SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 330: Starlight (3)

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Chapter 330: Starlight (3)



I blinked.

You made the [Returners Clockwork Watch]?


Mutia answered. While saying yes, a grinding sound of teeth snuck in, so the accurate pronunciation was closer to gr-yes.

But I was a man generous even to losers. I willingly pretended not to hear. After all, whether Mutia grinds her teeth or not, I had the right to ask questions that interested me.

I received my skill from the Flame Emperor. And the Flame Emperor, as far as I know, received the skill from [The Lady Who Walks the Mirage]. Ive never heard of your involvement in its creation.

Its like a movie.


I said, its like the movies you enjoy watching.

The golden constellation looked up at me with hateful eyes. The reason for the angle of the gaze was because Mutia was still kneeling. Because, well, I had the right to demand losers to keep their knees in contact with the ground.

To make a movie, you need a director, a producer, and sponsors. An EX-grade skill is, to you, no different from a blockbuster. [The Lady Who Walks the Mirage] is like the director of that movie or, closer to a producer.


I recalled.

Im really sorry! Death King!

I am the Pillar that gave the Flame Emperor his skill in the past!

Once, the lady had told me, banging her head against mine.


It wasnt the Lady alone who created the skill from beginning to end.

What was your role then?

Though it is a rule of duel that a loser answers the winners question, and I have been following it. Would it be alright to stand up now to answer? Its embarrassing in front of the children.

Eh, sitting is more comfortable than standing, right? Just say it as you are.

Damn you.

Mutia scratched the ground with her nails.

One day, the Lady came to me and said, she wanted to make a regression skill and asked if it was okay. Since regression is my domain, she needed my permission first.

A territorial dispute?

Something like that. I initially refused but exceptionally allowed it on the condition that it would be a skill that could only regress [for no more than a day], and that too, only if accompanied by a very strong penalty.


Then, the snake bastard beside us intervened.

[The Eye Living in the Labyrinth].

Yes. The snake.

Mutia seemed to think she had the right to call the traitor whatever she wanted. A reasonable assertion indeed. I respected that right.

The Golden constellation said,

How about it only activates upon death? The snake suggested.


I found it an interesting penalty and agreed. But that was not all. The snake is the Constellation governing secrets and labyrinths. He wanted not just a death to be the end, but also a [labyrinth that activates upon death].

Labyrinth. Maze. Or a trap.

I pulled out the skill card for [Returners Clockwork Watch] and looked it over.


[Returners Clockwork Watch]

Rank: EX

Effect: Automatically activates upon death. You regress 24 hours from the moment of death. Even after returning, all memories and stats are retained.

However, the higher the Hunters rank, the more the penalty will increase.

Skill copied from Hunter Yoo Soo-ha.


So the labyrinth was the trauma?


Mutia nodded.

The snake said, [Human life is often compared to a road. Described as having walked a long path. But that path, in the eyes of others, is a perplexing puzzle that is winding and impossible to figure out. The life of others. Past. Path. I consider that to be the maze of all mazes.]

The great snake had said.

Humans are lowly beings.

But each of their hearts hides a palace with at least one maze.

That is to say, a labyrinth, isnt it?

While conveying the snakes words, Mutia chewed on her molars.

It was truly a proposal befitting him. So, we decided to install the labyrinth of death into your skill.


Its likely not just the two of us who were involved. The Tower Master.

Mutia continued her story but suddenly furrowed her brows. She then looked up into the void. In the sky, which had turned from blue to pitch black, floated one of the pillars, [The Wand Of Ages].

Is it okay to talk about this much?

Huh? Ah, I dont mind.

The magician holding a thin, long staff yawned as if bored.

The Death King has met with the Tower Master directly. Hes treated as having the highest security clearance. Probably even the language of the main world is translated for him.

What? Directly with the Tower Master?

Mutia looked back at me, raising her eyebrows.

Her look said, what kind of person are you?

What exactly are you?

Well, Im not sure what kind of person I am, but it seems like Im someone whom [The Ox that Harvests Ruins] has to kneel and talk to.

I should rip that mouth of yours No, forget it. Lets not talk.

Mutia sighed.

Anyway, since the lady is also the Tower Masters daughter. Its possible that not just me and the snake, but other Constellations powers were also used at her request.


So, you are indeed a troublesome existence.

Golden eyes glared at me.

Because of you, both the snake bastard and I are put in danger.


As long as you are alive and well, I cant grant the wishes of my followers. No. My very faith is being shaken!

I tilted my head in confusion.

I had heard the whole story of how my skill came to be, but I still didnt understand the hostility from Mutia and Hishmith Kritz.

You mean you cant grant the wishes of your followers because of me? Why?

You connected time with that Silver Lily or whatever!

Mutia growled.

Regression should be exclusive. Do you understand what I mean? The value of regression lies in the fact that only I know that I have returned to the past. The moment someone else knows that time has been reversed, the value of regression, my power, plummets instantly! And yet! You and the Silver Lily conspired to draw a [line of time]!

A line of time?

If you regress, the Silver Lily knows about it. If the Silver Lily regresses, you know about it! No matter what, one of you realizes that [time has been reversed]!


Are you talking about [A Regressors Love]?


Mutia shouted, engulfed in fury.

Even if I grant a followers wish and regress them, they can no longer enjoy an exclusive position! Because of you two! Understand. I can no longer claim absolute power over time. My power has been compromised!

As Mutia raged, I reviewed Raviels skill in my mind.


