Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 951 - Snake Queen Wenia

Chapter 951: Snake Queen Wenia

Xia Fei was located at the residence of the Dark lifeforms’ princess, Wenia. The Dark lifeforms supposedly used a power similar to the Law of Darkness, but there were faint spatial ripples here, as if someone had used Law of Space force not too long ago.

Xia Fei’s primary law was Space, so he was ver familiar with the pulses created when the Law of Space was used on a large scale. In normal circumstances, depending on the cultivator, law force pulses could last for one minute to half an hour. The pulses here were faint; Xia Fei estimated that someone had used the Law of Space here about fifteen minutes ago.

Frowning, Xia Fei whispered, “Is there another warrior from the Law Realm on this planet?”

Radix commented, “It’s possible. Don’t forget that the Demon Race’s Law God was hiding himself on a path you must go through to reach the Dark lifeform territory. I suspect that the Law Realm also has other clans nearby who are searching for Immemorial Mystical Armaments.”

Xia Fei nodded. Radix’s explanation made a lot of sense. Everyone knew that the Cosmic Gate was unstable, and while the Guardian faction protecting it consisted of fierce men, there was no telling what was outside the Cosmic Gate. Without the support of other factions, the Guardians may not have the ability to seal the gate.

Many major clans knew of the lethality the Immemorial Mystical Armaments possessed against the Inverse and Dark lifeforms. It was very normal for other clans to have sent people here so that they could try obtaining the Immemorial Mystical Armaments.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Fei sternly said, “Whoever they are, anyone who dares to fight with me over Immemorial Mystical Armaments is my enemy!”

Right after he said this, Xia Fei jumped over the wall like a ghost and entered the white castle.

He flicked his wrist and thrust his palm into the air so gently that not even Radix noticed, but why had he done such a thing?


In a flash, Xia Fei spotted a gray figure charging straight at him. With no time to think, he sent out Nirvana, which cut a vicious arc through the air and cleaved that gray figure in two.

Xia Fei squatted next to the corpse and saw that it was a python of over ten meters long. It eyes were black and it had four poisonous fangs, two on each jaw. This unfortunate fellow had been killed and devoured by the fiendish blade before it could even make a noise.

“Turns out that the smaller a monster in the Dark lifeform territory, the higher its rank,” Xia Fei whispered as he waved his hand, instantly turning the shriveled up corpse into dust.

“Why do you say that?” Radix curiously asked. “That snake was only a dozen or so meters, so how could it compare to those massive planet-sized creatures? They simply aren’t on the same level.”

Xia Fei shook his head and pointed at his head with his finger. “Energy can’t lie. That unremarkable snake had much more energy than those larger monsters.”

Radix was startled. Nirvana absorbed the energy of its foes, so Xia Fei could accurately determine an enemy’s rank based on the energy it absorbed.

After a brief pause, Xia Fei continued. “We got lucky. The snake was asleep, so its reaction was rather slow, and Nirvana struck so quickly that the snake didn’t have a chance to strike back. Otherwise, something of its rank would be able to cause quite a lot of trouble.”

Radix nodded. “No wonder Wensar mentioned that Princess Wenia is also called the Snake Queen. Turns out that this Dark lifeform princess has a hobby of raising venomous snakes. We’ll have to be careful.”

Xia Fei said nothing, continuing along on the route he had planned through Wenia’s castle.

As the daughter of Dark King Wendar, Wenia had a very high status. Wensar only ever had the opportunity to visit this place on Wenia’s birthday, so he had not been familiar with the layout of the castle. In fact, he had only been able to conjecture as to where the treasury for the important items were stored, for the passage leading to the castle’s dungeon was guarded the most heavily and was the most suspicious.

If Xia Fei had search specialist Xia Geng at his side, it would be much easier to search for Immemorial Mystical Armaments, but Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng said that Xia Geng had another mission and had not let him follow Xia Fei. Xia Fei had no choice but to rely on his intuition.

Breath Control, Crafty Approach, and his speed served as Xia Fei’s greatest defensive measures. He soon reached the entrance to the castle’s underground dungeon.

Several dozen guards stood inside and outside of the entrance. This place was clearly much more heavily guarded than the outside.


Xia Fei shot up to the ceiling, becoming like a spider as he used the spikes on his armor to advance steadily.


Everything went smoothly, and Xia Fei managed to avoid the guards and get into the castle’s dungeon, where he lightly dropped to the ground.

The path ended here; he was confronted by three identical doors leading in three different directions.

“The three doors are identical. Which one should we open?” Radix wondered.

Xia Fei remained extremely calm, his eyes radiating an irresistible chill. Radix suddenly realized that Xia Fei was silently gathering the power of the Law of Primal Chaos in his left hand!

“Don’t act recklessly! It would be terrible if we set off the alarms!” Radix hastily said.

