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Chapter 1010 - Black Alert

Chapter 1010: Black Alert

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Xia Guanghai would take care of sending the Titan to the battlefield. Xia Fei quickly arrived at Metal City, which was almost completely empty. The horn of war had already blown, and the Mech race that had hidden itself away for many years had started to get busy. After all, every life in the universe was at stake in this war, and no one could be a bystander.

Rushing into the main building, Xia Fei saw Avril and all the close friends that he was concerned about inside. It was a vast crowd of more than one hundred thousand people, with people like Charlie, Andre, and Avril’s father and grandfather among them.

Xia Fei was rather startled, and then he realized the reason. Given that he had notified Avril to retreat, Avril would naturally bring along her grandfather, father, and even the servants that her family was on good terms with, and those people had their own relatives. The refugee convoy had grown larger and larger, turning into a supermassive group of associates.

Xia Fei was of course not about to start throwing around blame for that. In any case, since the Mech race had been recuperating over the last few years, it had a powerful fleet. A hundred thousand-some people would only take up a small capital ship, so these numbers weren’t a problem at all.

“What in the world happened!? Why did you issue a Level 4 Black Alert?” Avril asked, clearly worried. The others were also very concerned about this problem, but since Avril had already asked, they simply remained silent and perked up their ears.

Xia Fei had set up the four-level alert system a long time ago. Level 1 was Yellow and meant that the situation might grow out of control, so everyone needed to be on their guard. Level 2 was Orange and meant that the situation had gotten out of control and preparations should be made to evacuate at any time. Level 3 was Red and meant that the situation was completely out of control and that everyone should evacuate as soon as possible.

As for Black, it meant doomsday!

Everyone who had received Xia Fei’s Black Alert was naturally extremely jittery and concerned.

Xia Fei smiled and swept his gaze over all these familiar faces. “It’s truly a rather serious problem this time, but it’s not so bad that it requires a Black Alert. I should have pressed Orange, but in a panic, I pressed the Level 4 Alert, for which I am deeply sorry.”

Everyone instantly sighed in relief upon hearing this. After all, a Black Alert signified doomsday, and everyone understood what that meant. As for Orange, it meant that the situation was still controllable and that there wasn’t too much to worry about.

Avril slightly frowned her brow at Xia Fei’s words, biting on her lip as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she remained silent.

After a pause, Xia Fei continued, “Since everyone is already gathered, it would be best to evacuate anyway. The warriors of the Mech race will ensure everyone’s safety and ensure that you stay out of the storm. Just treat it as a vacation. Once the alert is ended, I will immediately inform everyone that they can return.”

Xia Fei was a legendary figure in both the Alliance and on Earth, and many people dreamed about meeting him. Everyone took Xia Fei at his word and complied with his arrangements, as Xia Fei was being cautious for their sake. Of course, nobody blamed Xia Fei for mistakenly sending out a Black Alert.

With the help of the Mech race, the evacuation of the humans was conducted in a neat and orderly manner. At this time, Mech Race Chief Scientist Dimsky and Xia Fei’s old partner Phantom walked over and indicated that they wanted to speak with him.

“Are you really using the Titan?” Dimsky asked with a frown. Xia Fei using the Titan to evacuate his close friends had truly frazzled Dimsky’s logic circuit.

“Correct. Use the Star Eclipse as the capital ship. The work on this one started rather late, so it still doesn’t have a weapons system. Even if I bring it to the battlefield, it won’t do much good. But the Star Eclipse’s defense system is already finished, and is currently the most defensively powerful ship in the fleet. For the sake of everyone’s safety, have the Star Eclipse prepare to set off,” Xia Fei said softly.

Though Phantom and Dimsky were confused, they didn’t object to Xia Fei’s decision. Phantom had already become Xia Fei’s spokesperson in the Mech race, handling almost everything for him. Even though these old partners had split up for a time, they still shared a strong mutual understanding.

Phantom told him, “This is my plan. The first fleet will set off now. It will consist of the Star Eclipse and an escort of six large carriers, twelve small carriers, twelve dreadnoughts, three of the Mech race’s best-equipped combat fleets, and two logistics and defense fleets.

“The second fleet will remain in reserve and wait for the fleet from Quantum Holdings to finish assembling before escorting everyone from Earth. The third fleet will be responsible for escorting the fleet from the Human Alliance.”

Xia Fei looked at Phantom in surprise. This was truly his old partner, understanding him down to his bones.

Xia Fei had long ago said that he was no God, so he had no excuse to save the whole world, only to protect the people important to him. Phantom’s plan was exactly in line with Xia Fei’s desires.

The first priority was to evacuate Avril and everyone in Quantum Holdings. The residents of Earth came second. Once that objective was done, the remaining force would be left to extend a helping hand to the alliance.

