Stealing Spree

Chapter 1375 Before The Trip (2)

Having the time to spare, I naturally used it to see my girls after I waded out of the wave of students coming to their school.

First, I went to the place Miho set to meet me. Since it's already fairly impossible to sneak in and out again without getting spotted, she picked an establishment nearby.

Nonetheless, because it's inevitable to run into a student from the same school, I made sure to put on a simple disguise of putting on the same uniform as them – courtesy of Ririka from back then – and wearing a face mask to cover half of my face.

That way, unless someone ran into me to inquire, no one would bother finding out what I was hiding beneath.

Well, in terms of the complexity of the disguise, it's on the low end but that's enough in this scenario where I wouldn't be in the spotlight.

Though only a few minutes, Miho and I spent a great time together. Furthermore, we also got to talk about the song they're collaborating to create. She got me a sample of the tune alongside Yue's arrangement of it with the other instruments.

And honestly, with no exaggeration at all, my ears were blessed from hearing it. Even without the lyrics or their voices singing it yet, it's already making me visualize my experiences not just with the three of them but with all of my girls.

It's bittersweet and a little heavy but it's probably because of the emotions they put into it. Now I couldn't wait to hear the full version of it when they finished recording.

Miho and I separated soon after that. I offered to walk her to school but knowing that I would also be meeting the others for today, she only let me accompany her until before the main street straight to their school.

Coincidentally, we also ran into a group of her classmates. They tried calling out to her. Taking that as a chance to solidify her status as someone already taken, Miho asked me to kiss her which I unhesitatingly did after understanding her intention.

They all get tongue-tied, of course. Even the other students who happened to be looking in our direction also reacted in various ways. Envious, amused, or intrigued. There were also those who scowled at the sight but those were irrelevant.

Following that, Miho turned around to greet her classmates as if nothing happened. She maintained her usually aloof and cool disposition in front of them.

Without waiting for them to react, she already turned her heels in the direction of their school and started walking gracefully, unbothered by anyone.

As for me, I also slipped out of the scene, leaving them wondering about my identity. But one thing was for sure, it would be a hot topic in their school today.

It would definitely cut down those persistent idiots who are still hoping for a chance with her.

Well, I also had that plan to deal with the annoying ones, and that would be unstoppable. I just needed a few more things to prepare and they'd all experience misfortune that would teach them not to even try messing with my girls.

After Miho, my feet led me to the Hazuki's home where Elizabeth and Yukari were waiting. Her parents were away in the morning which gave us the chance to have a private place where we couldn't be bothered by anyone else.

The cursed princess was the same as ever. However, because of the few days that we hadn't seen each other physically, she became a little dramatic upon meeting me.

"Oh, Prince of Darkness. Long have I waited for your reemergence from the Abyss. This Princess of yours has been famished by your enigmatic presence. Might you grant me your grace?"

That's what she said. Or in other words, "I missed you a lot, Ruki. Will you hold me in your arms again?"

Yukari, who was already used to her friend's exaggerated acts, could only smile from the side before also approaching me, putting my head in her bountiful bosom right away as she expressed her longing and happiness to see me.

And there, together with the two girls, we made proper use of the time as well as my improved stamina to have a great morning making love in Elizabeth's bedroom.

We took off our uniforms before doing it so when the time came to escort them to school after a satisfying time, our clothes were wrinkle-free.

Anyway, the same as with Miho, I also got to hear things from them that we couldn't properly address through messages or video calls.

For Yukari, she updated me about her parents who had a great impression of me when I ate dinner with them during her birthday. They asked her when I will visit again because one thing they wanted to see more is their daughter smiling happily with someone she loves dearly. They even wanted to prepare dinner, especially for me.

Well, next week should be possible so that's how I answered.

Apart from that, Yukari also updated me about that childhood friend slash ex-boyfriend of hers. After the beating that I gave to him, he really went to apologize to Yukari and stopped bothering her.

But thinking about it, he either realized that he was really wrong for forcing Yukari or he was just afraid that I would go for his sister. His sister who I hadn't even seen yet.

When I mentioned to Yukari how I somewhat threatened Mikami about his sister, the girl filled me in on what she knew about her. 𝚋e𝚍no𝚟𝚎𝚕.𝚌om

Yeah… I couldn't stop her from doing that.

She said that even though she's that close to the guy's sister because of her previous personality, she kinda admires her and even treats her as an older sister whenever they would see each other. According to Yukari, she's someone with a strong personality. And by strong, it's literally. She's a brusque girl. A yankee, to be specific. Yet, Yukari claimed that she has a hidden side that's very kind to girls or those who were like her. Girls who had weak personalities and were prone to be taken advantage of or bullied.

A yankee wasn't specifically a delinquent but she was someone who is feared by almost everyone who knew her, be it classmates, juniors or friends.

And lastly, she's a third-year senior in their school.

Elizabeth also added that she met the girl before and mentioned how she's really amused with her chuunibyou antics and that there was a time when she also roleplayed with her.

Yep. That's really a kind girl, huh? For her to be able to tolerate Elizabeth's antics and have fun with her, she sounds a little amazing.

But then again, I wouldn't really care too much about meeting her. And even if I did, by chance, I doubt I would want to get close to her.

Unless Mikami misbehaved, I guess?

Anyway, enough about that. Elizabeth also brought up something. It's about her father who wanted to make me drunk as an act of petty revenge on the last time I ate dinner with them.

Well, though I haven't tried drinking yet – even if I already tasted some through the kisses I shared with Shio and Miwa-nee – there's no reason for me to accept that drink.

And besides, Elizabeth was only complaining to me about her father's childish behavior.

As for her mother, she's the one more forgiving. And like Yukari's parents, she also expressed how she liked to invite me again to have dinner with them.

Well, since I promised Yukari, I also did the same for Elizabeth. Just that, it got me thinking… if Yukari and Elizabeth's parents meet, what will happen if they both bring up their daughter's boyfriend?

That's a terrifying thought. Nonetheless, it will happen then… there's no other choice but to face it, right?

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