Stealing Spree

Chapter 2197: Switching it up

Chapter 2197: Switching it up

The morning played out much like the day before.

After arriving at school, I greeted Ryouko-san at the gate, had a brief but pleasant encounter with Sachi at the shoe locker area, escorted Marika to her classroom, and then made my way to our class.

Today, since we were going to have a PE class after the lunch break, everyone was ready to go to the empty clubroom again. However, we changed it up a bit today because of the time constraint. Instead of going there, we all went to the school cafeteria where we could take up most of the tables.

The arrival of the girls caused a commotion and it became a full-blown spectacle when I sat down in the middle of them.

Despite trying to tone down our obvious flirting, just the sight of me surrounded by girls was enough to cement the playboy reputation that had been following me around. Now, with more eyewitnesses, I could feel their fingers pointing at me. Their eyes fixated on us, some whispering while others just observing.

Did we disrupt the public order? Not really. Because Shizu and I were present at the same location, everyone became afraid of making a scene.

I mean. Our combination of the Student Council President and the new Disciplinary Officer screams 'authority'. If they didn't want to get into trouble with us, they could only keep their thoughts to themselves.

Of course, there were exceptions to it. Those who didn't care about statuses.

Unfortunately for those few, Shizu didn't hesitate to tear into them, showcasing the intimidating side of her that made others shiver in their shoes. Her icy demeanor silenced any potential troublemakers before they could even think of causing a scene.

Meanwhile, I didn't just sit back and remain idle while Shizu was shielding me. With my usual smile, I greeted a few girls I'd gotten acquainted with during the camp. It was like a toned- down version of Hana's angelic smile. Although in my case, it was targeted solely at the girls.

Ah. Right.

A few members of the so-called Anti-Ruki Club were lingering nearby, snapping photos like they were gathering evidence for some twisted ritual to curse me.

I noticed them in my peripheral vision, their cameras clicking away. It was impossible to hide the sound, so they were quickly exposed. When I locked eyes with them, they scattered like startled birds, clearly not expecting to be caught in the act.

I briefly considered chasing after them, but when I glanced at the girls around me, waiting for me to return before eating their lunch, I decided against it.

There was no need to stir up unnecessary trouble during this time. It wouldn't be too late to go after them later when I patrol.

However, to my surprise, they came back looking flustered and apologetic a few minutes later.

Someone caught them and asked them to return to me and apologize.

From the way they shudder like wet chicks that get soaked in the rain, I suspected it was members of Uchiyama's group of delinquents.

I hadn't seen much of them since the camp but from what I'd heard, they had taken it upon themselves to deal with anyone bad-mouthing me.

Yeah... Absurd, right? Even without me commanding them, they're going around protecting my image.

But was it really protecting? I mean. If you look at it closely, it feels like I employed the delinquent to silence the dissenters.

Hino mentioned they'd been particularly active lately, stepping in to handle the gossip and rumors swirling around the school.

Furthermore, he also mentioned that it wasn't sitting well with Fukuda.

The guy was still hung up on Chii and couldn't stand that his senior had somehow gone from being an antagonist to a supporter of mine. The whole situation seemed to frustrate him to no end, making him more moody. As evident with how he kept on kicking his own desk before leaving the classroom each break

I wouldn't be surprised if he was fuming behind the scenes along with the other cucks, watching as their attempts to undermine me only resulted in more people shifting to my side.

"Well, that's one problem I don't need to worry about for now," I thought to myself as I watched the suspected Anti-Ruki faction members scurry away after their apology.

Beside me, Shizu nudged my arm with her elbow, her tone stern as she said, "You should root them out while it's still early, blockhead. Don't sit on it."

I could hear the concern in her voice. She was worried, and rightly so. I was setting a potentially bad outcome by letting their group fester.

I hadn't done much yet as a Disciplinary Officer, so my position was still shaky. If things went south and my name got dragged into it, even Hayashi-sensei might not be able to save my


"Don't worry. I'll make sure to deal with them properly. It's just a few who are unhappy about my closeness to all of you... If I guide them to the right path..."

Shizu rolled her eyes at that and the other girls who were listening followed after. Then, they started giggling, thinking that I was being silly again.

"What 'right path"? This idiot..." Satsuki sighed before stuffing a mouthful of noodles in her mouth.

"Well, if words can't persuade them, I have other means."

"Don't say violence." This time, it was Nami who chimed in with a raised brow.

"Of course not. What do you think about exploiting their weaknesses?" I smirked, causing another eyerolls from my girls. Some of them giggled though like Marika and Misaki who probably thought I was playing around again.

But the truth was, I could if I wanted to. Gathering dirt is an acquired skill I honed during the time of my rampant desire... Not that I've needed to use it recently. I've stopped digging up people's weaknesses, especially with my girls. There was no point.

"That's worse!" This time, more girls shouted that in sync and in different wordings.

In any case, I took the time to explain to them that it wouldn't be so damaging that they'd be forced to quit school.

I mean, none of those I exploited back then quit school. Some were just hospitalized when they raised their fists against me.

Anyway, I soon steered the conversation back to a lighter topic, dispelling the discomfort that might've been brought by it.

After steering the conversation to a lighter topic, the atmosphere around our table shifted back to its usual playful tone. My girls now felt more relaxed. They resumed their teasing and banter but as always, it was centered around me.

It didn't take long for the cafeteria's background noise to blend into the hum of our chatter.

Satsuki, still chewing on her noodles, wiped her mouth and leaned toward me, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, idiot Ruki, what's next on your agenda? More girls to woo?" Yeah. It was her attempt to jab at me, knowing I wouldn't easily fight back.

It earned a round of giggles from the others, and I could already sense their anticipation for

my response.

I nonchalantly shrugged and smiled before wiping the sauce of the noodles on the side of her lips with my thumb, "I'm not so free to find new targets, don't you think so? Besides, we have PE today. I'll be helping Ryouko-san again."

Satsuki instantly became flustered but it wasn't the end of it as Nami saved her from it by


With a smirk and raised eyebrow, she playfully said, "You say that, Ruu but I bet you're just plotting your next move in secret. What's next? The girls' volleyball team? You seem awfully close to Sachi from Class 4."

Upon hearing that, the girls all pressed in on me, wanting to hear how I would deflect that.

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"Well, she's a friend who I get along with."

"Alright. Don't give him more ideas. This numbskull can make someone fall for you at a flick of his fingers. If anything, we're the ones keeping in check. And isn't that what you want,


This time, Haruko was the one who spoke as she picked up the last piece of cutlet on her plate before pushing it to my mouth.

I bit into it and answered, "Yeah... I'll also have to rely on all of you. If you think it's already too much and I'm about to do something unimaginable again, you girls can remind me. Remember, I will never not listen to any of you. Even though I might not follow you directly, I'll still think about your perspective and decide accordingly."

Yeah. This was kind of an unspoken rule in our complex relationship. Unfortunately, there wasn't that much of an effect on it yet. I still kept falling for more girls...

After a while, our conversation went into a lull and we silently finished our meals.

The girls from the upper floors went together as I escorted them again while the others went

to the changing room to put on their PE uniforms.

Of course, my lunch break wasn't over yet as I still had to report to Hayashi-sensei, visit Orimura-sensei and accompany Ryouko-san as her assistant.

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