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Chapter 918 - Undercurrent: The Demon Race Law Gods!

Chapter 918: Undercurrent: The Demon Race Law Gods!

“Elder Ipha, should we pursue them?” asked one of the demon chrysalis tamers through gritted teeth.

In the space of one night, the Edusa Clan had had its pride, the Ten Thousand Buddha Radiance, slain by Xia Fei, and then its three sons had also died gruesome deaths at Xia Fei’s hands.

This was like dropping straight from heaven to hell! Without these prized chrysalises, the Edusa Clan’s foundation was badly wounded. It was among the three great clans of the Demon Race, on par with the Kerrys and the Darkpearls, but now, it would probably be the weakest of the three.

The Edusa demon chrysalis tamers were indignant! They wanted no more than to flay Xia Fei and Little Goldie alive!

However, that elder, Law Sage Ipha, appeared not to hear what his subordinates were saying. His eyes erupted with bright lights, staring so hard at Little Goldie that his eyeballs almost fell out.

“Pursue? Of course, we’re pursuing them, but we can’t act rashly, and alert the enemy!” Ipha sternly said.

He picked out three people from his team and softly said, “The three of you have the best stealth capabilities. Right now, I need you to keep a close eye on that golden demon chrysalis. Even if it goes into the depths of hell, you must follow it!”

He solemnly swept his eyes over the three and added, “Remember: You can only watch it from a distance—the farther the better! You can’t be discovered! Everyone else, return with me!”

Everyone was startled. While these demon chrysalis tamers were not standard warriors, they were still rather strong. After all, anyone who could hang around with demon chrysalises had some skill. Why was Ipha having the team go back then? Was he giving up on the enemy?

“Be at ease. We’re all warriors who changed professions to demon chrysalis tamers, and we’ve all practiced the Law of Covert Evasion. As long as we don’t reveal ourselves, that golden demon chrysalis will never be able to escape our sight!” one of the selected demon chrysalis tamers sternly said.

Ipha chuckled, a sinister smile appearing on his face. “That’s precisely why I had you carry out this mission. Remember to report to me every hour!”


After saying all this, Ipha led the demon chrysalis tamers back to base, not even looking back!

“Destroy those guys!” shouted Xia Fei as he finally caught up. “Furball, let me see if that sixth form of yours is really that impressive!”

Xia Fei was still unsure about Furball’s sixth form. It was not too long ago that Furball had become enormous and used a universe-shaking lightning bolt to exterminate that Dark lifeform, displaying a peerless combat strength!

However, after that battle, Furball returned to normal, becoming a little ball that rushed into Xia Fei’s chest and fell asleep, appearing not to have changed at all. Thus, Xia Fei wanted to once more see Furball’s frenzied attack and confirm just how strong he had become.

Unexpectedly, Furball defied the order, not even raising his eyes and continuing to snore in Xia Fei’s chest. He seemed to be saying, “Master, it’s just a pack of puny low-level Dark lifeforms. Why do I, Furball, need to do anything?”

Xia Fei raised an eyebrow and was about to unleash his rage when Radix said, “Furball seems to be very tired. You also saw that lightning bolt. It must’ve required an immense amount of energy. Let him keep resting. In any case, it’s certain that Furball has entered his sixth form. No one can change that.”

Xia Fei nodded and said nothing more. Furball truly did seem very tired. After rushing off into the distance like a madman and then successfully promoting, he rushed back and unleashed a thunderous blow. The entire process was certain to have taken a significant amount of energy.

Holy Beasts were truly odd existences. Furball was now avoiding Xia Fei when he promoted. Was it because he did not want Xia Fei to see the savage appearance he had when promoting?

This piqued Xia Fei’s curiosity. What did Furball look like while promoting? Was it like a little ball explosively inflating, or did he turn into some sort of monster?

In the blink of an eye, Xia Fei had caught up to the pack of Dark lifeforms, and Peacock Blue and the Blood Crystal were unleashed!

Like a powerful bulldozer, Xia Fei plowed through the tens of thousands of Dark lifeforms, obliterating these weak monsters!


Xia Fei and Little Goldie continued to accelerate forward. In front of him, that blurry point of light did not stop just because Xia Fei killed the Dark lifeforms. On the contrary, it accelerated, as if it knew that Xia Fei was far more frightening than the Dark lifeforms!

“Ocular Cognition!”

Xia Fei yelled, his eyes exploding with white lights. Through Ocular Cognition, he wanted to see what was running away!


All Xia Fei was a white and indistinct ball, but he still could not tell what was inside.

“Strange…. That thing’s body seems ethereal, not corporeal,” Xia Fei muttered as his brows furrowed.

Radix said, “As we get closer, I am able to sense a familiar energy fluctuations. It’s as if I have interacted with this mysterious little light before, but I can’t remember! Curses!”

Xia Fei was startled. Radix found this light familiar? This made it even more imperative that he not let it escape!


