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Chapter 977 - Raid on Redbrow Sword Mountain

Chapter 977: Raid on Redbrow Sword Mountain

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The sudden arrival of the Gods of Black and White drew the looks of Xia Xiang and the others.

Xia Fei waved his hand and said, “Hua Hei, Hua Bai. Today, the two of them will be working with us. Everyone should try to accommodate them.”

Hua Hei and Hua Bai had rather resounding reputations within the circle. The father of the brothers even had some significant relationship to the Skywings. Thus, once everyone was introduced, they were not strangers with each other anymore. All of them stared at Xia Fei as they waited to hear what he planned to do next.

Xia Fei looked at Xia Ke and said sternly, “It’s fine if all of us go. You stay behind and protect Fiendish Wing Villa. Once we save the grand ancestor, all the Skywings will probably have to withdraw from the Law Realm. After all, I don’t know who we may run into and who should kill!”

Xia Ke was startled, but he nodded and said, “I understand what you mean. You can be at ease. The Skywing Clan already has a withdrawal plan; I’ll give you the location in a little while. I can handle the clan’s affairs. If you can save the grand ancestor, you’ll have done a great service!”

Turning his head, Xia Fei told Xia Xiang and the others, “Let’s not delay and immediately set out!”

“To where?” asked Xia Jing.

Redbrow Sword Mountain!” Xia Fei raised an eyebrow and declared.

“Redbrow Sword Mountain?!” was everyone’s stunned reaction. Hua Hei shook his head and asked, “Your grand ancestor was captured and taken to Redbrow Sword Mountain? Is this intel reliable?”

“It should be. Old Man Sigh told me that personally. I reckon that he wouldn’t take such an enormous risk just to convey a false message.”

Hua Hei nodded. “We, brothers, are very familiar with Sigh. He is considered a very loyal senior in the circle and also has a good relationship with your grand ancestor. He’s a character that we can trust.

“Still, Redbrow Sword Mountain isn’t a simple place. That’s a special training base, a legendary and unfathomable place, for the Palace of Gods experts.”

“Oh? How’s it unfathomable?” Xia Fei asked.

“Rumors are that the Thirteen Founders select Law Gods from the Palace of Gods every now and then to be their direct subordinates and send them to Redbrow Sword Mountain for additional training. The exact details of their training are a complete mystery, but all the participants experience massive boosts in power after undergoing such.

“In my opinion, this so-called training is just a smokescreen. The true goal of those old undyings is to see if these experts can become loyal subordinates who will offer up their lives for them. In short, Redbrow Sword Mountain isn’t an ordinary place. Putting aside the numerous experts, we may even run into the Thirteen Founders themselves,” Hua Hei stroked his chin and said.

At this time, Xia Ke commented, “Our Skywing Clan has also investigated Redbrow Sword Mountain before. The reports mostly say the same thing as yours, but from what we know, the Thirteen Founders aren’t actually involved with Redbrow Sword Mountain; rather, it’s Fig Corporation. The people from that company control this mysterious base, though it’s impossible to get the specifics.”

“Fig?! It’s Fig Corporation that controls Redbrow Sword Mountain? That’s absurd! I know that many experts in the circle will head there at set intervals… Turns out that they’re working for Fig Corporation?!” exclaimed Hua Hei in shock.

Hua Bai also felt amazed, asking, “Fig is recruiting so many Law Gods and has also put your grand ancestor Xia Gucheng under confinement? Why are they doing all this?”

The matter had become confusing. The grand ancestor’s confinement was now linked to Fig Corporation, which they simply could not fathom.

“The one in charge of Redbrow Sword Mountain is Fei Quan! The boss behind Fig, a Peak Law God!” reported Xia Ke.

Everyone was stunned. There were far too many legends circulating through the Law Realm about Fei Quan. That he could raise the number-one technology group Fig by his own hand was enough to prove his business acumen, and his status as a Peak Law God proved that he was extremely powerful, too.

Xia Fei sternly said, “No wonder Old Man Sigh had told me to call all the strongest people I could. It’s because we will have to face Fei Quan, the Peak Law God who managed to fight to a draw with the grand ancestor all those years back!”

The Skywing Clan had a heaven-defying advantage in speed, and Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng, in particular, could move at the speed of light! He was utterly unstoppable, cutting down all opposition in his path!

Fei Quan, who was able to fight to a draw with Xia Gucheng, would be an unprecedentedly strong foe! Moreover, since he could imprison the grand ancestor at Redbrow Sword Mountain, he presumably had a back-up plan. Xia Fei and the White Flamingo Squad were bound to be facing a difficult trial!

“Even if it’s Fei Quan, I’ll still send him to his gravce! Let’s not waste time and go already. If you have anything else to say, we can talk about it on the way over.” Turning his head, Xia Fei said to Xia Ke, “As for the clan, I entrust it to you!”

Xia Ke nodded. “You can relax with me here, but please, everyone, you must bring back the grand ancestor! Our Skywing Clan can’t be without him!”

Xia Ke’s solemn request tugged at everyone’s heartstrings.

The Gods of Black and White saluted and firmly said, “The grand ancestor saved our father’s life, showing great kindness to our Hua Clan! We have no objections! We, brothers, will risk our lives on this mission!”

Xia Jing said, “We have seven Law Gods on our end, with three of them being Superior Law Gods! With search specialist Xia Geng and the monster Xia Fei, this sort of party should be capable of knocking down a Peak Law God!”

Xia Fei called over Xia Ke and whispered a few words to him.

