Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 872 - Precious Brilliance Space

Chapter 872: Precious Brilliance Space

“Are you Yin Fei, the newest member of the maintenance team? The goods you ordered have arrived.” A middle-aged man wearing the company internal dispatch uniform waved as he stood from the opposite corridor.

Xia Fei was rooted to the spot. He had just arrived at Fig Corporation and had never ordered anything! Why did this person say that he was delivering something he had ordered?

Doubts filled his mind as Xia Fei hesitantly made his way over.

This staff was in charge of internal dispatch. After all, given the size of Fig Corporation, there were plenty of items that needed to be sent between offices, documents and the ilk, which was why they had positions solely responsible for the delivery of such items.

After inspecting Xia Fei’s staff pass and getting him to sign, the man handed Xia Fei a box the size of his palm and turned to leave.

Xia Fei weighed the object in his hand and realized that it was rather heavy despite the size. Just what could be inside it?

Fig Corporation had staff accommodations on their grounds, so it was convenient for staff who had no family of their own or if they needed a place to stay overnight whenever they ended up working late. Xia Fei was also assigned one such room.

Opening the door and peering in, he noted that the room looked very much like a single suite in a hotel, not exactly luxurious but having everything someone would require while staying in it.

The Law Realm was very traditional; few would use high-tech products, but this room had been completely automated, with everything just requiring a wave of the hand.

Closing the door behind him, Xia Fei sat on the bed and opened this mysterious box he had received.

Inside was a set of Precious Brilliance Space!

Precious Brilliance Space was a portable training space that any warrior could carry wherever they went. Different from a spatial ring, Precious Brilliance Space allowed any sapient lifeform to live inside the space, where food, oxygen, and everything life needed to flourish were provided.

Xia Fei frowned. The delivery order very clearly stated that he ordered this Precious Brilliance Space himself, and the timing coincided with his inclusion to the maintenance team. The delivery dispatch service in Fig Corporation was highly efficient, having brought him the item in just twenty minutes.

Xia Fei was speechless. He was not even aware of Fig Corporation’s intranet yet, so how could he have ordered a Precious Brilliance Space prior?!

The Precious Brilliance Space was like a golf ball, with a button on top. A light push of it would activate the device.

Xia Fei held that item in hand and began to contemplate as he smoked a cigarette.

Everything seemed to have changed the moment he used the Hybrid Dragon Correction Core, and all had even gone well beyond what Xia Fei expected.

First was Xia Fei’s identity, which he now dared to conclude as not fake. Professor Flynn definitely existed, and there was certainly an existing grudge between him and Research Institute 137’s director.

This was the first coincidence.

Due to the animosity between Flynn and Kalu, Xia Fei had been assigned to the lowly maintenance team, and while it looked detrimental to Xia Fei, it was actually the most beneficial arrangement for him because he only needed to spend very little time working each day, at most an hour. Afterward, he could devote all his remaining time toward cultivation.

If Xia Fei had any reservations regarding joining Fig Corporation, it was that he hoped his time here would not interfere with his cultivation.

After all, mechatronics was no more than a professional hobby of Xia Fei’s, for his true pursuit was being a warrior, his identity being the lone wolf of the Skywing Clan!

Now, he had managed to join Fig Corporation, and it would not interfere with his cultivation, too. Everything fitted Xia Fei’s wishes perfectly.

This was the second coincidence!

There was this Precious Brilliance Space, which had been sent to him. He could not possibly engage in cultivating laws in the ordinary room he was provided, and now Xia Fei happened to have a secret corner for him to do just that, allowing him to continue his training quietly.

This was the third coincidence!

Every step had gone Xia Fei’s way, yet it also came with its own set of problems.

Xia Fei shook his head. He simply refused to believe that everything had truly been a coincidence, for that would just be far too bizarre!

Fiddling with the Precious Brilliance Space in his hand, Xia Fei mumbled, “Just how did this item come to be?”

Suddenly, Xia Fei froze. Since this item had intentionally been sent to him by someone else, perhaps there might be clues left inside the space!


With this thought in mind, Xia Fei lightly pushed the button and activated the Precious Brilliance Space!

“Oh, my god!” Xia Fei’s two eyes shone brightly as he let out a gasp.

This Precious Brilliance Space’s interior was far larger than what he initially imagined!

“How could it be called Precious Brilliance Space? It’s practically an entire planet!”

Xia Fei was completely flabbergasted as he looked all around him in amazement. The endless horizon inside this humongous space was very picturesque, with natural and warm sunlight shining from above, which was not in the least bit glaring.

Standing there inside, Xia Fei could not help but feel awed. Just what grade of technology was this, to have successfully constructed this planet-sized Precious Brilliance Space!

Precious Brilliance Spaces were completely different from spatial rings; a spatial ring was linked to a far away secret space through a spatial channel. It did not need to be powered and was very stable and indestructible. The ring would only lose functionality if the secret space itself collapsed.

Meanwhile, Precious Brilliance Space was more like a creation of an expert in the Law of Space using law force and raw energy. Maintaining the space activation required energy, and the moment it ran out, the space would disappear accordingly.

This was why people were more used to storing precious items in their rings and not in an artificial space that required energy for sustenance.

However, a Precious Brilliance Space was definitely suitable as temporary training grounds, because with energy supporting its use, the space would have light, water, air, and a controlled climate—everything necessary for sapient lifeforms to survive.

Moreover, spatial superimposition could be done, so there was completely no problem bringing in a spatial ring to this space.

It was precisely because a Precious Brilliance Space had all these unique characteristics and functions that many warriors would bring one around with them, treating it as a portable training facility, ready for use any time.

