Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 876 - Complete Victory

Chapter 876: Complete Victory

“You insulted me the day before, and I ignored you.

“You insulted me again yesterday, and I still ignored you.

“For you to continue insulting me even today… You’re dead meat!”

What arrogance!

Yin Fei had actually said that he would kill the first genius to come out of the Eternity Branch in one hundred fifty years?!

This killing intent, which left everyone breathless, was absolutely truly barbaric! It seeped into the very bones of everyone who had read those words!

From the very beginning, Xia Fei had not said a single word on the column, nor did he retaliate to Zack’s vitriol.

Zack was elated, thinking that Yin Fei was afraid of him, while the other employees were very disappointed, thinking that Yin Fei was a coward.

However, what none of them realized was that Xia Fei had never had the word ‘fear’ in his vocabulary!

It was fine if he did not act, but the moment he did, he would launch the most vicious and fatal attack!

Everyone saw Xia Fei stop tackling the lowly section 5 questions like he usually did; instead, he went directly toward answering section 4 questions!

Zack was taken aback! Everyone was completely taken aback by this move, too!

Though the difficulty of section 4 questions were higher than section 5, Xia Fei’s speed actually did not lessen; in fact, his speed was still the same as before!

Despite the increase in difficulty, Xia Fei was still completing ten questions a minute!

This was an absolutely insane speed! After all, those questions in section 4 were on the esoteric side, involving more advanced knowledge in respective areas. None of the questions could be considered simple!

Nevertheless, Xia Fei managed to maintain that speed he had shown the day before, and it seemed like he was trying to say that there was hardly any change in difficulty between sections 4 and 5!

A very eye-catching red dragon seemingly ascended through the ranks with great ferocity!

In just a minute’s time, Xia Fei’s points had already broken past the 40,000-point mark!

This was without a doubt an absolutely shocking performance!

Yesterday, Zack had to work hard for a whole hour just to earn 1.7 million points, just a shy of 30,000 points every minute, while Xia Fei easily obtained a new record in the very first minute today!

Getting 40,000 points every minute meant 2.4 million points in an hour!

In the past, Xia Fei had always been hot on Zack’s heels, not once letting up the chase, though never once surpassing him. Now that he had made a move, Xia Fei managed to take the lead at the very first minute!

In the second minute, Xia Fei achieved a rate of twelve questions per one minute!

In the third minute, it increased to thirteen questions per one minute!

By the fifth minute, Xia Fei had obtained a total of 250,000 points!

That was 250,000!

If such an aggressive attack continued, who knew how much Xia Fei would end up earning in one day?


Extreme shock!

Everyone’s eyes were opened wide with their mouths hanging agape!

The almost stifling sensation everyone was feeling made it difficult to breathe. The pressure they felt from this performance was practically driving them all crazy!

Just what sort of fiendish speed was this? Did Xia Fei not even need any time to think? Even a supercomputer would be unable to achieve such a level of efficiency!

Large beads of sweat poured out from every pore of their bodies!

Zack had broken out in a cold sweat in his luxurious office, too. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect that Xia Fei would retaliate with such ferocity!

Evidently, Xia Fei was not just some random fish that could only answer section 5 questions. Not only did he possess an astonishingly powerful neural response rate, he also had a fairly deep pool of knowledge!

This was the first time Zack had felt such levels of helplessness. The maintenance worker Yin Fei took the lead on the leaderboard and soared further with it, seemingly unimpeded in the least. Up until this point, Zack had only obtained 180,000 points, while Xia Fei was already getting near the 300,000 threshold!

This was the first time Xia Fei had taken the lead, yet it was this ‘one time’ where he ended up leaving so-called genius Zack in his dust!

“That’s impossible! I’m a genius! I refuse to lose to this freak from Independent College!” Zack’s eyes went bloodshot as he furiously bellowed this. He seemed to be going insane.

