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Chapter 1022 - Sealed!

Chapter 1022: Sealed!

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“White Dragon’s Screech?!” The golden eyes were shocked, roaring. “So you’re that man’s descendant!”

White Dragon’s Screech was the legendary soul weapon of the Aurora Clan. The moment this sword appeared, the golden eyes determined that Xia Fei had some connection to Wistful Valley. After all, the battle that had taken place many years ago between Xia Fei’s grandfather Wistful Valley and the Inverse had truly been soul-shaking.

The refined Wistful Valley had never shown his power, but just when the Inverse were about to seize the Ark, Wistful Valley had exploded! Not only had he pushed back the Inverse, he had used his extraordinary strength to open the Cosmic Gate!

The golden eyes still found it hard to forget the figure of Wistful Valley with White Dragon’s Screech in hand. He was like a descending god, single-handedly dealing the Inverse a massive blow!

The moment he saw Hosu, the owner of the golden eyes immediately recalled the past, and when Xia Fei took out the White Dragon’s Screech, he was even more shocked!

“That man’s descendant?” Xia Fei glared. He then roared, “I’m Xia Fei! You’d best get that straight!”

The White Dragon’s Screech let out a powerful cry like the cry of a vast army!

All mystical armaments had souls! White Dragon’s Screech was willing to be held by Xia Fei because he had the bloodline of the Auroreans running through his veins and also because it was full of hatred for the golden eyes!

This attack was as swift as lightning, casting the entire universe into gloom!


The White Dragon’s Screech pierced straight through the heart of the golden eyes!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The moment Xia Fei appeared on the battlefield, he instantly killed this supreme Inverse expert!


Cheers rang out!

The Law Realm warriors found it hard to describe their excitement!

“Hurrah for the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade! The supreme Skywings! The supreme Xia Fei!”

“Woohoo! The Law Realm is saved!”

Everyone continued to cheer, for Hosu’s seal was on the verge of completion while Xia Fei’s sword had slain the golden eyes. The Law Realm was closer to victory than ever before! Everyone could see the light of victory!

If the Cosmic Gate was sealed, the Law Realm would get one hundred years of time, and in these one hundred years, under the guidance of Hosu the Soul Hunter and Xia Fei with all his infinite potential, the Law Realm’s prospects were boundless!

However, in the middle of this cheering, Xia Fei felt his heart grow heavy!

White Dragon’s Screech was sharp enough, having pierced through the body of the golden eyes, but Xia Fei could clearly tell that there was something wrong when the sword had penetrated into the body. He did not get the sensation that he had pierced through the heart, meaning that he had not succeeded in doing so! All he had managed to succeed was pierce through some unimportant location.

The chest muscles of the owner of the golden eyes contracted, trying to trap the White Dragon’s Screech in his body, but Xia Fei still pulled the sword out, his eyes gleaming with a vicious light!


No one could see what had happened, but the massive explosion made all the Law Realm warriors wake up from their dream. It turned out that the golden eyes were not dead, and this battle was far from over!

“Heavens! You used a Soul Mark Shield! That’s an intermediate Soul Art!” Radix cried in surprise and disbelief.

Other people may have been unable to see anything, but Radix had a close-up view and had been able to make out everything.

At that moment just now, the golden eyes had unleashed a powerful Soul Shade, which had howled at Xia Fei.

As it had been too close, Xia Fei had only two choices: Give up on the White Dragon’s Screech and dodge or take the full force of the attack!

The former meant that Xia Fei could lose this legendary weapon, while the latter meant that it could leave him mortally wounded.

Shockingly, Xia Fei chose neither, instead releasing the Soul Mark Shield!

The golden Soul Mark in his seventh brain region suddenly disappeared, appearing in front of Xia Fei to protect him.

This made it so that the Soul Shade unleashed by the golden eyes collided against Xia Fei’s Soul Mark, and the explosive power it produced separated them again.

Radix was stunned that Xia Fei had been able to use an intermediate Soul Art after only a few days. As for the owner of the golden eyes, he was also marveling at the power of Xia Fei’s Soul Mark!

It must be understood that the golden eyes had unleashed a Founder-level Soul Shade!

Soul Shades were made from the souls of warriors, and the stronger the deceased warrior, the greater the power of the Soul Shade. When the Temple of Many Gods had killed those Founders, their souls had all been offered as tribute to the Inverse.

The golden eyes happened to have such souls on hand. In a moment of desperation, he had released a Founder-tier Soul Shade, but it had been blocked by Xia Fei’s puny Soul Mark. A little of the Soul Shade had managed to penetrate through the Soul Mark, but Xia Fei’s legendary suit of armor, Celestial Sole Warning, had neutralized it.

Was even this not enough to kill Xia Fei?! The shock of the golden eyes could be easily imagined.


As the two war gods separated, the Soul Mark disappeared, returning to Xia Fei’s brain region to continue supporting him in battle!

It could both attack and defend, could store energy, and could be used as a shield in crucial moments! This was the real power of the Soul Mark!

“I don’t know what this Soul Mark Shield is about, but this guy must die!” Xia Fei snarled.


Accelerating, Xia Fei lunged like a wolf, using 200% of his combat power to fight to the death with the golden eyes.

