Stealing Spree

Chapter 1373 Before Turning In For The Night

Before we set off to escort the two girls home, Hifumi and Chii told me to take another minute or two with Hana.

From how they secretly whispered that to me when Hana wasn't looking, it's probably their conceived way of apologizing for that misdemeanor that they never really addressed during their talks.

Well, even though there's nothing much to talk about anymore, I still followed it just for their peace of mind.

After taking their bags and books from my arms, the two girls went out of the door first, leaving me alone with Hana.

"Hmm? Did you forget something?"

Perhaps wondering why I didn't follow them, the girl charmingly tilted her head. Yep. Despite everything that happened, she already returned to her almost immaculate image that could send any boy into a frenzy even if she was not smiling.

In any case, that's something I already got used to seeing. Even if it could make my heart throb, as cringy as it sounded, I was immune enough to approach her without being flustered.

"Yeah. I forgot to kiss my Hana goodnight."

The girl's ears perked up with the way I called her. However, even if it made her a little excited, she maintained her usual expression in front of me. She then raised her eyebrows and glared at me.

"As much as I liked to hear that, I can't discount the possibility that you stayed behind for something else."

This girl… I couldn't help but feel like she became warier after prolonging that request of hers.

If I factored in what happened… It's probably because of what happened, right? I mean, even though she peeked at us, she probably didn't touch herself. The thigh-length shorts that she changed into was devoid of any stain on her crotch. She might've gotten wet but she didn't reach into it to pleasure herself.

Anyway, I'd expound on that on the next occasion. The two girls are waiting for me, after all.

"I'm telling the truth. Here, I'm going to kiss you. It's up to you whether to accept it or not."

At the same time as I said that, I already closed our distance.

As always, Hana didn't even retreat and she welcomed my hand cupping her cheek and my fingers slipping to the back of her ear.

"I don't believe you…"

"Well, it's fine if you don't. You can come up with an explanation yourself. But I'm going to do what I said I will do. I can't let them wait for too long."

With our lips gradually closing the distance from each other, Hana gave up responding. Placing her hand on top of mine, the girl welcomed my goodnight kiss with more eagerness than she showed on the outside.

Once our lips separated, I parted her bangs that covered her other eye. Even though she was comfortable with me seeing it, she reflexively tried to close it.

But then, noticing my admiring gaze not only to her eyes but to her whole facial features, the girl gradually relaxed and muttered, "Don't make it so obvious that you're in love with me, they're going to be hurt."

"Don't worry, they know how crazy I am to you, the same way as I am crazy about them. I never hide this kind of thing from them. The last thing I need to do to maintain our relationship is to build a tower of lies so… that's that."

"Heh. How splendid. Careful not to trip and hit your head somewhere. You're living too dangerously."

"I am aware. But what can I do? My desire is insufferable. Anyway, we'll be going. Make sure to lock up. Like your Aunt said, don't let anyone take advantage of that."

"I don't mind if you take advantage of it. Sleep here with me."

"That's tempting but I have to decline that."

"Thought so. Go now and don't let them wait."

"Mhm… See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you."

With that as our final exchange, I planted another kiss on her lips before stepping out of the door.

Although the three of us glanced back to see Hana watching us walk away from there, none of us said anything. Like me, the two girls probably had realized something from this experience and they're going to think about it tonight.

One thing is for sure though. We're all one step closer to our goal. For Hifumi and Chii, it's to make Hana acknowledge their old friendship. As for me, it's the inevitable melting of Hana's wax prison which she caged herself in. I'm certain I can pull her out of it and bring her to my side again.



Since their houses were in different directions, I decided to escort Hifumi first. There's also her heavy books and bags full of books, after all.

Following that, I rode the bus with Chii which would send us closer to her house rather than the station.

Because we became alone again, the two of us had another moment to talk about today's events and intimacy while waiting for the bus to arrive at our destination.

By the time we reached their house, her mother who was probably waiting for her arrival opened the gate and let her in.

I tried introducing myself but she surprisingly already knew me by name. And instead of being scolded for sending Chii home this late, she thanked me for escorting her.

Apparently, the girl already informed her mother about coming home late. Furthermore, Chii had long talked about me to her mother so in essence, I wasn't a stranger to her anymore.

