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Chapter 1047 - An Orthodox Spiritualist

Chapter 1047: An Orthodox Spiritualist

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Tianyan Pavillion. Xia Fei arrived right on time and waited for half an hour before that mysterious old man showed up belatedly.

“Don’t call me venerable elder; I’m not that old yet. You may address Fuchen.” The old man waved his hand dismissively, his dislike for being called ‘old man’ by Xia Fei evident.

Soon, several exquisite crab roe dumplings were served up. Xia Fei tasted one and realized that it was incomparable to the deliciousness of that golden quail broth from yesterday; it was at least a grade lower in terms of taste.

Fuchen saw Xia Fei’s knitted eyebrows and laughed. “True delicacies aren’t readily available whenever one wants to eat them; you need to get used to the disparity in the future. While these crab roe dumplings aren’t considered Ambrosian in terms of taste, it should help reduce the fire in your body. Didn’t you feel your entire body burning up abnormally last night?

Xia Fei nodded, which led to Fuchen explaining, “Thatť’s how it should be.

Golden quail broth is a purely yang supplement. You dranka four-pax worth at one go yesterday. It’s only natural for you to have such a physical reaction late at night afterward. Still, because of your decent constitution, you only felt it being abnomally hot. The octagon king crab has the trait of ying, which makes it perfect for counteracting the abnormal heat in your body.”

This breakfast was not considered a delicious affair, with Xia Fei and Fuchen merely eating two baskets of the dumplings before stopping to share a potof tea.

“How much was last night’s meal?” asked Fuchen.

Xia Fei shrugged and replied, “About 1.2 million pearls. The boss only charged for the broth; everything else was on the house, yet it’s still so expensive.

How’s that any different from point-blank robbery?”

Fuchen did not agree with Xia Fei’s assessment. “How could you say that? That golden quail broth was something that I ordered a year ago. They took an entire year to prepare it, so charging 12 million for it should be considered fair.”

Xia Fei was momentarily left speechless. Who knew that a bowl of golden quail broth would take a whole year to prepare? Despite this being the case, Xia Fei still found the ‘1.2 million’ price tag to be too costly. Had he known that that was the case, he would have carefully savored the dish. old Fuchen could tell that Xia Fei was still dissatisfied, so he said with a smile,

“Forget about that. Today, I’ll bring you out and show you the world. Take it as me making up for the two days you spent paying for my food.”

Xia Fei frowned. “We’re eating some more decadent delicacies, aren’t we?”

Fuchen replied, “of course, there’ll be delicacies, but this time, someone else will be paying for us.”

Their breakfast only cost thirty-five pearls, so Xia Fei’s mood improved.

He followed Old Fuchen to a luxurious manor. Other manors in the city were built on borders, but this one was actually situated right at the lively downtown area of the city center. Having been able to afford land in such a place, where the square footage went for an astronomical sum, showed not only how rich this household was but also how powerful its residents were.

Fuchen swaggeringly led Xia Fei to the manor, but the warrior standing guard at the entrance hurriedly stopped them.

“Is this the home of Fei Xingye?” asked Fuchen coldly.

The moment the guard heard Fuchen address the family patriarch by name, he got serious.

“May I ask if you two are guests that our family patriarch has invited over?”

‘Nope. Fei Xingye still lacks the qualifications to invite us.”

With that said, Fuchen let out a cold snort and brought Xia Fei right inside.

Surprisingly, they actually met no resistance along the way.

This family is the descendant of my good friend back in the day. Though he’s no longer around, his descendants should be fit to care for us,” said Fuchen mysteriously.

Xia Fei was left feeling completely confused. This old man seemed to have quite the background. Currently, they were here to take care of Fuchen’s old friend’s descendants.

The main hall was truly spacious, and at the head was a recliner made of redwood. Fuchen took off his shoes and sat cross-legged on it, gesturing for

Xia Fei to sit beside him. Like this, when this residence’s owner made an appearance, they would likely have to take up the third seat. To think that

Fuchen would so boldly treat this place as his owm, a guest taking the place of the owner.