After shouting, Zack began to increase his speed of answering questions recklessly, but it was a real pity. How could he compare to Xia Fei in terms of speed?

Speed was king! Be it in battle or in answering questions, Xia Fei’s speed was just that keen!

While Zack solved one question, Xia Fei had already answered twenty, even thirty questions!

Genius? Xia Fei was the genius, whose superspeed superseded everything!

“It hasn’t even been twenty minutes, yet Yin Fei’s points have already surpassed the million mark!”

“Zack has only gotten 550,000 points so far… Could Yin Fei be victorious with twice the amount of points as Zack?!”

“I’ve realized something.”

“What is it?”

“Yes, Yin Fei was insanely quick when answering the questions, but do you know that every answer he gave was also all correct? This also means that this heaven-defying speed doesn’t affect his solving of these questions! He’s not rushing his work; this is his true strength!”

Everyone watched this battle unfold, absolutely flabbergasted. Even the most optimistic person had never imagined that Yin Fei would be able to take the lead over Zack with such an overwhelming advantage!

In a cramped bedroom, Xia Fei had the screen adjusted to the largest size so that he could tackle twenty questions all at once.

Xia Fei’s two eyes glowed with clarity, his expression absolutely solemn. This was Xia Fei giving it his all!

As his mind raced through his thoughts, Xia Fei solved all these seemingly profound questions one by one, several of them simultaneously even!

After Alpha taught him that amazing method of speed-studying, his mind became a lot sharper, thereby creating this unparalleled effect. Xia Fei burying his head to his study these days had not been in vain, as each day he improved like a rocketship straight to the moon.

In a matter of days, Xia Fei had learned great amounts of knowledge would take others decades, maybe even centuries, to study!

All of a sudden, a row of words appeared on Xia Fei’s screen as he was in the middle of answering questions.

“While I indeed stated my hopes of you shining brightly, don’t you think that you’ve gone a little overboard?”

Even the mysterious Alpha was beginning to worry. After all, there were all sorts of crouching tigers and hidden dragons in Fig Corporation. If Xia Fei emerged victorious with such an oppressive performance, it would surely turn into a talking point for the entire company. There was also a saying that went: ‘A powerful counterattack can very well cause a plan to spin out of control.’

While his fingers fluttered in the air, Xia Fei’s reply was fairly simple.


Alpha still did not understand Xia Fei. He had been someone famed for his obstinacy ever since he came to being! The moment he decided on a matter, no amount of coaxing would be enough to make him back down.

Since he had already made up his mind on killing Zack, no matter what happened, this should be the day Zack met his defeat!

“This is simply too exciting!” Director Muzen of Research Division 4 was exceptionally animated. As these two veritable geniuses of Division 4 fought, it attracted the attention of the entire company, and that in itself was giving plenty of face to the director.

Of the four, Division 1 stood towering on them all and held the undeniable advantage over the rest. Meanwhile, Research Division 4 held the lowest position among the other three, which subconsciously made Muzen feel shorter by comparison whenever he met the other two directors.

After all, the mechatronics field was not exactly valued in the Law Realm, hardly as eye-catching as the topics of biology or space studies. Thus, Muzen was more than happy that these two outstanding geniuses Yin Fei and Zack belonged to Division 4.

Even if the two ended up getting transferred to Division 1 without using his side benefitting from them a lot, Muzen could still pat his chest proudly and say, “These two came from my division!”

Vice Director Mamba was a little worried even as he fawned on the other. “Director, Yin Fei and Zack’s competition has indeed gotten everyone’s blood pumping, and both are still researchers under your wing. If things escalate too far, I’m afraid that the gloves may come off.”

Muzen shook his head, completely unconcerned as he declared, “What’s there to be afraid of? If not for this fight, would anyone even know that the geniuses of Division 4 were of such high caliber? Look, just look at them! It’s only been forty minutes, yet Yin Fei has already obtained two million points! At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before he ends up breaking the current record by three times!”

