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Chapter 1084 - Lady Aquamarine

Chapter 1084: Lady Aquamarine

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Little Goldie!” Xia Fei was alarmed. Fuchen had placed a golden bug on the table, and while it was many times smaller than before, Xia Fei could instantly tell from its aura that it was his good comrade from the Dark Space.

“Goldie, what happened to you?!” Xia Fei exclaimed. He quickly grabbed the demon chrysalis, his heart twisting in pain and agitation.

Little Goldie seemed to understand what Xia Fei was saying. It twitched its body slightly, as if to convey how much it had missed him, but it clearly lacked the strength.

Fuchen sighed. “What a loyal little creature. If my guess is right, to search for you, this chrysalis crossed through the Dark Space barrier, and as it was crossing, it suffered very serious internal injuries.

“I gave it some medicine for the injuries, but it would require your healing-type soul weapon for it to make a full recovery.”

Xia Fei nodded firmly, and he took out the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon, which he had turned into a soul weapon. In the meantime, Fuchen quietly put down a seal so that the surroundings would not be affected by the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon.


There was a soft moan as Little Goldie’s body trembled, its only eye brimming with excitement. The demon chrysalis’s body was still weak, and it could not endure much healing. After only fifteen minutes, Little Goldie fell asleep. Xia Fei put away the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon.

For the weak, healing was a slow and steady process. Xia Fei could not heal Little Goldie at one go. He would have to heal the demon chrysalis many times, each time treating it a little to restore Little Goldie to its original self.

Exhaling, Xia Fei carefully inspected Little Goldie’s body. After ensuring that there were no major problems, he told Fuchen, “I really have to thank you this time. If you hadn’t lent aid in a timely mamner, Little Goldie might’ve lost his life.”

Fuchen chuckled. “Why are you thanking me? It’s this little guy’s loyalty and tenacity that saved it. To tell the truth, I’m amazed that it could cross the Dark Space barrier and get here. It seems like this little fellow is just as tough and stubbom as you are.”

This was true. Back then, Little Goldie had relied on its intense desire to live to break through the Turbulence and become Xia Fei’s demon chrysalis. This time, it had once more been the demon chrysalis’s tenacious vitality that had helped it get to the other side of the barrier and reach Xia Fei’s side.

The will of the heavens moved in mysterious ways. Be it Peacock Blue or Little Goldie, while neither was very smart, both had a persistence akin to Xia Fei’s. Perhaps this was why they had ultimately ended up together.

As for Furball, he was a highly intelligent being, and he shared Xia Fei’s cunning and madness. In short, Xia Fei’s allies all shared similar traits to Xia Fei. Perhaps this was what was meant by ‘birds of a feather flock together’.

Xia Fei’s mind rapidly whirred. Little Goldie breaking through the barrier and reaching the Alpha Universe was naturally wonderful news to Xia Fei. This indicated that there was another link between the Alpha Universe and the Law Realm besides the Cosmic Gate. This also meant that Xia Fei and the

yearning Avril might still be able to communicate with each other.

“What’s this about a Dark Space barrier? Is it an existence similar to the Cosmic Gate?” Xia Fei asked.

Fuchen shrugged and muttered, “I’m not sure about the exact details, either. According to the investigations of our forebears, the universe isn’t alone. In other words, there may be many more universes in our surroundings, and no one can say how many universes make up this dimension.

“The Dark Space barrier truly is similar to the Cosmic Gate, but the sealing method is different. I don’t know how your little chrysalis managed to get past the barrier, but it’s probably because its body is small and agile, and its vitality is tough enough.”

“Many universes, and many parallel dark spaces?” Xia Fei frowned. “Since there are so many universes and parallel dark spaces, why are they all separated from one another? If these passages were to be opened, wouldn’t all the sapient lifeforms of the universes go berserk? Would killing and slaughter be


Fuchen chuckled. “That’s the advantage of the Cosmic Gate. It seals the various universes and prevents meaningless slaughter. On this subject, I have to tell the truth and say that the woman who wants to kill you isn’t from the Alpha Universe. Just like you, she came from another universe.

“As for the Law of Primal Chaos and the Immemorial Mystical Armament that you possess, those were brought from that other universe. This matter was a secret of the Alpha Universe, but I’ve lived countless eons and have acquired a unique social network to others, which is why I’m able to know so


“In the higher-end circles of the Alpha Universe, people like you and that woman who intruded from other universes are called Wanderers, meaning people who have intruded into the Alpha Universe from another.”

“Wanderers often bring with them incomprehensible combat skills of astonishingly destructive power. Many of those with high statues in the Alpha Universe are actually hostile to Wanderers. That’s both to your advantage and disadvantage.

“The disadvantage is that, as a Wanderer from another universe, you won’t be accepted by the upper echelons. Your advantage is that you have the blood of the Aurora Clan, so you are like a half-native of the Alpha Universe, while that woman is an intruder through and through. If the two of you were to

get ina fight, those above would probably favor you.”

