Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

Chapter 442 Snow Claw’s Release

Chapter 442 Snow Claw’s Release

While levels 1 and 2 were in complete chaos, the situation on level 3 was terrible, though not as bad as the two floors above.

None of Vicente’s magnetic cores had worked directly on this area. However, given its proximity to where he had acted, this place had suffered, with much of the metal structure of doors and cells damaged.

Although not all of the cells on this level had been opened, several had been damaged enough to allow some of the inmates to escape!

Several men had done so and were now fighting either each other or the guards, acting like mad dogs let loose for the first time in a long time.

They had no idea what was happening, but they were playing their part in Vicente’s plans for this prison.

“Hahaha, you bastard! Let me see you laugh at me now!” One inmate maliciously said as he attacked a soldier along with 30 other men.

The soldier did his best to fend off the many opponents who tried to attack him with sticks and stones, things that had been damaged by the tremors a few moments ago and were now being used as weapons by the inmates.

Meanwhile, he was all alone, surrounded by the only two ways he could try to escape.

‘Damned inmates!’ The man thought to himself as he surveyed his surroundings, noticing that more and more bandits were leaving their cells as time went on.

Meanwhile, the soldiers outside the cell corridor seemed to be hiding, not coming out to help him even a minute after this riot started.

‘It looks like something big is going on… I’m on my own!’

Meanwhile, in the command area on the 3rd floor of the prison cell area, the soldiers there were receiving orders from the command.

“Close all the hatches! Don’t fight the prisoners. Let’s close all the floors and solve one problem at a time! There are infiltrators in the prison, so be careful!” A soldier announced this message, which was being communicated to the rest of the prison.

The focus of the prison at the moment was mainly on levels 1 and 2, but also on the maximum security area. It had all started on those two levels, and considering how daring it was to break into a prison, the infiltrators’ target had to be some high-security inmate. That way, they wouldn’t waste time on the ‘smaller fishes.’

It was a good plan, but it wouldn’t necessarily be easy to put into practice!

“That’s impossible!” The man in charge of this level 3 observation post said. “If we do nothing, at least half of the prisoners on my floor will kill themselves. Also, several of our men are in the cell area. They will suffer, and some will die if we do nothing!”

“Unfortunately, we can’t help them right now.” The voice on the post’s communicator said coldly. “Our priority is to prevent escapes and punish traitors or infiltrators.”


“That’s an order, Commander Tyler. Seal the hatches and follow protocol.”

“I understand.” The man in charge of level 3 said in a defeated tone.

Meanwhile, the High-level Mages of this prison moved into the maximum security wing, ignoring what was happening on levels 1, 2, and 3.

The warden was at the head of the group, running up the stairs to reach the last level of the Long Bay Correctional Facility.

“What’s the situation around the prison?” He asked his men as he walked. 𝒍𝒊𝒃𝓻𝒆𝓪𝙙.𝒄𝙤𝒎

“Not good. Levels 1 and 2 are in shambles. We can’t communicate with the observation posts in those areas, which means the riot on those two levels will most likely spread to other areas of the prison.”

They planned to block the exits from each prison level, concentrating only on the most important ones. But without soldiers to trigger the hatches on levels 1 and 2, inmates from those levels were already spreading to the rest of the prison.

“Shit!” One of the High-level Mages said angrily.

“What are we going to do? As much as these inmates aren’t that worrying, that could quickly change. All it takes is for one of them to gain access to magical resources and special areas of the prison, and the current rebellion could reach levels 4, 5, and 6.”

“I want two of you to handle the situation on these two levels. Lead our men to contain the rebellion and prevent more problems from these prisoners.” The group leader said.

The group of 12 High-level Mages was reduced to 10, with those two going to levels 1 and 2.

The group leader asked. “What about the situation in the other prison levels? Any strange signs?”

“Nothing for the moment. They’re going into lockdown on our orders.”

“Perfect. Let’s take care of the problem before the reinforcements arrive!”

Meanwhile, Sarah had managed to arrive at Snow Claw’s cell after her shift change and was now face-to-face with Vicente’s target.

Snow Claw stood before Sarah and looked at the woman with interest, having already noticed something was wrong at Long Bay Correctional Facility.

“Are you here to deal with me?” He asked her, seeing the nervousness of this woman dressed as a soldier.

Sarah looked at the watch on one wrist while nervously tapping one of her feet on the floor. It had been three minutes since the riot began. But she still hadn’t moved, waiting for the moment Vicente had indicated earlier.

‘He’ll be here any minute… I don’t think I should wait any longer.’

She looked at Snow Claw and said. “My group and I are here to rescue you. I hope you’ll cooperate. The prison must be in chaos right now, but the strongest soldiers here surely will come to prevent our escape.”

Snow Claw’s eyes took on a new sparkle at Sarah’s words while his heart began to beat faster.

“Who are you?” He asked with a smile.

“I am no one. I just follow orders. The person behind your rescue is named Cesar Mazzanti.” She said, shying away from the responsibility.

As much fun as she had with Vicente, she wouldn’t take responsibility in his place just for the hell of it!

Snow Claw liked the name he heard because he had never heard of such a person before. If it had been a well-known name, he would have doubted what those people were after, but since it wasn’t, he felt things might turn out better for everyone.

“Very well, Miss. Do your job. I’ll clear the way for our escape when I’m free.” He confidently said as he took a few steps back into his cell.

Sarah did not hesitate any longer. She put away her watch and finally summoned the magnetic core in her spatial ring!

Now, it was all or nothing!

As soon as she summoned the magnetic core, Snow Claw saw the mass of glowing mana distort the metal bars of his cell while the entire concrete structure of the area shook.

As had happened in the other holding levels of this prison, more cells were damaged, releasing more than one target!

Updated from 𝓁𝑖𝘣𝘳ℯ𝘢𝘥.𝒸ℴ𝑚

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