Sweet Love 1V1: Spoiled by The Executive

Chapter 562 - Your Great Grandson Is Hungry

Chapter 562: Your Great Grandson Is Hungry

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At breakfast, Ling Tianya had her head down almost the entire time, listening to Madame Ruan lecturing her and Ruan Zeyan.

“You two are going to be parents soon. Why is it so difficult for you to stay apart? When you see each other, why do you have to push her to the wall? What if a big man like you were not careful and ended up hurting Ling girl?

“And you Ling girl, don’t you know how to resist him? Whatever he wants to do, you let him? Why don’t you have any conscientiousness, like a mother should?”

Ling Tianya’s face looked like a cooked crab — it couldn’t get any redder. She held a bowl of porridge in her hand, eating it without lifting her head.

At the same table, Ruan Qishan and Wang Yazhi felt somewhat awkward. They kept eating without interjecting.

Ruan Zeyan and Ling Tianya were newlyweds who got married less than three months ago. They had not enjoyed much time as a couple before the baby got here in a hurry. If you put yourself in their shoes, you’d understand that this situation was tough for them.

On top of that, they were now being forcibly separated by the old lady, so it was understandable that the young couple would miss each other.

Facing the reprimand from the old lady, Ruan Zeyan’s expression didn’t change from the beginning to the end of breakfast. He saw that Ling Tianya was really embarrassed, so he shielded her with his body. And when he noticed that she was eating plain porridge, he put half of an egg in her bowl. These were foods that didn’t repulse Ling Tianya.

After she talked for a long time, Ruan Zeyan still seemed calm and self-assured, which made Madame Runa sigh helplessly.

“Mom, you have been talking for a while now. Are you not hungry?” Wang Yazhi finally couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m full of anger.” Madame Ruan stared at Ruan Zeyan. This mischievous guy, his skin is as thick as a stone wall.

“You are full, but your great grandson is hungry. If you go on and on, Yaya can’t eat comfortably.”

Madame Ruan just noticed that Ling Tianya was so embarrassed that she was holding a bowl and eating only porridge and a half egg.

Madame Ruan slapped Ruan Zeyan’s shoulder. “Look at you, why did you only give your wife only half of an egg! She is eating for two now, don’t starve her!”

Getting hit by his grandmother, Ruan Zeyan was not mad. He said casually, “Eggs are hard to digest, so it’s not good to eat too many.”

In order to cope with Ling Tianya’s pregnancy reaction, the family’s meals had been made according to her appetite. Anything that Ling Tianya couldn’t eat or didn’t want to eat would not appear on the dining table.

After the poisoning incident, Ruan Zeyan conducted a thorough screening of all the servants in the mansion. Anyone who looked suspicious was kicked out, and all new recruits were carefully investigated and confirmed that their backgrounds were clean before they were allowed in the mansion.

Ling Tianya’s pregnant made the whole family super vigilant. Wherever Ling Tianya went, there would be someone by her side.

The fact that Madame Ling had come to meet with Ling Tianya didn’t escape Ling Tao’s attention. After Ling Tao found out, he was very angry and it was not long before he sent Madame Ling to the countryside.

However, this move was still taken advantage of by people with an agenda. Suddenly, there was a rumor about Ling Tianya disrespecting the elders. It was said that after marrying into the Ruan Family, she turned on her own family and forced his father to send her grandmother to the countryside, not caring for her.

Some curious people even went to the countryside and wanted to interview Madame Ling. But Ling Tao had made preparations in advance and told everyone in the old family home to forbid any visitors from the outside and refuse any interviews.

When they couldn’t find Madame Ling, they ended up interviewing some other individuals around the village and got some information.

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