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Chapter 1039 - The Most Malicious Curse!

Chapter 1039: The Most Malicious Curse!

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales


A flash of glaring light, and the thirteen grass blades of Peacock Blue abruptly divided in four directions. That thin sheen of spiritual energy covering the grass blades were also gone, all of them absorbed by the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon.

Xia Fei had successfully forged his second soul weapon!


Radix and Furball almost came flying in at the same time because the two had felt a very comfortable wave of energy. Furball languorously crawled toward the side of Eight Tunes Golden Falcon, using his tongue to lick the soul vessel as if he were tasting candy. It was both a strange but cute scene.

“Strange. Why has your creation of the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon into a soul vessel given me this very strong sensation of wanting to get close to it? I’m feeling this indescribable comfort all over my body right now.” Radix shook his head as he wondered aloud about this.

“All over your body? You’re clearly just a soul, so what body are you talking about?” Xia Fei playfully teased Radix. “Still, I felt it as well. The Eight Tunes Golden Falcon isn’t just a soul vessel; it’s also one that soothes the souls. I believe that bringing it around will do plenty of good to the body.

“The October Flying Snow gives off this same feeling as well, but the soul power emanated is lesser; it’s in no way as obvious as this one.”

Radix was startled. “Could this be the legendary healing-type?”

“Healing?” asked Xia Fei curiously. “What’s that?”

Radix explained with a straight face, “There are fewer and fewer Spiritualists, and it is said that that’s due to the gradual thinning of spiritual energy in the universe, but a very long time ago, Spiritualists were fairly abundant and powerful. Not only could they fight like Soul Hunters, they could also create soul vessels, forging those that had all sorts of functions!

“Take the White Dragon’s Screech and the fiendish blade Nirvana as examples; one is a standard combat soul weapon while the other can be considered a semi-soul weapon, with devouring and energy storage as its unique traits and primary functions. Soul weapons have plenty of functions that many people can’t fully grasp, with healing being one of them. It’s said that healing-type soul weapons are not only usable in combat but can also strengthen the soul by carrying them around. Even when their owners get injured, they can gradually repair their soul.”

“It’s so powerful?!” Xia Fei was shocked.

Radix nodded. “Yes. In the past, when Spiritualists were powerful, soul practitioners hardly had the room to speak. Unfortunately, as the spiritual energy in the universe decreased, the number of Spiritualists also decreased. That’s when soul practitioners managed to flip their fortune, becoming the most plentiful existence in the universe.

“A lot of history can’t be verified, and details pertaining toward Spiritualists’ sects and their systems have all but disappeared along with their fall. It’s highly likely that you’ve come into contact with some ancient Spiritualist inheritance, so you can now create soul vessels with the healing effect!”

Xia Fei was abruptly stunned. Possessing an ancient inheritance was, of course, something to be excited about, but no matter how much Xia Fei thought about it, he could not recall when he had come across a Spiritualist inheritance. Even the title of Spiritualist had been something Xia Fei learned only after arriving in the Alpha Universe.

A sudden thought came to mind, and Xia Fei abruptly lowered his head to look at Peacock Blue, which had already shrunk back into his arm.

“Could this guy be the reason?” Xia Fei muttered.

“Peacock Blue? Did Peacock Blue join in the creation of the October Flying Snow the first time around, too?” asked Radix hurriedly.

Xia Fei nodded. “From time to time, I’d use my right hand to pour in spiritual energy toward the October Flying Snow, which is exactly where Peacock Blue ingrained itself! It’s just that I’ve never once thought to use Peacock Blue as a furnace even before.”

Radix mulled over this for a good while before slapping his thigh eagerly. “The five elements of the Immemorial Mystical Armament: Metal exemplifies sharpness, water represents tolerance, fire focuses on violent slaughter, while earth is sturdiness. Finally, plant is the symbol of life! Also, your plant-type Immemorial Mystical Armament has Peacock Blue, the most tenacious weed in the universe, as its core! Perhaps it’s really as you said; Peacock Blue gave you the ability to create soul vessels that have healing effects!”

Though it was just a conjecture, it was still a very shocking guess!

Without even realizing it, Xia Fei had revitalized the long lost ancient inheritance of the healing-type Spiritualists! Anyone could just imagine how strong a storm the appearance of healing soul vessels would bring to the Alpha Universe!

“Looks like the young master has really obtained quite a lot of good stuff! To think the Immemorial Mystical Armaments will have such an overpowered function!” Radix stroked his chin and mumbled.

“Obtained?” Xia Fei frowned slightly. “Didn’t my grandfather bring many of these things on the Ark? Shouldn’t you be saying that he’s the one who obtained them?”

Radix went pale as he awkwardly answered, “While the Ark did come from Aurora, plenty of the things we carried were just stuff we obtained during our travels.”

Xia Fei was very curious, and so he continued along this line of questioning. As such, Radix had no choice but to tell him what he knew.

“Well, the reason why we left our homeland and flew far out into the Inverse territory was precisely that your grandfather had stolen people’s things on this voyage with me and Hosu. Among them were the Immemorial Mystical Armaments, the Beast Spirit Codex, and the Law of Primal Chaos,” said Radix with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

Xia Fei burst into laughter not because he looked down on his grandfather in any sense but because he found the matter to be very amusing. He was clutching his sides as he said between laughter, “I’ve been saying: Humans aren’t gods, so no way can they do no evil deeds their entire life. Turns out that my grandfather stole things, too. Well, that’s great. At the very least, I won’t have to think of my grandfather as some hypocrite.”

