Chapter 795: Accomplished Wishes

Chapter 795: Accomplished Wishes

When Torras just died but before he was tainted by negative energy, his soul floated away from his body and kept going until he moved through the ceiling above and reached outside.

By that time, he had yet to realize that he had perished. He thought he suddenly obtained some kind of amazing ability that allowed him to fly freely, so he tried to move around the island to look for a way out.

But no—no matter which direction he went, he would end up inside the impenetrable mist that always sent him back to square one.

Defeated, he dived back inside his cave again.

“This is of no fuc*ing use… If you’re gonna give me power, why not just allow me to teleport? So I can instantly get anywhere I want…”

As soon as he said those words, he saw the strange skull on his bed glowing brightly, which lasted for several minutes.

He didn’t find it strange since this happened a lot. Feeling uninterested, he headed to his bed to rest and conserve energy even though he wasn’t feeling hungry somehow.

But someone else already occupied his bed. It was a skinny and ill-looking man wearing a horned helmet.

This was when Torras finally understood that he, or his former form, had passed away.

He watched his own corpse for a long time until an unstoppable hatred manifested in his mind.

He had always been a smart and cheerful man who didn’t know how to give up no matter what kind of dilemma troubled him. He couldn’t understand why this world would treat him like this.

He couldn’t take it anymore.

From that point, his memory went all blurry and chaotic, which meant he was no longer himself.

While Torras told his story, Angor also noticed the critical clue he was looking for—the glowing skull. It was Lucas’ skull that could foretell future events in a strange manner.

Then there was Torras, who said that he wished to acquire a new skill before the skull shone and granted his wish. Similarly, it didn’t happen immediately. Torras spent several centuries as an ordinary undead soul before he suddenly received his new skill.

Angor got an idea that what Lucas had been doing wasn’t prophecy, but another type of special strength that worked like the law of karma. By affecting an unknown order in this world, Lucas somehow intervened with future events and changed their consequences.

However, such feats required a long time to take effect. Judging from Lucas’ stories and Torras’ “wish”, this power needed at least hundreds of years to show its result.

As for why Lucas’ predictions all fell onto someone else like Torras and “Nayah the Charmer”, it was probably because Lucas’ power had a lot of restrictions and could not show its effect on someone who couldn’t live long enough to accept the effect. In this case, when Lucas’ “power” gathered enough strength but could not occur because Lucas was dead, it was instead forcefully fulfilled on somebody else.

There was no doubt that an item that could be used to perform these “future adjustments” was a Mystery treasure. And it was probably the skull mentioned by Torras.

“But why didn’t I feel any Mystery power from it?” Angor pondered.

After telling the story, Torras seemed to be lost in sadness for now, so Angor simply left the man alone and began reading Lucas’ logbook again so that he could further interpret the general “timeline” of Lucas’ events.

He soon found one of the stories at the end of the logbook, which was supposed to be what came after the battle between Lucas and the pirate group. Here, Lucas claimed that he discovered a perfect spot to hide his treasures. He said it was a dark place where nobody else could find.

“Yup, that must be the strange dimension. Lucas’ special power created this place in the future…”

He kept looking for any information specifically related to the strange island.

[A flaming dragon is wrestling with another monster on the sea. In the end… the dragon was killed! But the other monster is on the brink of death too. Nice chance! I’ll tame it and let it guard my treasure vault!]

“A monster that guarded the treasures… Leviathan?”

He kept reading.

[When people manage to find my legacy, they’ll praise my name for the rest of the history! No… that can’t be. But they’ll keep my name in their minds for at least… three thousand years! Yes, that’s good enough.]

Again, this seemed like Lucas was blowing his own trumpet. But now that Angor knew about Lucas’ secret, he grew interested in another small clue mentioned here, which was “three thousand years”.

“Wasn’t the secret dimension opened up by the Leviathan just after three thousand years, since he left those words?”

Next, Lucas recorded more information about his “treasure stash”, such as how he anchored The Feather Fan at the island, and that he would stay at the island for a long time.

These became reality later as well. The Feather Fan did show up at the island, and after Lucas died in the well, his body was taken to his ship by an unknown entity.

Previously, Angor thought that another person visited the well and brought Lucas away. But it seemed not the case. Lucas’ body moved elsewhere because of his special power.

Angor closed the book and checked its cover again.

“The most faithful captain during the Age of Gold…”

Perhaps Lucas was a liar during his time, and he clearly knew it. But what he didn’t know was that he had given birth to an amazing Mystery item that caused a series of peculiar incidents hereafter.

This item seemed to be naturally-occurring rather than a man-made one since it was very unlikely that Lucas knew how to craft Mystery items. Again, Angor wondered how these “natural” Mystery items came into existence in this world. They seemed so random.

He couldn’t prove any of his ideas yet, but he was almost sure that such a future-manipulation tool truly existed. And just because of his confidence, he felt VERY depressed that he failed to take it with him when he had the chance.

Maybe it had a terrible restriction and needed a really long time to “charge up”, but it was still a Mystery item!

“Gosh. With it, I can just ‘hope’ that I turn into a legendary wizard later…”

He knew he would probably die before that happened, so the blessing would go to someone else instead. But… that didn’t matter now. He missed it. It probably was already taken by Song of the Deep or Summerdew Ridge.

“Damn it. It was just sitting there. And Toby even told me about it. I was blind… Well, fine. At least I got out of there.”

He tried to comfort himself that he could always find other Mystery items as long as he was alive, but something kept telling him that he was being an idiot.

Torras got over his depression and suddenly spoke, “Mister Wizard, was that thing used for making my wish come true?? I could teleport because I asked for it, right? Hey wait…” The man looked down again. “I always hoped to escape from the island too. Why didn’t that happen?”

“Hm? But aren’t you out now?”

“But I’m dead. And I’ve been making that wish since two thousand years ago!”

“No matter how long has passed, it still made your dreams come true, did it not?” said Angor.

“I guess you’re right… So, I also hoped that more ships would come and bring me stuff, that someone could come and save me. I wished I could live longer too. These all happened, huh?”

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