Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1044 - Headed to Golden Eagle 19

Chapter 1044: Headed to Golden Eagle 19

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“Tell me about yourself. ‘Crane Clan guardian’… Just what exactly is that about?” asked Xia Fei without even lifting his head.

Enya was startled at first before lowering her head, setting down the tea tray on a table practically covered by medicinal ingredients.

“The term ‘guardian’ is just a way to refer to a Crane Clan warrior; there’s nothing special about it. If we were any good, would I become a slave and be sold here?” answered Enya softly.

Xia Fei smiled slightly. He took out three small bottles from the medicine extractor; each of which was filled with green liquid.

“Since I’ve got no use for some of the medicinal ingredients here, I might as well brew a few that could help with beautification; drinking them should make your scars disappear.” With that said, Xia Fei handed over three bottles to Enya. He then packed up the equipment, including all the leftover and unused medicinal ingredients.

Enya had some bruises on her neck and wrists because she had been shackled; Xia Fei felt that these bruises marred her beauty quite significantly.

“That’s all you wanted to tell me?” asked Enya curiously. Xia Fei, who was still smiling even after she had told him about herself, appeared to no longer have any other questions. This indifference he demonstrated once more made her feel uneasy.

“Enya, you’re very clever,” said Xia Fei with a smile, “but you’re not the only one who is. See for yourself.”

With that, Xia Fei pulled out a thick stack of information from his spatial ring and handed it over to Enya.

Enya skimmed through its content and went pale. She saw it stating detailed information about the Crane Clan. It even mentioned Crane Clan guardians, clearly stating that ‘guardians’ did not refer to the Crane warriors but rather the clan’s royalty!

“I wasn’t trying to lie to you…” said Enya, her entire body trembling.

Xia Fei shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I’m leaving tomorrow, anyway; Xiang Beiyang will take care of your every need on Red Dwarf Star. Regardless if you wish to stay here, start a teahouse, or return to your clan, you won’t have any problems.”

The disappointment was very evident on Enya’s face. She gritted her teeth and hugged Xia Fei from behind, shyly saying, “I wanna be with you; I won’t say ‘no’ to whatever you want me to do.”

Any other man in Xia Fei’s position would probably have their bones go soft by this; unfortunately for Enya, the man in question was Xia Fei. Though he was attracted to women, he was not the sort to change his mind for them.

Smiling, Xia Fei pried himself away from her arms and lit a cigarette…

Xiang Beiyang showed his loyalty well. Upon hearing that Xia Fei would be heading to Golden Eagle 19, he rented a fast ship to send Xia Fei over.

At the spaceport, Xiang Beiyang handed back to Xia Fei that spatial ring from before, only this time, everything had already been converted to its equivalent cash.

“There are ten million pearls inside. Given how rushed everything was, I didn’t have the time to sell everything. Use these ten million pearls first. Once I sell the rest and learn that I owe you more, I’ll be sure to send someone over to give you the remainder,” said Xiang Beiyang.

Xia Fei nodded. He knew very well that the gift he had received was hardly worth ten million and that Xiang Beiyang had topped up more inside. This was a time when Xia Fei needed money, so he did not act hypocritically, accepting the generosity he had been shown with grace.

Turning around to board the ship, Xia Fei said, “I’m off. Till next time.”

“Till next time. After I’m done with the matters I have on hand, I’ll be sure to head over to Golden Eagle 19 and catch up with you.” Xiang Beiyang waved.

The journey took three days; it was an entirely uneventful trip. Xia Fei decided to lock himself up in his room, hoping to use this chance to increase his cultivation.

Ever since he broke through the Founder tier, he had made no progress on any of his laws, be it the Law of Primal Chaos or Law of Speed. Meanwhile, his two major powers in the form of Law of Space and the Beast Spirit Codex had been completely absorbed by his Soul Mark.

