Stealing Spree

Chapter 1421 Show Of Power?

Whether he's just slow to pick it up or he's really ignorant of what I was talking about, I had no idea. Ichihara Jun idiotically tilted his head in confusion. He then looked at his followers, perhaps trying to find someone who knew what I meant by Marika's gift.

I threw that somewhat reflexively when he made his entrance extravagantly. I haven't heard from Watanabe yet and even the short exchange of messages with Marika yesterday didn't touch upon the photo we took.

Maybe she's still holding onto it, looking for a better chance to slap it on Ichihara Jun's face. Who knows? I'll try to see her later if possible but if not, I'll rely on messages again or Watanabe to become something like a bridge for us. Much better than letting Tanaka find me again for that guy ordering her.

A few seconds later, Ichihara Jun's followers either shrugged or returned the same confused look at him. Due to that, the guy groaned in annoyance at how useless they were.

Really shows how much of a spoiled brat he is.

In any case, since he luckily dodged that slap to his face by being ignorant of what I had thrown, another idea popped into my head.

He's already here and clearly out here for me. That's reason enough to preemptively fire at him.

Snapping my fingers loudly, I gathered their attention back to me. And after giving the gallery a sweep of my gaze, I delivered a follow-up, "I see. It seems Kujou-senpai has yet to deliver it. My bad. Forget what I asked, Ichihara-senpai. Do look forward to it though. You know, I helped Marika-senpai come up with that kind of gift."

Changing the way I call Marika was intentional. To find out how he will react to it. π›π—²ππ—»π¨π˜ƒπ—²π—Ή.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Disappointingly, the guy focused more on its content as he processed it in his similarly disappointing mind.

After taking a few seconds on that, his forehead creased, "A gift? What are you talking about?"

"Like I said, look forward to it, senpai. It won't be a surprise anymore if I spoil it to you. By the way, are we done here?"

By being vague about it, it would make a mess in his head.

Of course, I'll inform Marika about this. Just in case he marches his way to her to find out about it, she won't be taken in by surprise.

At the moment, I completely overturned the situation. Despite his grand entrance, I controlled the direction of our conversation, earning a few whispers from our spectators.

However, it's only been a minute, and knowing the group of idiots in front of me, I expected my question to be ignored.

And sure enough, ignoring that question, a vein popped up on his forehead. And after sourcing his anger from who knows where, he brushed off his confusion and let his aggressive and spoiled personality rear its head again.

He gritted his teeth and also swept the spectators with his gaze, intimidating them to stop whispering amongst themselves. Then, he stood up straight with his head held high, appearing like he was looking down at me. His followers knew the drill as they pan out from his sides, forming a half-circle, and sending venomous looks in my direction.

Am I supposed to keel over and be scared of them? What a bunch of retards.

But then again, this was probably working a lot against the other students that they wanted to scare off.

Unfortunately, they picked the wrong target this time. I already proved that the last time he appeared before me. He didn't learn his lesson, huh? Or maybe, he thought his followers were buffing his intimidating aura.

Although some of them really looked like they could throw a punch or two, it's irrelevant. I could rate those three delinquents who ambushed me before higher.

Ah. And speaking of those three, I spied them on three different places when I made a sweep earlier.

They're watching the proceedings. But whether they were going to do something or not, I had no idea. They vowed to follow me but if they were going to be scared of Ichihara Jun and his goons, I was right in not taking them seriously.

They're better off stepping out of my work as the Disciplinary Officer.

After a few seconds of pin-drop silence, Ichihara Jun soon opened his mouth as he pointed at me.

"You. Come with us."

Upon saying that, he put his hands in his pockets and turned around.

Those spectators behind him parted and made way for him.

And even though he walked very slowly as though he was walking to the moon, his followers remained glaring at me like rabid dogs about to pounce if ever I failed to comply with his words.

They stood there menacingly which immediately made the atmosphere heavy.

I could sense those who were probably in the know that Ichihara Jun was out for my head. Although he said that in a normal volume, it was no doubt an order that he thought wouldn't be defied by anyone.

What kind of deluded idiot is he? His daddy dearest really spoiled him a lot, huh? I will be visiting Ichihara-san and his daughter this weekend for the work they offered to me. Maybe I'll find out more about his spoiled ass right in the middle of their estate.

In any case, since I already started with a jab that somehow flew above Ichihara Jun's head, retreating or ignoring him here would just be seen by everyone as my defeat or escape. Besides, I doubt those followers would let me go. It would just create a commotion.

While it's no trouble for me, it's better to settle this on my own terms. Furthermore, my girls were also watching from the direction of our classroom. They're standing there among our other classmates.

For sure, if I appeared weak here, they might jump out and stand in front of me.

But that's not needed anymore.

I turned my body and faced the followers' meager pressure. Without changing my posture or expression, I lifted my bag and pulled out my armband from there.

And in front of everyone, even Ichihara Jun who glanced back to check what was happening, I confidently wore it on my right arm before handing my bag to Sakuma who ran in from the entrance.

"Dude, if you need help, I can go with you." He bravely offered.

I ignored that and simply took a step forward.

With my hands freed and my posture oozing out of my borrowed authority as the Disciplinary Officer, I instantly earned the spectators' gasps of surprise.

Furthermore, Ichihara Jun's followers unconsciously took a step back, their knees shaking a bit.

But knowing who their backer is, they steeled themselves and prepared for my approach.

One step.

Two steps.


By taking three large strides, I reached their position.

And by subjecting them to my cold, unfeeling gaze, those closest to me trembled while the others in the distance silently groaned.

What a laughable bunch.

Is my pressure that intense?

I don't know.

That aside, I soon lost my interest in them and continued on my steps, catching up to the frozen Ichihara Jun.

"Senpai, what's this about? Did you get a cramp or something?" After scanning him with my eyes from head to toe, I sneered at him.

Along with the sound of his joints cracking as though they just got unfrozen, he barked loudly, "No!"

Following that, he forced his body to face forward and started moving again.

Whatever he prepared, I was confident in facing it. And knowing his type of person, he's just going to try and lynchpin me in some empty room. Will that work? Obviously not.

But we'll see… It's been a while since my fist kissed someone's face, they'll offer it to me. That will be delightful.

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