That mysterious light suddenly began to descend. This place was far from the Eye of the Cosmos, and fragmented asteroids and shattered planets gradually appeared. This was area was no longer as desolate.

The light soon cunningly hid itself in the remnants of an exploded planet, and Xia Fei quickly followed.


His feet hitting the ground, Xia Fei curiously raised his head and looked around.

That mysterious light had vanished somewhere in this place, which showed signs that a sapient lifeform had lived here!

A head had been carved into a large cliff face, cold and craggy. The sculptor seemingly wanted to display the heroic aura of the subject, but as they lacked the skill, the head instead seemed fiendish, brimming with brutality.

Xia Fei frowned. This was clearly a deserted region of space, so this random stone head could not help but make one’s imagination run wild. Moreover, this head, which had seemingly been sculpted a long time ago, was rather old.

He looked around. That mysterious light had disappeared here, but he did not know where it was hiding.

“Eh? There’s a tunnel here.”

Xia Fei noticed that there was something strange about the stone head’s chin. He walked over; Peacock Blue extended from his right hand and delved into the rock. Xia Fei suddenly pulled on his arm!

“Get out here!”

A giant stone, which had to weigh one thousand tons, was pulled out and flung into the stars. Beneath that giant stone was a hidden tunnel, about two meters wide and three meters tall.

“Weird. This tunnel wasn’t artificially made, so why was it artificially sealed?” Radix muttered.

Xia Fei sternly said, “It’s very simple. We’ll find out once we go inside.”

Several minutes later, Xia Fei stood in a cave overflowing with spirituality. Above him was milky white stone, and the walls around him were all smooth as a mirror, as if they had been chiseled out. There was nothing else besides these.

Xia Fei exhaled. He knew that this cave had originally been extremely cramped, but someone had unleashed an immense power to widen this cave to several hundred times its original size!

Perhaps it was the energy storm released when one was promoted, or perhaps it was the work of some mystical armament. Xia Fei did not know; what he did know was that only a super-expert was capable of turning an ordinary natural tunnel into this!

These smooth walls looked like they had been worked by a scalpel, cut open with a single slice!

When it came to spirits, Xia Fei felt this way because he had sensed abnormal pulses in this cave. Though he did not know what it was, Xia Fei felt like they were similar to soul ripples, akin to the immortal souls of Radix and Phantom.


Radix had said nothing this entire time, his hands holding his head. Suddenly, he began to shudder, seemingly in great pain!

“What’s wrong?” Xia Fei hastily asked.

“Memories!” Radix grunted. “My memories are starting to get mixed up! This place feels extremely familiar to me!”

Xia Fei was startled and nervously watched Radix. This place was not too far from the Eye of the Cosmos, and the Eye of the Cosmos and the Ark were closely linked. Perhaps this cave, which had been hollowed out, was also connected!

The Edusa Clan, the Great Hall.

Law God Mirata’s proud form paced back and forth as he pondered some questions. Next to him was the overseer of the clan’s demon chrysalis group, Ipha.

“You’re saying that the golden demon chrysalis may be the legendary king of kings, the supermutant of demon chrysalises, the Supreme Golden Buddha?!” Mirata sternly asked.

Ipha nodded, his expression excited. “I don’t dare to be certain, but what else could a powerful golden demon chrysalis be except the Supreme Golden Buddha?

“Our Demon Race has been raising demon chrysalises ever since we first discovered them, but in all those countless years, a golden demon chrysalis has only appeared once. It’s called the Supreme Golden Buddha, a demon chrysalis even more powerful than the Ten Thousand Buddha Radiance, the king of chrysalis kings!

“Alas, that legendary Supreme Golden Buddha died after only one week, but in that week, it singlehandedly defeated two Ten Thousand Buddha Radiances! Its combat prowess was simply unparalleled!

“If that strange golden demon chrysalis is really the Supreme Golden Buddha, and if we get our hands on it…”

Ipha’s eyes flashed as he intentionally paused.

Mirata was astonished as he picked up where Ipha had left off. “If we can get the Supreme Golden Buddha, not only can we recover our losses from the death of the Ten Thousand Buddha Radiance, we may even be able to push into the first class of Demon Race clans at last, becoming on par with the Lionhearts and Skyfalcons!”

Mirata was very agitated. The Edusas were not a true first-class clan. Their clan was able to be in the first class because the Edusas, Kerrys, and Darkpearls were incredibly close; only when these three clans combined their strength could they barely squeeze into the first class. As for Oro’s Lionheart Clan, it was truly topnotch! Moreover, though it was only a single species, it was bigger than the Edusas, Kerrys, and Darkpearls all together!

It was precisely because the Edusas knew that they were not a real first-class clan that they had always been working hard to try and enter that higher circle rather than barely squeezing their way into the Palace of Demons by working with the other two clans.

Law God Mirata suddenly began to laugh. “Assemble the clan’s guards! I want to take a personal look at this bizarre golden demon chrysalis you speak of!”

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