“Still no progress. The moment I start gathering the pattern, I can feel a dull ache all over my seventh brain region. I’m afraid that persisting will only aggravate my injuries.” Xia Fei frowned.

Radix said, “There’s no rush. You practically used up every ounce of your energy in that battle at the Cosmic Gate. It’s best if you wait till you’ve made full recovery before resuming cultivation.”

Xia Fei nodded, though it was more out of helplessness rather than agreement. Depending on his vitality for him to make a full recovery would take a very long time. What Xia Fei needed now was quality medicinal ingredients that could help speed up this process, allowing him to surge through the levels and promote quickly once again.

Looking around, Xia Fei was suddenly very intrigued by the currently napping Furball. As one of his two greatest assistants, Peacock Blue had completed its integration with all Seven Plants of the Cloudsea, becoming a unique mystical weapon that had all its thirteen grass blades fully grown. Meanwhile, Furball had not made any improvement since, stagnating at level 5.

Since Xia Fei was having trouble promoting, he figured that he might as well focus all his energy on helping Furball promote to the next level in the meantime.

With this thought in mind, Xia Fei smiled at Furball. The still asleep creature felt an icy cold sensation wash over him, and he could not help but shiver.


The leftover medicinal ingredients had filled the ship’s cargo hold. Xia Fei, who was a man of action, utilized these ingredients to concoct a colorful array of medicines.

“Are you thinking of feeding Furball these medicines?” asked Radix, curious.

Xia Fei answered, “Furball is mainly subsisting off grade 6 crystals, struggling to promote. This can’t be due to the fact that the energy he’s gaining is insufficient but rather a problem with his body.

“Right now, he has the ability to change his size, turning from a small ball to one the size of a planet. I postulate that this forceful enlargement of his body has a negative effect on his physical structure, so I’m going to let him take some medicines and test things out.”

Radix furrowed his brows and muttered, “Feeding this Holybeast drugs? I’ve never heard of such a thing in my life.”

Xia Fei was unrattled. “There’s always a first time for everything. No harm in trying to see what effect it can have.”

Very soon, Furball’s little face turned green. Reality had proven that medication was something that would only gross Furball out, and the Holybeast Shatterstar still could only rely on energy to promote.

“Perhaps it’s because Furball has too high of a level now, and so the amount of energy he requires has increased as well. The reason why his promotion has stagnated may simply be that he lacks the necessary reserves to do so. If it doesn’t work, try giving him grade 7 or even grade 8 Origin Crystals to eat,” Radix posited.

“The price of grade 7 and grade 8 Origin Crystals isn’t something I can afford at the moment. Besides, the sum of ten million pearls is far from enough to purchase all the top-quality medicinal ingredients I myself currently require.” Xia Fei sighed in resignation. “Everything needs money.”

Xia Fei organized everything he had on him once more, preparing to sell those that he no longer had any use of. He would do his utmost to raise sufficient funds so that he could purchase all the medicinal ingredients he required and the high-grade crystals Furball needed.

With time on his hands, Xia Fei explored this Alpha Universe warship. It was actually not that different from those that could be found in the Law Realm and in the Panhuman Alliance. All of them utilized warp engines as propulsion power, the only difference being that the speed this ship could achieve was way faster than what any ship in the Alliance could; all the components installed were also far more advanced, meaning that Alpha Universe’s technology level was higher than Law Realm’s by a lot.

“Who cares about that? An Ark is a soul ship—an actual living warship! Be it in terms of speed or fighting power, this ship you’re currently on pales in comparison. It will hardly be a surprise for an Ark to destroy a thousand of such warship.” Radix bragged.

Xia Fei asked, “How long will it take to travel out to where the Aurora Clan is located?”

“With this ship, I’m afraid that it will take you well over a year, but if you find a Tier B or C warship, perhaps you can reach it in half a year.”

The Alpha Universe graded its warships using letters; this high-speed warship was Tier E. It might be considered a decent warship on Red Dwarf Star, but to the core regions of this universe, it was hardly worth a second look.