Radix was speechless. To be fond of a grandfather who stole, Xia Fei’s taste really underlined his oddball nature.

“Well, it’s not exactly stealing. It’s just that the owner wasn’t around when we visited, so we just took it away with us while we were there,” Radix explained.

Xia Fei was unamused. “Well, that’s not stealing; that’s just casually taking things that weren’t nailed down.”

Radix rolled his eyes at Xia Fei and decided not to argue with him anymore. Clearly, Xia Fei had a born penchant for evil deeds and was, in fact, not too keen on doing good deeds.

“These things are all very peculiar. Take the Law of Primal Chaos and Beast Spirit Codex for instance; calling them law powers will be too much of an understatement. There’s no law out there that can subvert and reverse like Primal Chaos, and as for the Beast Spirit Codex, it is even stranger. One doesn’t need any foundation to learn it,” Radix said.

Xia Fei nodded. “That’s right. I just got my seventh brain region open when I began learning the Beast Spirit Codex, barely starting out with my special ability. Thinking back on this, the Beast Spirit Codex is actually not too different from law powers, yet anyone who has their seventh brain region open can practice it straightaway. That is indeed very strange.”

“Right? Primal Chaos, Beast Spirit Codex, Immemorial Mystical Armaments… these are all very strange things. Your grandfather played with them for a day or two before deciding to bring them back to the clan. There’s no telling who might have uses for them back there.

“That was when a gigantic black shadow descended on the Auroreans, instantly killing and injuring around three hundred of our clan guards! Ultimately, the patriarch and several elders had to join hands before they barely managed to repel it!”

Radix became visibly excited the moment he started mentioning this fight, almost as if he was there himself.

Only barely managing to repel the enemy even after the Auroreans used their most concentrated strength? Xia Fei had not seen experts of such level fight, but from Radix words, it was not hard to imagine just how intense the battle had been!

“So powerful?!” Xia Fei was utterly immersed as he gushed in excitement.

“Very! The most powerful warrior I laid my eyes on was the clan patriarch himself, but that woman was even more powerful!” Radix affirmed in a fierce tone.

“Not just strong but a woman to boot?” Xia Fei asked rhetorically. Due to their physiological differences, men had always been more suited for combat. Be it in the Law Realm or the Alpha Universe, the number of male combatants had always been far greater than female fighters.

A female warrior could actually force the entire Aurora Clan to such a degree? That just went to show how heaven-defying her combat prowess was!

“The Auroreans, who have traveled the universe for countless years, not just in their word of mouth, are also known for their might. They have many elites and all kinds of mystical weapons. Anyway, back then, that woman ultimately decided to leave after realizing that she lacked the means to challenge the Auroreans, casting a curse on our young master before she did.

“The curse stipulated that the young master, including the person whom he was closest to, would die within two cycles! There’d be no rest for the Aurora Clan for every day that he spent with them!”

Upon reaching this point of the story, Radix’s eyes dimmed, as if a little sorrowful.

“At first, no one paid heed to this curse. However, after a series of unfortunate events, such as a child breaking their leg from a fall or another elderly losing their senses and going insane while cultivating, over time…”

Xia Fei had understood everything at this point, and he said solemnly, “So my grandfather didn’t leave to go in an adventure; rather, he got thrown out of the clan?!”

Radix did not respond, which was more or less a silent admission to Xia Fei’s conclusion.

Calling it an adventure was purely for the sake of the young master’s face. In actual fact, the reason was that Xia Fei’s grandfather had been viewed as a jinx by the clan and was thrown right out of the door!

“What happened after? Has the curse taken effect?” askedXia Fei, while harboring a measure of distaste for the Aurora Clan.

After all, it was the slogan of the Skywings never to abandon and never to give up!

If the same incident happened with the Skywings, the outcome would definitely be different.

Radix nodded. “Unfortunately, the curse was real. Though your grandfather was indeed very strong and had an immortal soul, his repeated cycle of death and rebirth still failed to get him across that twenty-fourth threshold, and ultimately, his soul roots were damaged following the series of Inverse hunts and the Ark’s massive explosion.

“Many years after that, your grandfather met your grandmother, a woman from the Skywing Clan who was out on her travels. The two fell in love. While your grandfather knew that the curse on him would implicate people he was closest with, the very nature of the Skywings meant they’re unreasonable! There’s no way your grandfather could shake off your grandmother, so the two ended up traveling together and having your father.”

“Later, your father exiled himself on Earth with your mother, a human. Leaving you behind twenty-four years ago, they passed away.”

Xia Fei was absolutely stunned after hearing the story finish. It was through gritted teeth that he asked, “So you mean to say that my entire family all died because of the curse? Even innocent ones like my grandmother and my mother were not spared?!”

Radix silently looked away but nodded.

“The son shouldn’t suffer for the iniquity of the father! The mistakes that my grandfather made should be his to bear alone, but to have affected even my grandmother and mother… Such a malicious curse from an absolutely cruel woman!”


Perhaps he had gotten too agitated, but Xia Fei lifted his hand and smashed that ice cave! He flew back down and panted heavily thereafter.

Radix said hurriedly, “The curse is over, though! You’re almost twenty-five this year, and the curse hasn’t reared its ugly head when it comes to you. This shows that that woman’s skills are limited, unable to implicate the third generation.”

Xia Fei was wordless as his mind raced.

All of a sudden, Xia Fei went pale and asked in a low voice, “When did my grandfather die?”

“When your father was born.”

“And my father?” Xia Fei pressed on.

“After you were born.”

Even Radix froze after saying that. Xia Fei was still alive not because the curse had run its course but because he had yet to have a child with Avril!

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