Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

Chapter 858 The Powers of the Guardian Dragon

Chapter 858 The Powers of the Guardian Dragon?

With the favorable conditions offered by the dragon, Vicente and the others accepted the challenge and get into position for battle.”,

The dragon used an hourglass the size of a house to mark the time, tossing it into the air before signaling the start of the battle.

“Prepare, here I come.” He said as a smile formed on his large mouth, showing his large, sharp teeth.

Vicente and Victor already had all their pentagrams out, while Elmo manipulated the surrounding nature to defend himself and escape the dragon’s attacks.

A challenge in which one had to withstand the pressure or attacks of a stronger opponent basically depended on one’s ability to hold on and stay in one’s position.

Wrapping his body in roots and foliage, Elmo prepared to defend himself while focusing on his mental resilience to withstand what was about to begin.

The dragon allowed 10 seconds to pass before moving, smiling as he watched the three prepare with everything they had, metal forming in front of Vicente, darkness protecting him and his allies.

Victor used his magical form to position himself in his defense, forming with Vicente and Elmo to split whatever came at them.

‘This human boy is very interesting. A monster in a human body, I’d say, haha,’ the dragon thought as he narrowed his eyes.

‘Let’s see if you have what it takes to carry the honor of the dragons.’

With the narrowing of his eyes, the mana in the area changed, and then suddenly, the gravity in the area changed, with even the light passing through changing under the effects of the dragon’s power.

Victor and Elmo felt their knees weaken, and they lowered their bodies as it felt like they had huge dragon claws pressing them into the ground.

Vicente also flinched at the dragon’s first move, feeling his entire body shake as he almost touched his knees to the ground.

‘Isn’t that enough? You’re really strong. I’ll give you that,’ the big dragon thought with interest and then made his second move, lifting his body and opening his mouth.

Looking up, Vicente shivered as he saw flames forming in the dragon’s mouth. Then, the creature blew at them, spewing flames and scalding steam at their bodies.

Amid this attack, the gravitational pull on their bodies tried to force them to the ground, the rocks and the ground beneath them cracking and sinking under the dragon’s power.

Elmo withstood his opponent’s flames well, maintaining his position, while Vicente ducked a little more, suffering despite all the advantages he had. However, it was Victor who suffered the most, advancing quickly and falling to his knees on the ground.

“That’s not all. Watch my next move!” The large dragon said as he attacked the air in front of him with his large front claws.

The wind blew against them, making the flames even more powerful as blades of air swooped down on the three of them.

Vicente’s metal defenses had no chance against them. Already cracked and scorched, they were easily sliced through by the claw-like blades of air.

Elmo’s roots sprang into action, trying to put up some resistance to this attack in defense of the trio. But they, too, were cut down until nothing stood in their way.


The three screamed in unison, Elmo and Victor losing their footing to the enemy as they fell to their knees on the ground, unable to withstand this attack and all the pressure beneath them.

They still tried to stop their falls, but as they lost their feet to the enemy, the pain, the split second, was enough for them to lose the confrontation against the burning flames and the pressure that threw them to the ground.

They fell, their hair or leaves burned, while their roots or bones broke under the dragon’s pressure.

Vicente held on, expressing immense pain on his face, screaming in agony with his mouth closed, his veins trembling as if they were about to explode.

His feet were cut off, but as quickly as they were cut off, they regenerated, lowering his body just a little more, but still leaving 12 centimeters between his knee and the ground.

The dragon liked what he saw. 33 seconds had passed since the start of the challenge, but Vicente was still on his feet, showing great resilience to withstand the pain and stand firm to get through the challenge.

Vicente’s physical strength and ability to regenerate were impressive, even more so considering that his cultivation was two levels below that of his companions, who had fallen beside him.

But Vicente had acted to help his companions while protecting himself until that point, showing just how capable he was in the face of today’s adversity.

‘Let’s see if you can hold out any longer! I’m very pleased so far. Don’t let me down, Vicente Fuller,’ the giant dragon thought as he used one of his special powers to form a ball of brown mana in one of his claws.

Vicente’s eyes widened as he felt the earth beneath his feet swallow him up, the ground becoming an area of quicksand; the earth, trying to crush his legs and form hands to pull his body down.

Vicente didn’t try to counter with a similar elemental attack, knowing he couldn’t defeat an Archmage of the dragon race.

He used his electromagnetic powers, forcing an electromagnetic pulse to explode, temporarily gaining some resistance against this new form of attack.

‘How many elemental affinities does this dragon have?’ Vicente asked in horror, wondering how much time had passed and how much longer he could hold out.

“This is my last move, Vicente Fuller. If you can withstand it, this victory is yours.” Said the great dragon as his surroundings froze, leaving behind an icy white mist.

The ice traveled over the ground, removing almost all the heat from the environment, while the enemy’s fiery flames became freezing flames, completely alien to Vicente, who had never seen anything like it.

If being burned by fire was bad, being burned by ice was ten times worse!

Vicente felt his heart beat faster as he endured the freezing effect of his opponent, his knee dropping another 8 centimeters to the ground.

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