Chapter 194 Altered Plan

Kyle felt that it was quite an advantage that Sven would arrive in Briskandt in only two months.

This meant that he could make use of his connections to enter the Lahin kingdom without being seen as a threat, or an infiltrator.

As such, Kyle figured that it would be best to wait and keep his calm.

The best would be if he were to be able to complete several missions of the guild, increase his adventurer ranking, while searching for suitable missions through which he would receive permission to enter the Lahin kingdom.

A higher ranking might seem unnecessary, and be of no real use to determine the rough strength of someone.

However, the higher one's ranking in the guild was, the more benefits one gained.

In addition to this, one was allowed to choose more missions, and sometimes, one received special missions.

One of such special missions was the customized mission for Selene wherein she had been asked to save the Lohars from the clutches of the Nasgas!

Given the mission information, Kyle could be said to be on friendly terms with Lohars, which should work in his favor.

At least that was what he was hoping for.

Nevertheless, his companions didn't have a specific relationship with the Lohar race, or at least, Kyle didn't know it if they did.

After thinking about it for some time, he realized that it would be best to become B-rank Adventurers because an adventurer's credibility received a substantial boost from the B-rank and upwards.

Being trusted and recognized by the guild meant that all kingdoms, empires, or even city and states wouldn't have a prejudice against these adventurers solely based on their appearance.

This was quite important because almost every race had prejudices, even against one of their own.

Jealousy was one of the biggest factors that caused prejudice against those who were different.

In Selene's case, this had worked in both ways.

First, she was deemed trash, and abandoned just because she was a black eared Lohar, who was believed to be cursed and reduced to being a slave.

However, after awakening her second cultivation vein, her status elevated immediately, and she was no more treated like dirt owing to the fact that she became a Baroness.

Little did they know that she didn't have any lands, power, resources, connections, or even friends.

While the title elevated her social status, she became a subject of jokes and discrimination amongst the other nobles.

The mere thought of her being alone and bullied frustrated Kyle as he felt guilty about the fact that he was the one to awaken her Maest cultivation vein.

Yet, if he would have just ignored her, Selene would be dead by now.

As such, Kyle had been right to help her, and the only misfortune was that he and Selene had been separated.

With that in mind, becoming a B-rank adventurer while looking out for all kinds of missions that led to the center of the Lahin kingdom was likely to be the best.

By the time Sven Larn would be stationed in Briskandt, he wanted to become stronger too.

Kyle was sure that he wouldn't be able to improve his cultivation base by a lot.

Nonetheless, by nurturing Arashi's energy absorption and conversion paths to the limit, it would in turn be possible to accelerate his cultivation advancement manifold.

Taking that into consideration, Kyle smiled at the two women before he revealed his thoughts alongwith the plan he had earlier in mind.

"How about we focus on completing missions where we are requested to kill beasts, preferably in large numbers. We would be able to improve our adventurer rank, earn a fortune, procure souls that I can use to nurture Arashi until he is matured before satiating the energy absorption and conversion paths.

That should be possible in two months, and afterward, I can actively search for Sven Larn. While looking out for missions, we can also take glimpses at missions that might have to do with the Lahin kingdom, but I believe Sven will be the most likely to help us reach the Glory Knight academy!"

There was not much for Yasmine and Beatrice to say about Kyle's proposal as they couldn't think of any other plan either.

They wouldn't work on completing missions all day around either, and could thus focus on trying to understand their newly discovered traits too.

With that in mind, everyone agreed readily, barely changing anything about the plan Kyle had proposed before.

Instead of wasting their precious time, the first thing the group of three did was to lodge a room.

Initially, they had believed that they might be able to leave instantaneously.

However, now that they had thoroughly looked through the notes of missions, it was clear that they were missing out on something.

Thus, instead of recklessly doing something they might regret, it was much more important for them to reach the Glory Knight academy with all of them unscathed at best.

Once they reached the Glory Knight academy, the group of three could become Selene's subordinates as she was allowed to have a few underlings even if they belonged to other races.

From what Kyle had heard before, the number was restricted but there shouldn't be an issue with that.

After all, there were only three individuals and Kyle would have no problem being considered Selene's slave either.

That would just be a name, and it was pretty obvious that Selene wouldn't treat him like a slave.

Rather, Kyle worried that she would submit to him, and act like he was her master, which was how she behaved around him before they were separated.