Pausing, Muzen added, “Oh, right. Help me prepare two gifts. I want to send them to Zack and Yin Fei personally. Be sure to make meticulous preparations for Yin Fei’s! How could a genius like him remain in the maintenance team? I’ll transfer him to Division 4 myself! Let him be tutored by the best specialist and gain experience!”

Mamba was startled as he wondered. “Director, aren’t you afraid that Zack will hold a grudge?”

“What b*llsh*t grudge!” Perhaps it was because Muzen was too excited, but he let slip an expletive before craftily adding, “Zack is a genius who ranked first, so I originally didn’t want to offend him, but now that Yin Fei has won their little contest today, what do I need to worry about Zack for?

“In this world, it is the victor who is king! Even if Zack was the first to graduate from the Eternity Branch in the last one hundred fifty years, since he lost, he’s not greater than fart!”

Mamba pouted. He already knew how snobbish this director was, yet he was still very unused to Muzen demonstrating condescension up to such a degree.

Flashing a fake smile, Mamba anxiously said, “What foresight the director has! I’ll get going to prepare those right now. I guarantee that you’ll be pleased!”

Lifting his head as he was about to leave, Muzen suddenly shouted for him to stop.

“Hold it! The situation changed!”

Mamba turned back around to look at the screen, and he saw how Yin Fei was still in first place with 2,000,000, almost 800,000 points ahead of Zack!

However, no one had any idea what Yin Fei was smoking, for his points had actually come to a stop!

“No way! He stopped again?” Muzen directly leaped from his seat and moaned. “Yin Fei, oh Yin Fei, just what’s going on with you?!”


It was shocking. A scene that no one could make sense of happened once again!

In the past, Yin Fei would spend an hour answering questions, but he had actually stopped after only forty minutes?

“Could Yin Fei be thinking that two million points should enough to defeat Zack, and hence, he decided to just stop there?”

“That’s not right. There’s no rule stating that this competition only lasts an hour. Besides, Zack has been pushing the entire time, so the possibility of him overtaking the lead before the hour’s up isn’t nonexistent.”

“That’s right. Yin Fei’s too much. It’s just an 800,000-point lead. That’s hardly safe insurance.”

“Maybe Yin Fei has some physical issues, having answered all these questions so quickly might be a heavy burden to his mind.”

“That makes sense. The amount of energy one has is limited. It’s only a matter of time before someone collapses from putting themselves under such mental or physical strain.”

The crowd began their discussion, with plenty believing that Xia Fei was too conceited by assuming that two million points was enough to settle Zack. On the other hand, a good portion of them believed that something must have happened to Xia Fei’s physical body, which made it impossible for him to carry on.

“Quickly look! Zack is starting to speed up!”

1.3 million!

1.4 million!

1.5 million!

Zack must have seen a glimmer of hope, and so he was putting forth all his strength to catching up madly!

Slowly, the gap between Yin Fei and Zack got reduced, and in the final two minutes on the hour, both parties were neck in neck, with just a difference of 50,000 points!

“1.95 million points against two million! Yin Fei is in danger!”

“Serves him right! Because of his arrogance, Zack has caught up to him.”

The final minute, and the scores were 1.97 million against two million!

The situation was critical! Zack needed only to solve a single section 3 question and he would overtake Yin Fei!

Everyone had their fists clenched, anxiously waiting for the final result.

Ten seconds!





As Zack tapped his screen to send out his last answer, Xia Fei also sent out his last answer!


These two series of numbers began to change simultaneously!

Two red dragons. One took a tiny step forward, while the other one soared to the sky! Ascending through the realms of heaven!

Everyone was completely floored after they made sense of the final result!

The difference in Zack and Yin Fei’s final score was not a matter of the numbers but an entire digit of difference!

In the last twenty minutes, Yin Fei had actually gone to section 1, the hardest out of all five sections!

Twelve million points versus two million points!

The difference was a full ten million!

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