Stealing Spree

Chapter 2153: News from Sachi

Chapter 2153: News from Sachi

The same as yesterday, I decided to escort Marika to her classroom. We passed by Eguchi- sensei who I warmly greeted. I could see from her eyes how she wanted to just pull me somewhere and spend time with me away from her duties.

But given her fixation on discipline, the thought immediately vanished from her expression.

She returned my warm greeting before switching back to her usual strictness when it comes to the other students.

Marika couldn't help but throw amused glances at me as she still found it a little unbelievable how vastly different Eguchi-sensei treated me compared to the other students.

We stood there for a moment, watching as she returned to her role, scolding a group of students who were wearing their school uniforms loose. As always they got petrified at their spot as they immediately fixed everything Eguchi-sensei pointed out.

"Has she scolded you before, Ruki-kun?"

As we resumed our steps into the School Building, Marika curiously asked.

I nodded, "She did. That's why I got close to her, you know. But it's not during these gate inspections. It was after our first PE Class."

"Hoh...? How amusing. May I guess what you did?"


Marika cutely pressed on her cheek as she fell into a contemplative state.

Shortly after, as though her golden ringlet lit up like a light bulb, her adorable head bounced as she put out her guess.

"You, Ruki-kun, straightforwardly confronted her regarding her lessons, am I right?"

"Heh. That's impressive." I praised her.

"Boo. Ruki-kun. It's not difficult to figure out, no? I have also come under your tutelage in your boxing lessons. Eguchi-sensei is too strict and sometimes imposes unfair rules that often ends in the whole class suffering. On the other hand, while my Ruki is also strict, you're patient and lenient to those lagging behind your lessons. You even see it personally to fix their mistakes."

Halfway through her words, Marika's gaze at me became filled with more than just appreciation. She's also proud of me.

In any case, while she's not wrong about that observation, she directly compared us. Unlike me, Marika wasn't privy to what made Ryouko-san act like that to her students.

It's not her fault though. That image of Eguchi-sensei has been well-established ever since she started working here.

Thankfully, the atmosphere surrounding her name was already different nowadays. I could already hear students looking forward to her classes. Her fixation on strict discipline had started to loosen up, allowing students more liberties to speak their mind.

Of course, she's still not lenient when it comes to troublemakers. Hence, there were still a lot out there labeling her as a stuck-up.

Maybe if I heard a student talking shit like that about Ryouko-san, I'd probably snap at them. But well, they're lucky I'm not going out of my way to catch them.

"I'm still too much of a chicken to be compared to her, you know?"

After a while, that's all I could say in response. Marika simply grinned and quietly giggled, showing her satisfaction at my humble reply.

With our shoe lockers located in different rows, Marika and I separated temporarily to change into our indoor shoes.

As I bent down to swap my shoes, I felt an expected presence popping up behind me.

Before I could turn around, Sachi, with her usual burst of energy, playfully hugged me from behind as her bright and cheerful voice greeted me, "Good morning, Onoda-kun! Guess what? I have some news for you!"

Curious, I straightened up and turned to face her.

Her appearance here was already becoming a habit so instead of being surprised, I was more pleased to see her unchanging attitude towards me.

"What's up, Sachi?" I smilingly asked as I tried to recall things about our school that I missed. Or maybe there was new gossip flying around?

Seeing my welcoming smile, the bubbly volleyball girl launched into a rapid-fire update on the latest happenings at our school.

Things that I'd probably neglected to figure out or I was too busy to pay attention to.

"Well, for starters, they just announced that the school swimming pool is opening soon for our PE classes! Finally, right? And even though there's no official announcement yet about switching to summer uniforms, most of the girls have decided they're going to start wearing them next week. What do you think?"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm before playfully scanning her from head to toe.

Sachi immediately blushed and covered her body as though she's preventing me from imagining how she would look in her summer uniform or school swimsuit.

However, it was only for a moment as she courageously puffed up her chest, presenting her pretty figure to me.

This girl... Should I scold her?

Well, it's an exclusive view for me so I'll take it.

I spent a few seconds in silence, acting like I was committing the curves of her body in my mind before directly replying to her scoop.

"Are they really that excited? It's still pretty chilly at night. But I guess everyone's looking forward to seeing more skin; especially when swimming classes start. It's the perfect chance for everyone to catch a glimpse of their crushes in their school swimsuits."

Sachi laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Although her face was still a little flushed from what she did, she immediately slipped into her usual tirade, "Exactly! Plus, it's a great way to cool off once the weather starts getting hotter. Right now, only the swimming and water sports clubs are using the pool, but soon everyone will get a turn!"

I nodded, remembering that the pool was a popular spot, especially in the warmer months. It's located past the Gymnasium and the Theater Hall at the northeastern side of the school


When I patrolled back then, I only passed by it. The clubs were still using the indoor pools that's probably too cramped for all those clubs. Or maybe Shizu already figured out how to let them coexist there.

"Mhm. I figured. You know what? I actually got an invitation to join the swimming club

during the camping trip."

Right. It was from one of the first year girls I helped set their tent. Was it a girl from Class 3 or

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4? I forgot.

She was pretty enthusiastic about it, but I turned her down right away.

I mean, do I still have the time for other clubs when I can already be considered part of

multiple clubs aside from my actual club?

No way. And most importantly, none of my girls are part of it. I don't know if I'm remembering it correctly but Misumi is part of the swimming club. Or did she already leave?

Ugh. My memory on things not related to my girls are really blurry.

Sachi tilted her head, a curious expression on her face. "You turned that down, didn't you?

Even though you'd probably be great at it, you're a busy man."

I shrugged. "Yeah. I have no time and I have no interest in swimming."

"Eh... Why not? How can I invite you to the pool this summer vacation? Oops..." Sachi

hurriedly covered her mouth and goofily stuck her tongue out.

She's acting like she just spilled her plan of inviting me but didn't she intentionally do that?

This girl... She's trying to test me, isn't she?

I did promise to hang out with her once in a while but pool, huh? I guess I can accompany her even if I'll probably be too busy when summer vacation comes.

"Girl, just invite me directly, alright? I'll help you cross out one of your to-do lists during that


Sachi cheerfully laughed. "Who told you it would be on my to-do list?"

"You looked like the type to do it. Am I wrong?"

"Nope. I'll put five things in my to-do list involving you. Of course... you don't have to feel pressured in accepting them. I know how busy you will be. I'm only going to try and squeeze


"Alright. Don't sound so pessimistic, I also care about you. Aren't we friends?"


Sachi's face brightened up while almost stuttering. Following that, she once again jumped at

me, giving me a tight hug before running away and disappearing to the corridor leading to

our classrooms.

And right after that, Marika showed up on the other end of the shoe locker, waving her hand at

me, a hint of jealousy apparent in her eyes.

How adorable. Did she see everything?

For the record, I didn't flirt with Sachi. It's our normal friendly interaction. Right?

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