Xia Fei nodded. Ever since he went from the Law Realm to the Alpha Universe, he had expected that there might be other universes, along with more inexplicable sapient lifeforms, besides these two.

As Xia Fei explored the depths of the universe, he had not only failed to understand its mysteries but had also realized that the universe was far more complex and profound than before. Xia Fei had initially not expected this. In fact, he had even believed that he had reached the end of the universe when

he arrived at the Law Realm. He realized now how naive his thoughts had been.

Calling her ‘that woman’ again! Doesn’t she have a name?” Xia Fei asked jokingly.

“She doesn’t have a name, only a code name. They call her Lady Aquamarine,” Fuchen said.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette, took a few deep drags, and began to think.

Fuchen said indifferently, “There’s no need to worry. With me around, Lady Aquamarine won’t be able to hurt you. You must be thinking about your loved ones in the other universe, yes? You wish to bring them to the Alpha Universe?”

Xia Fei replied, “A person has to constantly get stronger on their own. I can’t be under your protection forever. As for the Law Realm, I won’t touch it. Since Lady Aquamarine is very powerful, a day that she’s not dead is another day when my friends aren’t safe. Leaving them in the Law Realm might be the

best for them.”

Fuchen’s eyes twinkled. Xia Fei had not refused Fuchen’s offer of help, indicating that he was a pragmatic person. In addition, Xia Fei did not hope to rely on Fuchen always and hoped to get stronger himself, which won Fuchen’s admiration.

After some thought, Fuchen said, “Let’s do this: Starting tonight, I will guide you through eight hours of intensive training every day. What do you think?”

“What aspect will we be training?” Xia Fei asked.

“Your two great laws, naturally Speed and Primal Chaos. Primal Chaos comes from Lady Aquamarine’s universe, so I may be unable to help you with that, but I’m very knowledgeable when it comes to the Law of Speed. You’ve already entered the spirit system, so if you don’t quickly cultivate these law

systems to their maximum, it may affect your future development,” Fuchen explained sincerely.

Xia Fei suddenly thought of something when he heard this and curiously asked, “My Space Law pattern and Beast Spirit Codex pattern both completely disappeared. What’s the reason for that?”

Fuchen smiled. “That’s how our Orthodox Spiritualist lineage differs from others. Since the Law of Space and Beast Spirit Codex already reached their maximum levels, your spirit pattern absorbed and integrated their powers. While you don’t have these patterns, you can still use the powers of Beast Spirit

and Space like normal.”

Xia Fei was startled. “Integration! The integration of law powerswith the spirit system?! Isn’t that very difficult? How can I do it?”

Fuchen replied carefreely, “It’s very difficult for outsiders, but since we’re Orthodox Spiritualists, we naturally can’t be compared to them. Of course, such a powerful background comes with significant sacrifice. Just like me, because you grasp the greatest and most mysterious power in the world, we can’t

possess eternal lives and don’t have a Seed of Life.”

Xia Fei nodded. Radix and Oro had reminded Xia Fei more than once that different paths all came together, that no matter what power system one used, the ultimate goal was to get stronger and faster. His law power integrating with the spirit system had come as a pleasant surprise. Once he finished

training all his law powers, Xia Fei’s seventh brain region would only have his Unrestricted Soul Spirit Mark, an unimaginably powerful Soul Mark! Vast and all-accepting!

“Let’s start today’s lesson. Our first objective is your Law of Speed. Your body is now completely healed, so I wish for you to reach a very important benchmark in the Speed system, Lightspeed,” Fuchen said.

“Lightspeed?!” Xia Fei was shocked. Fuchen was quite the ambitious fellow, making his first target Lightspeed!

Traveling through the universe with his physical body at lightspeed! Just the thought of it had his blood pumping!

He could still remember the scene of the Skywing Clan’s heaven-defying grand ancestor, Xia Gucheng, killing enemies in a single second at lightspeed. That formidable strength was beyond the ability of words to describe.

As the most heaven-defying law power, Speed was slow to improve and number one in terms of difficulty. If he really managed to reach lightspeed, Xia Fei’s combat power would instantly reach an absurd level!

Together with his Unrestricted Soul Spirit, Xia Fei would be unrivaled throughout the world, which was truly something to look forward to!

Xia Fei’s face reddened with excitement. Back in the Skywing Clan, he had learned an unusual training method. He wondered if a great Spiritualist like Fuchen could bring Xia Fei any more pleasant surprises.

Fuchen saw the desire for power in Xia Fei’s eyes and nodded. This frenzied obsession with strength was the foundation of a warrior’s survival. Xia Fei was ambitious, ruthless, and cunning. If he reached the speed of light, he would be his enemies’ worst nightmare!

“Let’s start training now!” Xia Fei focused and said excitedly..

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