A young female servant curiously served them tea and snacks; Fuchen merely took a sip before he threw it on the ground, loudly berating, “To think that the

Feis would actually serve such cheap food to their ancestors! It seems like you’re all tired of living!”

Xla Fei furrowed his brow. This tea could not be considered terrible, and though it was not of the highest quality, it should still be of decent quality.

There was no need for Fuchen to throw a tantrum. It almost seemed like he was purposely being nitpicky.

The female servant quickly took back the tea and snacks that she had just brought over and departed before returning with another set. This time,

Fuchen finally relaxed after a taste, saying softly, “Now, that’s better. Go get

Fei Xingye out here. If he doesn’t show up in the next three minutes, this elder will leave, and you can all forget about seeking this ancestor again.”

The effect of making this statement was almost immediate. A white-haired elderly man came in very soon. This person looked much older than Old

Fuchen; the folds of his wrinkled skin were so deep that they seemed to have been cut by a knife, and his beard was almost two feet long .The old man hobbled his way to them while being supported by a youngster

“You’re Fei Xingye?

Fuchen, who was sitting at the head seat, asked that aloud, scaring the old man into trembling, nearly losing his balance and falling on to the ground.

“May I ask whom I’m speaking to?” asked Fei Xingye gingerly, proffering cupped hands. There were plenty of amazing individuals in the universe, so it was unbecoming for one to judge people by their appearance alone. There were plenty of experts who could live for tens of thousands of years and yet looked as youthful as those in their twenties. Because of this, Fei Xingye had not acted imperiously and had, instead, addressed Fuchen with much respect.

However, that youngster, who appeared to have barely passed his spurt growth, showed no such humility. He swept a glance at Xia Fei and Fuchen and said, “Grand patriarch, who knows where these hooligans came from, actually acting so brazenly inside our house and before your presence? Why be so courteous to them.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Fei Xingye instructed the boy with a quick tap on the latter’s forehead.

Fuchen sighed and got up. “I so kindly helped your Fei family, but it’s a pity that you don’t appreciate my goodwill. Forget it. Xia Fei, let’s leave. To think that Fei Lingyi’s descendants are an ungrateful bunch, we can only blame

Ourselves and no one else for putting faith in the wrong people.”


Fei Xingye actually knelt on the floor immediately after hearing what Fuchen had just said. With tear in his eyes, he pleaded, “Don’t leave, ancestor! To think r’d fail to recognize you as the old friend of our family’s forefather, I’m the one who deserves to die!

Deeply kowtowing, Fei Xingye then slapped his cheeks and said, “I recognized you now; you’re Ancestor Fuchen! Xiaoxi, you hurry up and knmeel, too!”

That youngster, who went by the name of Fei Xiaoxi, very reluctantly knelt, but the moment he did, he was pushed to bow by Fei Xingye, so forcefully that he bumped his forehead on the ground, causing it to swell and for him to let out. pain-filled cry.

Xia Fei and Radix were left dumbfounded upon witnessing this display. He had expected Fuchen to have such a great background that even Fei Xingye would be sobbing upon realizing who he was.

“Forget it. You were barely in your teens when you accompanied Fei Lingyi to meet me. So many years have passed; it’s only natural that you wouldn’t recognize me the first time. Well, get on up; don’t be crying like you’re mourning”

The Fei family’s patriarch got up from the floor, still trembling. Fuchen said,

“Since I’m here, I don’t intend to just stand by and watch. I know about the matter with your grandson; bring the thing over to me. While you’re at it, have this manor sealed up for me.”

Fei Xingye hurriedly expressed his utmost gratitude and then went out. A short while later, an expert appeared, who sealed the entire manor so securely that nothing would likely be able to slip in. Even the protective energy shield, the Sky Curtain, had been activated, so no one from outside could see what was happening inside.

“Do say: Just what are you up to here?” asked Xia Fei on the sly. old Fuchen rolled his eyes at him and explained unhurriedly, “There’s a famous clan of soul practitioners near this Fei family’s residence, and it specializes in the combat arts of Soul Hunter. Its most powerful warrior, Fei Haizhen, happens to be this Fei Xingye’s grandson; he was severely injured by someone last year, with his soul weapon also getting destroyed.

