all the War Bears focus on her instead of Kyle as her attacks hit nearly all of them.

Despite the attention she received, Yasmine was never really attacked, even after the War Bears wasted several attempts to do so.

Kyle prevented the War Bears from leaving his side, and the few that were able to break through his defenses were injured.

Afterward, they had to face Beatrice, who ended the life of the ferocious and enraged War Bears with quick attacks!

As such, none of the beasts reached Yasmine, who nearly staggered back when an intense headache began to rake her mind the moment the battle ended.

Observing the entire situation with her eyes being fully awakened, followed by a portion of her bloodline having been unleashed for a short period was too great of a burden.

Thus, she slumped to the ground, where she lay for the time while trying not to lose her consciousness.

The teamwork of the group of three was exceptional considering that it was their first day fighting together.

In fact, too many things had happened in the last few hours, which made Kyle a little bit uncomfortable as he pulled the Katana out of the corpse of the War Bear he had just killed.

Turning around, he saw that each of the beasts had been killed which was relieving. Soon after, their souls began to vigorously flicker as they detached from the body of the War Bears.

The souls he perceived were much more powerful than that of other beasts at the same rank.

As such, Kyle tried his best to ignore the growing exhaustion as he pushed ahead, devouring the beasts' souls with the use of the Starbreaker Katana.

Within a minute, he was done, and his breathing grew labored as he gasped for air.

Activating the Nurture ability, he quickly vitalized himself.

Moments later he approached Beatrice, who was tending to Yasmine and invigorated both of them.

After gaining the necessary strength to stay awake, Yasmine opened her brightly gleaming eyes as she blurted out in a squeaky voice.

"That…was exciting!"

Kyle understood what Yasmine meant, and he felt exactly the same.

Fighting alone, or with Arashi was great because he didn't really have to pay attention to anyone else.

However, fighting large beast groups with Yasmine and Beatrice by his side was even better.

He really liked their team, and both the women felt the same.

To be precise, Beatrice was amongst the most excited because fighting with other living beings, against living beings, was countless times better than undergoing the same training over and over again.

And even if she fought others, it was either the Lahin, Knirg, or some Undead skeletons that didn't even have any special traits, or the necessary intelligence to fight her.

Because of that, Beatrice was even happier to fight with Kyle and Yasmine by her side.

They were powerful, kind, and were always ready to help her, even though they knew that she should know everything better owing to her old age.

Unfortunately, the long life she had lived hadn't been that helpful to gather the necessary experience about life itself as she had been caged in a glorious prison until recently.

Thus, Beatrice would often feel uncomfortable or restless if she didn't know something, but neither Yasmine or Kyle said anything about it.

Instead, they either explained what she was oblivious to in a calm manner, without thinking that she was stupid to not know something.

However, there were more than enough things Beatrice knew that the others were oblivious to.

As such, there were also times in which her limited experience could shine brightly, giving her the reassurance she required that she wasn't entirely useless.

Once Kyle had invigorated the two women, he left them in order to collect the corpses of the War Bears.

It didn't take him long, and once he was done, Kyle was of the opinion that it might be the best to leave for now.

He had achieved everything he wanted to which was basically to test the Starbreaker Katana and utilize it to kill some powerful beasts.

Simultaneously, Kyle figured out that both Beatrice and Yasmine had yet to understand the hidden traits of their body, heritage, and possibly even, who they were.

Each of these topics could be described as quite complex, but they could be solved slowly.

There was no need to rush anything, even if the answers to each of the topics were crucial for their future.

In fact, Kyle believed that the two women would be able to increase their strength manifold the moment they got a better understanding of themselves.

He couldn't help but feel envious of that because they didn't have to go through the hassle of being reincarnated and undergo the reincarnation trials in order to gain innate talent that overshadowed the majority of living beings.

Kyle knew that this was a foolish thought because everyone was built differently, and luck was not something that had favored him in his past life.

However, with that in mind, Kyle told himself that his second life gave him the fortune of meeting two great comrades.

Looking at the exhausted women, he felt amused, thinking that both women were older and experienced in combat yet much more exhausted because their bodies had just something they had never noticed before.

This was quite funny in Kyle's view because he felt that he knew much more about his special traits than they did about theirs.

With that in mind, he helped the two women get back on their feet with a bright smile as he remarked,

"I think we should go back. Our journey starts tomorrow after all…we should rest a little bit, as long as we still can!"

Unfortunately, Kyle didn't know that their obliviousness about their special traits would cause more problems, while his so-called knowledge about what his abilities were truly capable of would even be worse!

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