Stealing Spree

Chapter 2173: Going Home Together

Chapter 2173: Going Home Together

After recovering from the exhaustion brought forth by our intensely intimate activity, I eventually went downstairs with the girls. To my surprise, no one had left yet; they were all still waiting for me, scattered around the clubhouse, chatting amongst themselves or simply relaxing.

I noticed Komoe sitting next to Marika, Shizu, and Misaki, with Kana and Rumi also in their group. They were engaged in a lighthearted conversation, but I couldn't quite catch it since their eyes immediately turned to me as soon as I showed up.

Minori and Yuika-senpai also stopped lingering on the corner. While the former remained quietly observing the others, Yuika-senpai was giggling alongside Chii and Hana.

At the back of the clubhouse, I spotted Arisa and Izumi with Satsuki, Nami, Hina, and Saki, enjoying the night breeze and looking over the gardening plots that still needed weeding. They rushed back over upon hearing us coming downstairs.

Seeing them all here, patiently waiting for me made my heart swell with warmth.

I mean, it was kind of selfish of me to ask them to stay just so I could walk them out and escort them.

And yet, there they were. They hadn't left me behind.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I realized just how much I meant to them and how much they meant to me.

But now, standing in the room with all of them, I felt a twinge of guilt and shame.

Deep down, I knew it wasn't fair for any of them to devote their time to me when I couldn't be with all of them at once. I wanted to tell them they didn't have to stay just for my sake, but at the same time, part of me selfishly wanted to be with them a little longer.

It was a bit contradictory, right? Our complex relationship entailed a situation like this, after all.

Still, telling them to leave if they couldn't wait any longer would have sounded wrong. It would feel like I was pushing them away.

What a headache.

But well, this was how complex our relationship was and I also knew that everyone decided to stay on their own choice. Not entirely because I asked them to.

I racked my brain, trying to find the right words, but no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't figure out a perfect way to phrase what I was feeling.

Instead, I let out quite a sigh and rubbed the back of my neck as I looked at all of them. Eventually, I put on my usual warm smile, conveying my appreciation for them.

"Thanks for waiting, everyone. You didn't have to, but... I really appreciate it."

Some of the girls smiled back, while others, like Satsuki and Nami, shot me playful looks as if to say, 'Of course we'd wait, idiot Ruki.'

"It's not like we were in a rush to leave, numbskull," Shizu also chimed in, rolling her eyes but with a soft smile. "Besides, aren't you the one who insisted on walking us out?"

She had a point. I had asked them to let me escort them, so in a way, I brought this situation on myself. It was clearly my overthinking habit again, making things more complicated than how it appeared.

And obviously, it was more than that. They stayed because they wanted to be with me.

Slowly, that realization made the guilt within melt away, replaced by something more profound. Gratitude.

Nonetheless, I couldn't help but tease back. "Well, yeah. I just didn't expect everyone to stay this long. But since you're all still here, I guess it's only right I do my part and walk you out. Can't let any of you go home alone, right?"

Aya, still clinging to me like Edel, giggled softly and chimed in, "Isn't it because all of us wanted to spend more time with you, Ruki?"

Misaki, always the most innocent and cheerful, nodded energetically. "Right! Plus, it's fun hanging out like this. Feels like a mini-party!"

The innocent girl waved her paper fan, the breeze causing her bangs to part, revealing more of her forehead.

I chuckled and shook my head, "A mini-party, huh? Well, I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves. But still, if anyone's tired next time, don't feel like you have to wait for me."

Even as I said that, I knew no one was going to take the offer. The room had that atmosphere. No one wanted to be the first to leave. And honestly, I didn't want them to either. But the fact that they stayed, not out of obligation, but because they wanted to, meant the world to me. Haruko stretched her arms to my head as she seemingly tried to grip my head with her delicate hand, "Alright, alright. We get it. You're trying to be all considerate again, but it's too late for that, hubby. We're all here, so let's just enjoy it a bit longer before going."

I grinned sheepishly, scratching my head. "Alright, alright. Let's make the most of it, then." With that, the atmosphere lightened again. We lingered in the clubhouse a little while longer, chatting, laughing, and simply enjoying each other's company. I moved between groups as I pampered them again, hugging and kissing them if possible.

The room was filled with warmth, not just from the cozy setting but from the bond we all shared.

Eventually, as the evening wore on and the sun began to set, it became clear that it was time to head out.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.

The girls and I then decided on how I would go about escorting them.

One by one was impossible and if we followed the usual groupings, it would take several trips.

After ruling out those options - and leaving out the girls whose chauffeurs were waiting outside the gates, like Marika, Misaki, and the Itou sisters - we decided to split into two groups based on the direction their homes were located.

The first group would be Haruko's group alongside Satsuki, Aya, Rae, Kana, and Rumi.

The second group was obviously the same ones as yesterday but with the addition of Hana and Chii.

And while we were at it, I told them my promise to pay Kazuha-nee a visit today so I'd be going to walk Nami and the girls again.

That gave rise to a small dissent which ended with Chii and Hana suggesting that they join us on the bus and get off at the same station as Nami's group. Nami would take them to her

house where they would wait for my return from my visit to Kazuha-nee.

That way, I could still escort them home, especially Hana who already expressed her desire to have me walk to her house again just like last time.

Naturally, I didn't object. It was a good chance to check on her living situation again. Maybe I could even cook dinner for her, just to make sure she wouldn't be eating convenience store food if her aunt didn't make her one.

With everything planned out, I soon set off with the first group.

Komoe also tagged along since her house was just a short walk from the school. I'd walk her home after we escorted the others to the bus stop.

But before that, I surrounded myself with Himeko, Maaya, Misaki, and Marika.

Since it was getting late, their chauffeurs and bodyguards were probably already looking for them. I'd need to come up with an excuse for why they were only leaving school now.

Marika would be easy, but if those two bodyguards saw me with other girls, they might change their opinion of me.

As for the others... Well, it wouldn't be the first time they saw me escorting them to their cars.

It didn't really matter if they reported back to their bosses. Sooner or later, I'd have to face the girls' families anyway.ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

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