“How much will a Tier B warship cost me?” asked Xia Fei.

“It’ll cost you a hundred billion pearls, at least,” replied Radix matter-of-factly. “You can’t go to the Aurora Clan now, anyway; what do you need a warship for?”

Xia Fei stuck his tongue out. “Even if I can’t go to the clan at present, I’ll still need to look at the Alpha Universe’s core regions. After all, those areas are where all the experts converge. Aside from hard work, one’s environment is an important aspect of a cultivator’s path. Only by constantly exchanging pointers with experts can they rapidly advance.”

At the end of the day, every topic they touched on required money. When Xia Fei thought about the astronomical sum he needed, he could not help but shake his head.

Walking along the corridor, Xia Fei arrived at the ship’s rear end. A small artificial garden, where he could sit down and had a drink of coffee while admiring the beautiful stars beyond, was located there.

Xia Fei pushed open the door, only to find that there was someone inside already.

Xiang Beiyang had spent 150,000 pearls to book the ship, so there should not have been any other passengers onboard aside from himself. Xia Fei supposed that this person could be a member of the staff on board the ship.

The garden was small, with only a single table inside. Xia Fei ordered a pot of tea from the automated food dispenser, along with six pieces of gingerbread and a plate of Red Dwarf Star’s locally produced nuts. He made his way to the seat beside the man’s, enjoying the light snacks he had procured.

The man sitting across from him was an elder dressed in a long, white robe. The man looked very strange, with a head of unkempt plaited hair and a big beard spanning across his cheeks.

This elder did not raise his head to acknowledge Xia Fei’s presence and, instead, busied himself with stuffing his mouth with a plate of turkey. It did not take him long to finish the roast turkey, which most likely weighed several kilograms, leaving just the bones on the plate. The elder unhurriedly got up, went over to the automated food dispenser, and ordered himself a roast suckling pig, devouring it there and then sans any cutlery whatsoever.

“I’ve never seen anyone dined like this man. He’s eating as if he’s never had a proper meal before,” Radix shook his head and commented.

As a Golden Sword Guard of the Aurora Clan, Radix led a very charmed life, but this elderly man ate as if he were a ravenous ghost. Radix found this to be very distasteful.

Xia Fei, meanwhile, felt more amused the longer he watched. There was a time when he had not yet gotten Origin Crystals, and all he could rely on to replenish his energy was food. Xia Fei could easily eat the fill of a dozen men, maybe even more, in one sitting.

Aside from his appetite, Xia Fei found that the way this old man ate was quite similar to his. No matter how terrible the food tasted, he would simply eat it clean, leaving nothing behind. Both he and this man did not have the habit of wasting food, clearly cherishing it greatly.

That chicken carcass in its cleaned-out state was evidence of this; it looked like someone had used a sharp knife to remove any traces of its meat, the bones so clean that anyone could almost see their reflection in them.

Xia Fei rubbed his belly and muttered, ‘Seeing him eat like this has gotten me hungry. Perhaps I’ll get myself some, too.’

On that note, Xia Fei went over to the automated food dispenser and ordered a roast suckling pig as well, and began gnawing on it like the old man…

Who knew that the moment Xia Fei began eating, he would become like a runaway train, eating three entire pigs before stopping. Meanwhile, that old man was even more ridiculous, having eaten four pigs in total! It should be stated that an entire suckling pig weighed no lower than five kilograms each! Having eaten about twenty kilograms of meat in one sitting was definitely not an average man’s appetite!

Radix was shaking his head the entire time this happened, for the two did not stop at just the roast suckling pigs but had even begun ordering soup!

Pea soup, tomato soup, bowl after bowl…

After some time and dozens of bowls worth of food down their stomachs, Radix reckoned that that should be enough, should it not?

Alas, he was wrong yet again.. The table was then filled with fruit and ice cream, which left Radix flabbergasted once more.

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