However, Radix was too late; he could only watch as Xia Fei crazily punched, his fist infused with the Law of Primal Chaos!

Xia Fei did not attack any of the doors. Instead, he attacked the mirror-like wall!


The quiet dungeon underwent a heaven-shaking transformation!

Their surroundings disappeared, and it felt as if they had entered a dazzling and dizzying maze!

“An illusion! Someone laid down the Law of Illusion here! We must get out!” Radix urgently called.

Yes, this castle, and perhaps even the entire planet, was the work of an illusion! There had never been a castle. All there had been was a sealed cage!

This illusory world had been extremely realistic, but Xia Fei had punched at a node of the illusion, causing this intricately constructed world to collapse!

The snow and forest disappeared, and the castle became a ruin.

All he could see were dark hills and loud hissing. Xia Fei knew that these were venomous snakes communicating with one another, and these ruins concealed countless snakes!


A figure stood in the ruins. It was a woman, and her figure tottered as she spat out blood. She had clearly been injured by Xia Fei’s Law of Primal Chaos. At the same time, another dark figure stood in front of the woman. His face was ashen. While he did not vomit blood, he clearly was not lightly wounded.

“What a sinister guy! You knew the whole time that this was an illusion, but you still snuck your way in so that you could reach the illusion’s node and shatter it!” the woman pointed at Xia Fei and said.

She used the common language of the Law Realm, which was of little surprise to Xia Fei. This was because Wensar had already proven that the Dark lifeforms were in touch with the Law Realm, and all of its influential figures could speak the common language.

This woman had a beautiful face, but her lower half was that of a snake, like a legendary snake woman. Moreover, her eyes were closed as if she was blind!

Xia Fei tilted his head and said, “Woman, I didn’t venture into this trap for you but for that guy next to you!”

The snake woman scowled and cried, “Call me ‘Princess Wenia’!”

Xia Fei smiled and turned to the person next to Wenia, completely ignoring her. This had Wenia almost crazy with rage. No one among the Dark lifeforms had ever treated her like this.

“You’re part of the Law Realm, so why did you try to ambush me here? You must be with that guy from the other day, right? Why not call him out? I still have a debt to settle with him,” Xia Fei coldly said.

The man was startled, and then his face turned savage. “You annoying troublemaker! Gaben was clearly imprisoned by you, yet you still wanted to quibble! Truly despicable! Utterly disgusting!”

Xia Fei shook his head. He did not know that Gaben had been imprisoned by the three Superior Law Gods of his clan, but this was not important, for Xia Fei had never believed the words of his enemies!

“No one is allowed to ambush me repeatedly. Whether it’s you or that Gaben fellow, you had all better be prepared to leave your lives behind!”


Xia Fei charged out at four million meters per second!

He was inwardly rather frustrated, for he realized that the situation was more complicated than he originally thought. Part of the Law Realm seemed to be in cahoots with the Dark lifeforms, and for some reason, these people were always able to find and ambush him!

Xia Fei had never imagined a situation like this before, but he needed to find a solution for it! If he could not solve this strange phenomenon of his enemies always being able to find him, he would never be able to find any Immemorial Mystical Armaments!

Xia Fei charged straight ahead, Nirvana in his hand!

Wenia, who was skilled in Darkness illusions, had been injured by the Law of Primal Chaos, so her fighting power had been more than halved. As long as Xia Fei dealt with this Law Realm expert first, victory would be a sure thing.

Xia Fei had already calculated everything!

Warriors that used illusions must put all their power into the illusion, and once it was broken, they would be injured. Moon Song was a Law of Illusion warrior, so Xia Fei understood its weaknesses. This was why he had dared to venture into it and heavily injure Princess Wenia!


The cross-shaped Nirvana became like a fire wheel as it rushed forward; Furball and Peacock Blue also joined the fray!

“Another Law God?!” exclaimed Radix in surprise. “Just who did you anger? Why are there so many Law Gods after your life?”

“You’re asking me, but who am I going to ask?!” Xia Fei roared as he continued his offensive. He had only one objective right now: capture this Law God and interrogate him. No matter what, he could not let this extremely disadvantageous situation continue!

This warrior from the Law Realm was another Law God, who was just as strong as that Gaben from yesterday.

Even stranger was that, while Gaben was from the Demon Race, this guy was from the God Race!

This was absurd. It was as if the two peak races had come to a tacit understanding to work together into taking Xia Fei’s life! Even though Xia Fei had been getting somewhat famous in the circle, was it really so bad that he must be hunted down by both the peak races?

Moreover, these guys were always able to be one step ahead, laying traps after traps for him, which made the situation even more bizarre!


Xia Fei and that Law God were fighting evenly when the situation suddenly changed! Countless snakes had seemingly received an order.. Raising their heads, they flicked out their pink tongues and turned their insidious eyes on Xia Fei!

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