Xia Ke was startled, and then his eyes flashed with killing intent.

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh!*

Several white beams of light flashed over, and a squad of nine people appeared next to a strange planet. In the distance was a snow-capped mountain; a band of red clouds gathered around its midline, creating a rather bizarre sight.

“This is Redbrow Sword Mountain. The red clouds remain throughout the year and seem like eyebrows, while the mountain itself is extremely precipitous and thrusts straight into the clouds like a heaven-piercing sword. This is where Redbrow Sword Mountain gets its name,” Hua Hei pointed and said.

Hua Bai added, “The entrance should be enclosed by the red clouds. I heard this from someone else, and the reliability of this information is more than 90%.”

Xia Fei nodded as his mind began to work.

“First, we should split into smaller teams. The White Flamingo communication device can penetrate through any type of interference, so once we split up, we will rely on this device to keep in touch. We only have six White Flamingos at hand, so we can’t give one to everyone. As such, we will need to split up for this operation,” Xia Fei suggested solemnly.

Everyone agreed with his plan. Once they were on Redbrow Sword Mountain, they would be in a dragon’s den. It was very important that everyone kept in touch and cooperated with one another.

“Hua Hei, Hua Bai, you two are responsible for protecting Xia Geng, our eyes. He’s a search specialist and a warning device. Any harm that comes to him will be a major blow to the team. In addition, you’re responsible for holding the rear; the backs of the squad will for you to protect!” ordered Xia Fei.

Hua Hei was startled, saying unhappily, “The rear is important, but we brothers can do more. Let’s just have Hua Bai remain as the rearguard, while I charge ahead with you!”

Xia Fei waved his hand. “Hua Bai is naturally good enough to hold the rear, but all of us are high speed warriors. You may be unable to keep up with our tempo.”

Hua Hei’s face turned red as he fell silent.

The Skywing Clan had inherited the Law of Speed. Though Hua Hei was a Superior Law God, he found it very hard to keep up with Xia Fei and the others’ movements. If things went poorly, the Skywings might even have to divide their attention to look after Hua Hei. Xia Fei’s plan not only accounted for tactical necessity but also for the attributes of each person.

“Xia Helin, Xia Jing, Xia Hong, the three of you are in the second team. You’re responsible for holding the center. If the vanguard encounters difficulty, you must give them support, and if the rearguard is in trouble, you have to go and help them out. It’s a very important role,” said Xia Fei.

After Xia Helin and the others nodded, he continued speaking. “Lastly, the vanguard will be you two, Xia Xiang and Xia Ya. You’re both the fastest out of everyone, so you’ll have to take on the duty of charging into the enemy ranks!

“Of all the martial arts out there, only speed is invincible! Today, we’re gonna display its might to the maximum! No matter who we encounter, the vanguard will kill them! If the vanguard can’t kill someone, ask the support team for help! If you still can’t kill them, have the rearguard join you! Leave no one alive! Kill everyone you can! If there’s nothing to kill, steal everything; if there’s nothing to steal, destroy everything!”

Kill, steal, destroy! Xia Fei’s plan was the Three Alls Policy! It was to destroy utterly Redbrow Sword Mountain, the life’s work of Peak Law God Fei Quan!

After pausing, Xia Fie clenched his teeth and said, “The Skywings will fight to the end with those who dared to confine our grand ancestor! Our blades will show no mercy! Not only will we save our grand ancestor, after today, Redbrow Sword Mountain will cease to exist from this side of the universe!”

The Gods of Black and White got very confused, asking, “Everyone has their respective mission, so what will you yourself be doing?”

Xia Fei eerily smiled as he whispered, “I’m the Skywing Clan’s lone wolf, so I’ll naturally be supporting all of you.”

“Just you?! That’s too dangerous!”

“Relax. I’ve never worked alone!” reassured Xia Fei with a cold laugh.

Everyone instantly understood. Xia Fei had countless cards; Furball and Peacock Blue were both powerful allies to him. If it was really no good, Xia Fei could even summon Little Goldie from out of Dark Space!

Xia Fei’s plan was not complicated. It was all about speed!

They would take Redbrow Sword Mountain before anyone could react!


Xia Xiang and Xia Ya led the way, their speed-per-second exceeding twenty million! They were like comets!

“Look! That’s the entrance!” Xia Ya pointed at a flashing alloy gate under the red clouds.

“Destroy it!”


Xia Ya and Xia Xiang used their fastest speed to blast straight through the doors! Behind them were the support team and rear guard!


“Kill them all!”

Weapons flashed so quickly that they seemed like illusions!

The Skywings killed faster than they moved!

Wherever they went, bodies covered the ground and blood flowed like river!

This powerful team swept through the unprepared Redbrow Sword Mountain as if no one was there, easily slaughtering all opposition, stealing everything of value and destroying what was left! Xia Fei’s Three Alls Policy was executed to the extreme! In the blink of an eye, they had ransacked their way through all of Redbrow Sword Mountain! All of the secret mechanisms within the mountain were laid bare!

As Xia Xiang and the others were slaughtering their way through the mountain, Xia Fei stood in a secret chamber, staring at a familiar symbol on the wall.

“Fig! Redbrow Sword Mountain really is a secret organization under Fig Corporation! In other words, the ones who want to harm your grand ancestor is really Fig!” Radix told Xia Fei.

With his eyes turning vicious, Xia Fei raised the White Flamingo and got in contact with Xia Ke in the distant Fiendish Wing City.

“It’s confirmed.. It’s Fig Corporation! Do it!” said Xia Fei grimly.

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