When I was a little dumbfounded about that, I saw the fake gyaru making a face at me from behind as if she was expecting that kind of reaction from me.

Without any ammo to fire with, I could only act embarrassed and excuse myself to them.

"Come visit our house during the day next time, Kii-kun. I love to hear how different Chizuru is around you."

Leaving those words as a parting message, Chii's mother then guided her inside their house. Unlike last time, her little brother didn't make a noise from upstairs but I saw the boy's shadow from the same window as before. 𝑏𝑒𝑑𝘯𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙.𝑐𝘰𝑚

Well, for her mother to call me 'Kii-kun', that girl definitely talked about me more times than we could count… That showed how happy she is for being reconnected with me. That's lovely, to say the least. My desire to make her happier in the future was further reinforced.

After another bus ride and a few minutes of walking, I arrived home.

As always, Akane welcomed me by the door. Although both of us already ate earlier – I told her to eat and not wait for me, after all – we still went to the dining room to share a plate of fried dumplings that she prepared along with the tea.

And before resigning in our bedroom, the two of us watched a late-night variety show on the TV where Yue was once again a guest while talking about our day and also our plans for tomorrow.

After I finished telling her about my trip with Eguchi-sensei tomorrow, she also opened up about her plans with Fuyu for tomorrow. But before that, she started with a little mischievous recollection of what happened in this house an hour earlier.

"Fuyu went home with me. I think she might've been hoping to see you, husband."

"Yeah right. She probably got suspicious again when she didn't see me home."

"A bit. But she's not as mad as before anymore. She even said, 'He's really doing his best with his duties in that school, huh?'."

"If she found out I wasn't at school but with those three, she'll be asking for my neck."

I could imagine that girl doing that. Or maybe, she's going to stab me with her umbrella.

Anyway, Akane couldn't help but laugh at my response. But in the end, she also agreed with that possibility.

For sure, she's finding it hard to keep everything a secret from her best friend. If only she was not going to go ballistic, we would've long told her.

In any case, we soon moved on from that topic.

"Husband, I'll be accompanying Fuyu tomorrow. She's going to buy a new racket that she's going to use for the tournament next week. I might as well buy one for myself."

"So, are you finally going to take up tennis too?"

She doesn't have one, after all. She's only using the standard equipment of the tennis club whenever she's playing with the girl or when it was part of their PE.

Akane can be an excellent athlete at anything she picks up. However, because of the change in our relationship, she started devoting all of her attention to me.

Not that she was not doing that already back then but at least, she wasn't as crazy to join the Home Economics club to learn the ways of a housewife.

"No. I still have a lot to learn to be a proper housewife. I'll just be her training partner."

An expected answer. But training partners, huh? I recalled that one story that became the front page of their school's weekly newspaper.

"Girl, if you can be her training partner then you're great at it yourself."

"Un. That's what they said. But I don't know… I don't think I can devote myself to it more than how I devote myself to you, husband."

Yep. Typical Akane. Her undying devotion was simply amazing. I bet even Aunt and Uncle were having a hard time telling her to give up back then.

Anyway, even though there's nothing wrong with wanting to devote herself all to me, I couldn't help but feel that it's a waste to keep her like this.

"Silly girl, you can treat it as a hobby. Somehow, I can't help but fantasize about the day that I can cheer for you from the stands as you beat your opponents in any game. Besides, I bet Yuuki-san will be overjoyed if you join her."

Upon hearing that, Akane went silent to digest it. She truly had no plans of doing anything else aside from waiting for me to come home.

Unlike the other girls who have a set goal or dream of their own, Akane simply wanted to remain next to me.

"Hmm… I'll think about it next semester. I'm still drunk with our new lifestyle. I still love just having these kinds of days with you, husband."

I guess that's fair. She's still relishing my change and the wonderful turn in our relationship. I might be overthinking it since I was always moving for the other girls while she just remained here, waiting for me.

"Right. I feel the same way. Next semester, I can also be your training partner."

"That's better!"

Continuing with this kind of conversation, the TV show where Yue made an appearance soon ended. After taking a bath, the two of us resigned to our bedroom, still with the feeling that we were on our never-ending honeymoon night.

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