The Arcadia System

Chapter 108 - Knight Order(1)

A few hours later.

Reve, Krera, and Alistar were taking a break after Reve bombarded them with lots of training. However, Reve was just laying the groundwork for them. He was not proficient in the school of enchantments so apart from the basics, he had nothing more to offer them.

Reve laid on the green grass once more as he looked at the sky once more. After teaching the two magical beasts all that he knew, he was waiting for Circe to come to get him.

Leaving the island was dangerous. There were a lot of magical beasts around and it was not like all of them knew he was the student of the Immortal Witch. 

'Damnation, could it be she has truly forgotten about me?'  Reve cursed.

Just when he was about to scream out loud, he felt a presence moving closer to him. It was the same presence as the two magical beasts he was familiar with!

Reve flipped up and prepared a spell behind him. He was waiting for the presence to come within a good range. 

"Hehe, now that you have truly advanced, you bare your fangs at your teacher," teased the voice.

She passed the bushes and revealed herself.

It was Circe, the teacher that had forgotten about him!

Reve dropped his spell and squeezed his face, "Why are you just coming now?"

"Oh, the order requested an impromptu meeting," explained Circe.

Reve took a good look at her. She looked weary, the same expression she makes when she has gone through an annoying conversation. Circe was an introvert. A strong introvert. Socializing took a lot of energy from her.

'Hmmm, it might be true. Ehh!' Reve thought.

He was just about to believe her when he spotted the footwear she had on her feet. It was a pair of bear slippers. Circe wasn't wearing that when he last saw her.

Now that he thought of it, he doubted even an impromptu meeting would go on for more than a day.


"Your slippers!" hissed Reve.

"Eh, what's wrong with it," Circe raised her brows.

By now, she had noticed her mistake, but she could only bluff it.

Reve roared, "You only wear that when you are sleeping. You liar!"

"Eh... I might have taken a few moments of sleep after the meeting," confessed Circe.

Reve cursed, "Xoris' bottom! It wasn't a few moments. It was bloody one month and a few days. One month!"

Circe tried to console him, "Alright. Alright. What's one month of solitude to an aspiring mage?"

White smokes exited Reve's nose and ear as he heard Circe's nonchalant arguments. Alas, when dealing with his teacher, he could only bow in defeat.

He forced his anger back into him and covered his grievous expression with a nice smile, "Oh, I see. Welcome back, Circe, my honorable teacher."

"Eh, where's that from?"

"It is from the bottom of my heart," smiled Reve.

He was going to annoy Circe with sweetness. His teacher didn't like sweet words. Heck, she always complained whenever someone flatters her, it feels like ants are crawling on her skin.

"Circe, my beloved teacher. I hope you were not stressed by the meeting. Do you care for a massage to soothe your sore muscles?" offered Reve.

Circe jumped on her toes and squealed, "No."

She kept looking at him with a suspicious eye. Finally, her big brain activated and she realized what Reve was doing.

She quickly adjusted herself and materialized a familiar book, mirroring the same smile on Reve's face.

Seeing this, Reve muttered his last words, "Oh, damnation--"


The book shot through the sky and brutalized Reve. 

Meanwhile, the two magical beasts hid behind a tree as they spied on the affair of the pair of student and teacher.

Krera said, "Do you think he needs our help?"

Alistar looked at Reve as he kept being beaten by the book, he froze when he thought about being at the opposite end of the divine book attack.

"I-I think he can handle it," coughed Alistar.

"Hmmm, you think so?...But he is screaming."

"They are screams of victory."

"He is also crying...?"

"Tears of joy."

"Hmmm…...If you say so," muttered Krera.

She suddenly felt conscious about something, "We are perfectly hidden, right? They can't see us, right?"

"Of course!" exclaimed Alistar.

The two magical beasts had no idea that a mere tree wasn't enough to hide their figure, especially Krera that could easily tower one without even trying......…


After Circe was done teaching Reve a lesson, the latter rolled back to Circe. The red bumps on his skin shined brightly as he listened to what Circe had to say to him.

"There is an important update in the situation," explained Circe.

Reve eyed her, "What situation?"

"That situation."

A sigh escaped Reve's lips as he realized what exactly this situation was. The last and only time he was at a Gehenna meeting, they concentrated on one major topic he had no idea about; the shards of Sheol!

In his opinion, since Circe never told him about the shards, he had no reason to care for them. He was probably better off not knowing them.

Yet, why was Circe telling him about it now.....

Circe revealed, "The rumors are intensifying. The exact locations of five shards have been revealed. Two on the Xoris Continent. One on the new continent. And one final one on Kya. Unlike before, their locations are more defined."


"One of them in Xoris is said to be in a human kingdom," said Circe.

Reve was exasperated, "What are you getting at Circe?"

"Patience....In the era of sins, towards the conclusion of this glorious time period, the world administrator intervened finally. She made the peak existence vow to never fight on the soil of Arcadia. That includes me and a few of the Gehenna members. If we venture into the human kingdom ourselves, there's no way things would go smoothly even if we hide."

"Why so? You can just hide your aura," wondered Reve.

"That is because of the Knights Order!"

[A/N: Don't forget to vote!]

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