If that were to happen inside the Lahin kingdom, it would be troublesome and quite a hassle.

None of the noble would like her being submissive to a commoner and that too from another race.

It would only subject her to more ridicule and further malign her image.

She believed he was her savior, and reason to stay alive.

As such, he couldn't imagine her reaction when they would meet each other again.

However, that was something for the future!

Right now, becoming stronger was the most important, which included procuring knowledge, and comprehending the special traits everyone had.

There were still things each of the three didn't know about themselves and the duration of two months would be enough for them to know each other as well as oneself better.

Thus, they began to skim through the mission notes once again, searching for those missions that were suitable for their new plan.

In the end, there were quite a few suitable for them, but they had to be careful about the tense environment.

In the current situation, the Sadorla forest was no less than a warzone.

As such, every single second, an army that wanted to destroy Briskandt might reach them.

The only fortunate factor was that the Guild didn't intervene in the war, nor did it hand out missions to kill other races.

If that were to happen, it would only escalate the situation and make all the races thirsty for each other's blood.

Luckily, the Guild continued to have a neutral stance, but it didn't really help them to pick missions that were not too far apart from the garrison.

However, after thinking about it for some time, he realized that as long as the three of them concealed their energy fluctuations, everything should be fine.

"I have a robe that can conceal my mana fluctuations completely. I think only people with Divine Eyes, or Mutated Mana eyes can see through that!"

It was Yasmine who suddenly voiced out her opinion when the three of them began discussing the topic of scouts from other races finding them.

Kyle wouldn't have many problems encountering scouts from the Aldra race, and even the scouts from the garrison should have heard about a newcomer who looked just like an Aldra without actually being one.

As such, only the Nasga race and their accomplices would create obstacles for him.

Unfortunately for Yasmine and Beatrice, both the Nasga and Aldra race would create issues, which was the reason for Yasmine to point out her robe that conceals her mana fluctuations.

Through that, nobody would be able to sense her.

It didn't turn her invisible, but only conceal her true identity/mana fluctuations(pick one) from the scouts efficiently.

At this moment, Kyle began to wonder if there was a similar item such as the mana concealment robe inside Beatrice's spatial ring.

She had numerous items stored within it, and most of them were brought from Karnias.

In fact, Beatrice had never used the majority of them, to begin with.

Thus, after taking a look at the inside of her spatial ring using her conscience, she looked up before saying,

"Without taking them out and inspecting carefully, I cannot be sure what kind of runes have been inscribed on the clothes!"

Understanding this dilemma, Kyle just nodded his head before proceeding to rent a room.

The guild had small and large rooms, but owing to the fact that they were in a warzone, he felt uncomfortable leaving the two women alone.

Thus, he rented a twin-bed room, in addition to a mattress, which he would lay out on the floor for himself.

This would ensure that he gave the women some privacy while being in the same room during emergencies.

Both Yasmine and Beatrice agreed to him before throwing each other a glance and staring at Kyle for a few seconds.

Afterward, they went into their room.

It was not too large or too small, just enough for them to stay in it, and cultivate.

However, that was not their current agenda.

Hence, Beatrice quickly took out a few dozen robes of a variety of colors, made of different materials, and woved by a thread that radiated stronger energy currents.

Just by feeling the material of the simplest robe, he could clearly tell that the threads used to create the robes were quite expensive.

But that was only obvious, and not something they didn't expect.

After all, Karnias had stashed the best of everything he could lay his hands upon in Beatrice's spatial ring.

As such, for the next hour, the three of them checked all the available robes and selected one each before accepting some missions.

Their search for robes with suitable runes on them didn't take long, and their color was even suitable to prevent attracting unwanted attention.

All of them picked green robes and even Kyle received one of the few robes that were suitable to hide the fluctuations of his Soul force too.

With that, they were prepared to go out and hunt beasts, and solve all kinds of missions for the following two months.

Lots of things awaited them in the following two months, but little did they realize just how many events they would witness in that short time.

The life of Cultivators was a long and ardous one and they could reap benefits as long as they survived.

Yet, trouble, opportunities, and huge rewards were a part and parcel of the life of the Old Souls.

Whether this was their fate, simple coincidences, or something completely different, nobody could know for sure.

However, what Kyle felt was that many things would change in the following months!

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