[A Regressors Love]

Rank: EX

Effect: For a regressor, love is like poison. No matter how much you struggle, you cant share your time with the one you love. Thus, a certain regressor begged. Please retain my lovers memories. That wish reached the Tower and became true.

You share a timeline with your beloved. When your lover regresses a day, you go back a day. When you regress a day, your lover regresses a day. This is the covenant of the ring. This is the marriage of time.

May luck be with you both.

However, the skill only works when you and your beloved love each other.



I understood the true nature of the situation.

If I were the only regressor, it wouldnt matter. Or if Raviel were the only regressor, it wouldnt matter either. But because we share each others timelines.

A kind of line connecting us both.

From now on, even if a new regressor is born in this world, they cannot ignore the red line of time that we two have drawn.

If a new regressor goes back to the past, Raviel and I immediately become aware of the fact that the world has been rewound.

No longer is it possible for a regressor to monopolize time alone.

Except for Raviel and me.

I was curious why that skill was rated EX. But indeed. There was a reason why it was rated at the top.

Because of you two, my value as a Constellation has plummeted!

Yeah. Now I understand why you were hostile towards me. fr eeweb novel

Of course, it wasnt my concern.

Nor was it Raviels concern even more so.

Who asked for something like [Returners Clockwork Watch] to be made? Its all self-inflicted.

Dont make me laugh! It wasnt me who brought up the desire to make it, but the lady!

Im not laughing. Anyway, you were the one who attached the trauma penalty, right? Raviel having [A Regressors Love] is, after all, thanks to the trauma penalty. Hmm. I feel a bit sorry but this has been your doing from start to finish.

Damn Tower! Damn lady!

[The Lady Who Walks the Mirage manifests.]

Did someone call me?

No one called you! Get lost! Traitor!

Thats too harsh!

[The Lady Who Walks the Mirage disappears.]

For a brief 6 seconds, someone poked their head out from under the ground and then immediately vanished.

Everyone agreed not to mention this incident.

Well, lets say thats the reason you attacked me.

I glanced at the ground where the lady disappeared and said.

What about Hishmith Kritz? What was that Constellation so anxious about that it formed an alliance with you?

Hmph. Why dont you ask the traitor directly?

Mutia turned her head with a flick.

Because of you, my power is already in tatters. I can no longer create new regressors, and even if I could, I would have to seek your agreement first. Thats no longer the mark of a distinguished Constellation. Its frustrating.


We only have Mutia-nim! We will never serve another Constellation!

We will remain loyal until the end of the world!

A few of the two hundred Apostles who had regained their senses cried bitterly. Mutia looked around at them and sighed deeply.

Anyway, get the story from Hishmith Kritz directly. I have maintained the courtesy required of a loser. I hope you wont insult me further.


In the realm of regression, I had proven to be stronger than Mutia.

Through this duel.

If the flow of time within this tower were to be compared to a history book, only mine and Raviels time would be considered the main chronicle. The times produced by Mutia have been demoted to mere tributaries.

Ive gotten everything I could from Mutia. Now its time to

I turned my gaze.

The void.

[The Wand Of Ages], observing the conversation between the winner and the loser, floated gently there.

O Pillar.

Im listening.

Two senior Constellations conspired and launched a surprise attack on me. I received no warning about it in advance. In fact, I even had to realize on my own that I had become a Constellation. Regardless of everything else, isnt the latter quite unfair?

[The Eye Living in the Labyrinth] used his power, in collaboration with [The Ox that Harvests Ruins], to make it happen.

But that doesnt change the fact that its unfair.

Exactly. Thats why I appeared as a judge.

Pink eyes looked down at me.

If theres something you want, let me hear it. If it seems fair, Ill grant it.

Yes. Now that Im practically of Constellation rank, well, I wont throw a tantrum.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Im currently on the 62nd floor, right?

Yes. Unless both our memories are severely damaged.

My request for compensation is very simple.


I smiled broadly.

Please appoint [The Eye Living in the Labyrinth] as the manager of the next 63rd floor stage.


[The Wand Of Ages] slightly tilted its head.

Quite an interesting request for compensation. Why?

Running away in the middle of battle left a bad taste.

It could be seen as a wise decision, couldnt it?

How despicable it is to betray a comrade you promised to stand with.

Theres room to argue that it was a wise decision as well.

Most importantly, since he picked a fight with me, I have the right to conclude it. From the perspectives of justice, retribution, and resolving the consequences of ones actions, you should listen to my request.

If the world operated on rights, thered be no need for the tower to exist.

[The Wand Of Ages] stroked its staff.

This is the tower, after all. Fine, Ill grant it.

That was the moment.

[A Constellation secretly watching the story is appalled.]

[The Eye Living in the Labyrinth protests against the unfair treatment!]

Even though the body ran away, it seems the eyes and ears were left open here.

Despite the barrage of protest messages, [The Wand Of Ages] didnt blink an eye. Precisely, it only blinked when it suited him.

Its not really unfair.

[The Eye Living in the Labyrinth shouts that this cannot be!]

Im a pillar. I can do this.

[The Eye Living in the Labyrinth will never forget this incident!]

Not that it wont forget, but perhaps it wont be able to forget. Maybe.




Please declare the stage clear. Lets go right away.

Foxie, who was wrapped around my neck like a scarf, flicked its tail once.

[Quest Clear!]

[The 62nd floor stage has been cleared!]

[You will be immediately transported to the 63rd floor according to your wish.]

Then a message almost like a scream rang out.

[The Eye Living in the Labyrinth yells that this must not happen!]

Of course, the answer I had for them was already decided.

It will.

And a whirlwind of sand enveloped me.


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