The owner of the golden eyes was heavily wounded in two spots from Xia Fei’s unexpected attacks, with the blow from the White Dragon’s Screech almost taking his life! Fortunately, the bodies of the Inverse were not structured in the same way as that of ordinary sapient lifeforms. Their hearts were in the center of the chest, not the sides! Otherwise, Xia Fei’s sword would have ended this battle!

“You’re a Soul Hunter?!” the frantic golden eyes cried out in alarm.

In the space of several days a second Soul Hunter had appeared in this universe?! The owner of the golden eyes felt like his brain was not working, for he could not understand how a mere Peak Law God like Xia Fei could have a Soul Mark and Soul Arts.

By now, Xia Fei’s eyes were red with bloodlust! Where would he get the time to respond to these questions?!

An astonishing sight played out in the stars. Peak Law God Xia Fei was giving the golden eyes, which not even ten powerful experts could deal with, a savage beating!

Those attacks came down like a deluge!

Nirvana came right on the heels of Peacock Blue’s attacks, and when it missed, the White Dragon’s Screech came, followed by Jade Green, Furball, White Skull, Heavenly Mark… and so on.

Anyone coming across this battle who did not know that this was a battle to the death between two war gods would take it as a military parade! Xia Fei held nothing back, using every weapon at his disposal, leaving the golden eyes hard-pressed!

“There’s no time! You must push the golden eyes back, or else he’ll threaten the entire universe!” Hosu roared, his face already ghastly pale.

To reseal the Cosmic Gate, Hosu was not merely consuming all of his cultivation but also using his life a second time!

Xia Fei and the golden eyes were still battling outside of the Abyss. Once the seal was complete, the golden eyes would be sealed inside the universe, which would be a calamity for the universe!

The only one who could restrain him, Hosu, was shriveling away as the seal approached completion. Let alone defeating the golden eyes, he could even end up getting his soul devoured!

The Founders were all dead or wounded. The only one left who could contend against the golden eyes was Xia Fei!

Xia Fei had the upper hand because of his unexpected attack and because he had far too many weapons. By using everything at once, he left the golden eyes busy dealing with all of them.

Once the golden eyes adapted to Xia Fei’s frenzied tempo, the result would become obvious.

The surest method was to push the golden eyes into the Abyss so that Hosu could seize the moment to seal the Cosmic Gate!

This was the most difficult challenge Xia Fei had faced in his entire life! He was only one person with Peak Law God cultivation, but he had to push out the golden eyes, who had the power of a Soul Hunter, out of the Cosmic Gate!

No one could help Xia Fei. He could only rely on his own power!

When people spoke about Xia Fei, they would speak of his boundless potential, his frenzied fighting spirit, and his far-sighted plans. However, they would often neglect a very important part of his nature: his resolve!

Xia Fei had always been decisive and resolute! Even if he had to kill hundreds of millions, Xia Fei would not hesitate to raise the butcher’s knife.

Today, Xia Fei had made a decision in one-thousandth of a second, with no hesitation whatsoever!

Hosu did not have the time. With the seal complete, Hosu’s body was undergoing an immense transformation. His cells were starting to wither away—a sign that his life force was running out.

He needed to finish the seal in five seconds, or else all their efforts would go to waste. This meant that Xia Fei needed to drive the golden eyes out in five seconds; otherwise, there would be no one left to stop this disaster from sweeping through the universe!

With a fierce grin, Xia Fei began to accelerate.

Be it Furball, Radix, or even Peacock Blue, who did not know how to talk, they instantly understood what Xia Fei was thinking. After fighting alongside him for so long, they had all developed a mutual understanding.

Since Xia Fei had chosen the craziest method possible, as his companions, they were duty-bound to go crazy with him!

The warriors of the Law Realm stared in shock as a bitter scene played out.

Furball first used his body to push, push for all he was worth! Xia Fei then embraced the golden eyes and flew into the Abyss!

No one had expected Xia Fei to even risk heavy injuries just so he could bring the golden eyes out of the universe!


All of them had gone crazy!

Peacock Blue, Furball, and Nirvana had all rushed out to push the golden eyes to the bottom of the Abyss!

Xia Fei kept close, chasing the owner of the golden eyes as he continued raining blows on him!

The owner of the golden eyes naturally understood that if he could remain in the universe, he could flatten the Law Realm through his power alone!

Unfortunately, Xia Fei would not let him get his way!

This frenzied attack gave no time to breathe, with not even a single break in the barrage!

Madman Xia Fei had unleashed the craziest offensive of his life, going all-out against the golden eyes! This sort of heedless offensive left the rest of the universe in shame!

“No!” Hosu and Xia Gucheng shouted in unison. They wanted Xia Fei to give up on his crazy idea; alas, Xia Fei did not seem to be listening, only growing crazier!

There was no time. Hosu clenched his teeth and finally threw down the seal. After which, his body turned to dust.


The dazzling seal descended from the stars, plunging into the Abyss and forming a dazzling net of energy!

Twelve seals completely sealed the Cosmic Gate, but it also sealed Xia Fei beyond the Cosmic Gate!

Xia Fei, who was known for being constantly involved in trouble, had now come upon the biggest problem in his life!

In this twenty-four hours long battle in which the Law Realm’s life had been on the line, Xia Fei had only participated for three minutes, but these three minutes had decided the fate of it!

The Law Realm was finally safe.

What about Xia Fei, though?

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