It was just that the Precious Brilliance Space Xia Fei had obtained this time was simply too large! Too vast!

The cost of creating one Precious Brilliance Space, which could be brought everywhere, was astronomical. After all, the difficulty of maintaining the stability of a space even when moving about was more than a thousand times greater than a static location!

Xia Fei was unsure just how valuable a Precious Brilliance Space the size of a planet would be, but even a fool could tell that it would not be cheap!

Xia Fei knitted his eyebrows and thought of another problem. Most warriors did not require such a large space to cultivate, and only Xia Fei, a Law of Speed practitioner, would hope to have as large a space as possible. It almost seemed as if the person who had sent him this Precious Brilliance Space knew exactly what Xia Fei required, so they had sunk in such a great cost just to provide Xia Fei with a space that would let him cultivate his Law of Speed!

“Just who could it be?” Xia Fei muttered to himself.

Xia Fei felt very uneasy for the longest time after he exited the Precious Brilliance Space, pondering the many questions he had no answer to.

Suddenly, a slight smile appeared across Xia Fei’s face. He wondered aloud, “The person who could accomplish all these should of course be my clan’s grand ancestor. To think that old man even has the influence to intercede in Fig Corporation.”

Since it was a gift from his grand ancestor, Xia Fei decided to accept it with glee.

Song Jianlin had already mentioned that Fig Corporation had its private intranet, allowing anyone to learn plenty of knowledge within and to purchase products from the company at reduced prices.

As the number-one tech company in this part of the universe, Fig Corporation was able to produce plenty of quality products, so there were bound to be items which could be useful to Xia Fei, including components that might be incorporated to the Titans in the Hidden Realm. These were all the reasons why Xia Fei had decided to infiltrate the company.

XIa Fei inserted his staff pass into the slot and entered the company intranet. The first thing he wanted to find out was the price of this Precious Brilliance Space.

With a light swipe of his finger on the screen, Xia Fei quickly entered the list of inventory and then he tapped onto the section featuring various kinds of Precious Brilliance Spaces to check.

From top quality to cheap versions, the price became all the more bewildering as the grade of the Precious Brilliance Space increased!

A million grade 6 crystals!

Ten million!

A hundred million!

Xia Fei was rendered completely speechless!

The prices of Fig Corporation’s products were unbelievably expensive! The most expensive type of Precious Brilliance Space was actually worth a hundred million grade 6 Origin Crystals! That was no different from daylight robbery!

Taking a closer look at the item description, Xia Fei realized that the interior version of the Precious Brilliance Space only covered an area of a thousand kilometers, while the one Xia Fei had in his hand was five thousand kilometers!

Many companies preferred to have their most advanced products sold in limited quantities for two reasons. One, the manufacturing of such products was highly difficult, and the output itself could not be too high. Two, due to the high prices of their products, even if the company put them on the market, not many could afford them. As such, for the company, it was better to just sell its goods to the wealthy through under-the-table transactions.

It became evident that the Precious Brilliance Space currently in Xia Fei’s possession was not something Fig Corporation sold to the public!

This was because his space was five times the size of the product that cost over a hundred million grade 6 crystals!

“What a grand show of wealth! I believe that this Precious Brilliance Space is the best product of Fig Corporation.” Xia Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he mused to himself.

Xia Fei carefully kept the Precious Brilliance Space as the doubts in his mind surged.

It did not really make sense for the grand ancestor to give him a Precious Brilliance Space that was worth several hundred millions. Besides, for what reason would he need to do so through the Fig Corporation’s internal dispatch system?

A quick check of the company’s dispatch system and Xia Fei was greeted with a blank page. The screen showed that there was no record of Xia Fei having ever made an order before; it seemed like someone had deleted it after the transaction was made.

A very high level of permission was required if anyone wished to delete the transactional records in Fig Corporation. Thus, it was not something most people would be able to pull off!

Xia Fei patted his own head. Having come across a series of strange events on his first day of joining Fig Corporation, he could not help but feel utterly astounded.

This was when the screen suddenly shone, and the page before him changed from the purchase interface to that of the information query database.

For its staff’s convenience in deepening knowledge and furthering their study, Fig Corporation had a huge database, containing all sorts of parameters, information, and experiment data over the years, built. Different levels of permissions would grant high-ranking corporate officials access to confidential data accordingly.

Xia Fei did not really pay much attention at first. The screen was very sensitive, so he assumed that he had accidentally touched it, and thus it changed as it did.

However, a glance at the text that had appeared on the screen, and Xia Fei suddenly felt a suffocating sensation come over him! This was because what was being shown was not the average database accessible to ordinary employees like Xia Fei but rather the level 5 information encyclopedia only accessible to higher tier researchers!

The orange lettering on the screen stated that the data shown could only be browsed and read privately by high-ranking researchers, and anyone found duplicating or dispensing the said information would be severely punished by the company!

Xia Fei was left speechless once more. In just half a day’s time, he had come into contact with plenty of inexplicable situations that he simply could not fathom!

The screen automatically changing to the highly restricted database? This was surely no coincidence! There must be someone in the background manipulating things!

It seemed like this mysterious figure was leading him, step by step, toward knowing things Fig Corporation had kept well-hidden!

This certain someone was not just seemingly omniscient, they also seemed awfully familiar with Xia Fei, knowing about his mechatronics background and knowing exactly what he needed the most!

Just as Xia Fei was about to go insane from surprise, a row of words appeared on the screen.

[Learn. That’s the only way you can unravel the mystery behind everything…]

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