“His family shares a bit of fate with me, so I plan to act on this matter by helping the Feis repair that soul weapon, which is their family heirloom. While

I’m at it, I’ll have a taste of their precious pair of Pearl Emerald Bamboo Shoots.

You may not know this, but Pearl Emerald Bamboo Shoot is the best among its genus. It’s as sweet as honey and its flavor is really”

Fuchen waxed dreamily about the food he intended to eat, a topic which was always coming up with every few words he uttered. However, Xia Fei was too shocked to catch any of it!

If nothing else, the repairing of a soul weapon was not something anyone could do, unless Old Fuchen was a Spiritualist!

“You’re a Spiritualist?!” Xia Fei blurted out panically.

Fuchen seemingly thought nothing of this. “What’re you making such a fuss over? We’re both Orthodox Spiritualists, aren’t we? What, do you think that this elder would be so blind that I couldn’t even tell that you’re on the spirit path, too?!

“Tsk! Why don’t you carefully consider this: If not for us both being Orthodox

Spiritualists, why would I share so many of my precious ingredients with you?

I only dranka mouthful of that golden quail broth from last night, whereas you drank the rest of it!”


The expression on Xia Fei’s face changed. So far, none of those he met recently had been able to find out that he was a Spiritualist, yet this Fuchen had managed to do so at a single glance!

“Orthodox Spiritualist? What do you mean by that tem?” asked Xia Fei, feeling curious.

Fuchen appeared even more mystified than Xia Fei. “What, don’t tell me that you’re clueless on you being an inheritor of the Orthodox Spiritualist title?

Xia Fei nodded. Fuchen could tell that Xia Fei was not lying, so he could not help but sigh several times, showinga bitter smile. “An Orthodox Spiritualist who doesn’t know what he is. Who took you in as their disciple?

I have no mentor.” Xia Fei honestly admitted this.

Now, it was Fuchen’s turn to gasp, his mouth hanging agape. He clearly did not believe Xia Fei’s claim.

“No mentor who imparted teachings about the Spirit path to you? I’ve had my eye on you since you were on Red Dwarf Star. You forged a soul weapon in the me cold, and you succeeded. How couldn’t you have a teacher?” Fuchen asked again.

Xia Fei thought about it, then took out the Feather Spirit Codex, and handed it over to Fuchen. “I ruminated over what’s written in this book. If you’re looking for my mentor, then this is it.”

Fuchen took the book and flipped through its pages a few times. His face then turned livid.

Xia Fei saw Fuchen toss the book violently on the ground before proceeding to stomp on it, letting his rage get the better of him.

“This is complete baloney! To think you’d be carrying around something like this! This is an insult to this elder’s eyes!”

Fuchen was still cursing as he kept stomping on the codex, actually managing to break that metal cover with sheer force alone. Perhaps it was because he had eaten plenty of good food, but Fuchen’s strength was easily capable of achieving such a feat.

Xia Fei dumbfoundedly watched this scene play out. Had Xia Fei not already memorized the contents of the codex by heart, he would have recklessly thrown his life away and fought Fuchen. After all, the value of that book could well be in the tens of millions, and Xia Fei sorely needed money right now.

“Tell me: Does your brain region not have a nine-sided Soul Mark, constantly turning and covered in wondrous patterns?!” Fuchen huffed in anger.

Yes.” Xia Fei nodded.

“Do you lack a Seed of Life, unable to experience rebirth despite the fact that you’ve long broken past the limit of life and death?”

“Yes!” Xia Fei knitted his eyebrows tightly, a grim expression on his face.

He was right! Everything he stated was absolutely correct! Even the Superior

Soul Hunters Radix and Hosu were unable to explain this strange yet Fuchen had been right on the money!

It must be stated that Xia Fei’s seventh region was completely shut off, making it impossible for anyone to see what was happening inside. How could Fuchen know of such things?!

“That’s the way!” Fuchen stared. “The reason why you’re so specíal is you’re an Orthodox Spiritualist! ORTHODOX! The other Spiritualists out there are all cheap copies! Only we, the Orthodox Spiritualists, are bonafide-the only ones who tread the single true spirit path in this universe!

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