Phantom had arranged for Avril’s first fleet to have two whole logistics fleets! The Mech race only had three logistics fleets, and Phantom had given Avril two! This was even better than Xia Fei had anticipated!

The Mech race’s logistics fleets were different from the alliance, capable of creating and sustaining life all on their own. To put it simply, even if Avril’s fleet truly had to wander the sea of stars and travel somewhere without any signs of life or places that could sustain life, the logistics fleet could single-handedly create a planet suitable for human life!

Two logistics fleets meant that Phantom had already planned for the worst-case scenario. If both the second and third fleets were lost, the first fleet could still survive for an eternity!

Xia Fei nodded slightly. “That is an excellent plan. There’s no time to delay. Once everyone has boarded, the first fleet should set off at once in the exact opposite direction of the Cosmic Gate! The farther, the better, and it can never turn back!”


Phantom and Dimsky were both stunned. Never turning back? That was an extremely grave order!

“The first fleet’s commander is Warstar?” Xia Fei continued.

Dimsky shook his head. “Sophie says that since you are an important benefactor, she has personally taken charge of the first fleet. Warstar is already getting ready to lead the Titans into battle.”

Xia Fei said nothing. Sophie had higher intelligence, so he had no complaints about her leading the first fleet. She also had Phantom and Pod, his two close friends at his side, and she was deserving of his trust.

“Very well. Execute the plan as is!” Xia Fei ordered them.

Dimsky and Phantom withdrew. Xia Fei found that Avril had yet to leave, and Little Yu was standing next to her. Both of them were staring at him, tears flashing in their beautiful eyes.

“What are you doing? This is just a temporary evacuation. There’s nothing to worry about,” Xia Fei soothed Avril.

Avril shook her head and worriedly said, “Don’t lie to me. The Xia Fei that I know would never make a mistake, much less mistake a Level 2 Alert for a Level 4 Alert.”

Xia Fei was startled, and turned his head and looked away, unwilling to meet Avril’s gaze.

Those crystalline eyes were so clear that it seemed like deceiving them would be a blasphemy.

It was said that gentleness was a woman’s greatest weapon, and this was true. Avril had been so considerate that she had not even exposed Xia Fei’s lie in front of the crowd. Only when no one was around did she softly voice her question, making Xia Fei’s heart tighten.

Although Avril and Xia Fei were physically estranged from one another due to Xia Fei being constantly busy with work and buried under problems, understanding a person sometimes did not depend on distance, but whether their hearts were close or not.

There were many people in the universe who shared the same bed but had different dreams, but Xia Fei and Avril were not among them. One sentence or one glance was enough for their hearts to collide passionately.

Swallowing, Xia Fei was just about to explain when Avril suddenly rushed into his embrace and muttered, “I know, I know everything. You just don’t want everyone to worry, so you tricked them into thinking the matter wasn’t that serious . In truth, the situation is already far beyond your ability to control.

“I also know that you want me to leave fearing that I’ll get hurt. Relax. I understand. Men have to hold up the heavens while women have to not burden them. If I stay, you won’t be able to be at ease, so I will go, but I will also never leave you! Don’t ever think about throwing me away!”

Xia Fei was speechless. Stroking her head, he said, “You’re not a burden, and I’m not as great as you think I am. Trouble always comes looking for me, so what can I do? If I could choose , I would rather hide with you in some mountain valley and live a free and carefree life. What does it matter to me whether the world lives or dies?”

Avril pinched Xia Fei’s arm lightly and said tenderly, “Everything is good about you except this frivolous attitude of yours that will erupt at any time.”

Xia Fei simply shrugged. He had always been an odd sort who did not care about the rules, and he was willing to accept her evaluation of being frivolous.

Avril truly did stick to her words. Gritting her silver teeth, she turned around and ran off. Suddenly, she stopped, turning her head and saying in a sobbing voice, “Xia Fei! Don’t forget what you said to me back then ! Otherwise, I won’t forgive you for the rest of my life!”

As Xia Fei watched Avril leave, he took out a wrinkled cigarette, lit it, and let the smoke drift into the air as he sighed softly.

Little Yu was rather back. She smiled and nodded at Xia Fei before following after Av. She also seemed to be rather sad, though she did her best to not show it.


“What did you say to Avril back then?” Radix asked, butting in and instantly ruining this sorrowful parting.

Xia Fei frowned and ignored him.

Avril was naturally talking about the confession Xia Fei had publicly made to Avril in front of the entire alliance during the war between the Human Alliance and the insectoids.


Xia Fei stomped the burning cigarette into the ground, his eyes flashing like cold stars.

“The Founders had been dealt with and the Dark lifeforms were also wiped out.. I was just about to enjoy a happy and simple life when those damn Inverse showed up to ruin things! They’re going to pay for this!” Xia Fei coldly declared, raising an eyebrow.

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